Unverified Commit fd213932 authored by Paul Wolneykien's avatar Paul Wolneykien Committed by GitHub

Added `WithScoreLedger` Bitswap option (#430)

* Separate decision engine ledger on two parts: score and the wantlist

This is the first step to make external decision logic (tagging
peers with score values) possible.

The wantlist still resides in the original `ledger` struct while
sent/received byte accounting and scores are extracted to the new
`scoreledger` struct managed by the original `scoreWorker()` logic.
The accounting is integrated into the `Engine` via `ScoreLedger`
interface making it possible to replace the original `scoreWorker()`
with some other logic. The interface, however, doesn't allow a
score logic to directly touch peer tags: the logic may decide about
score values while tagging itself is still under control of Engine.

Note: with this commit it's yet not possible to replace the original
score logic because there is no public methods for that.

* Added "WithScoreLedger" Bitswap option

New `WithScoreLedger(decision.ScoreLedger)` option in the `bitswap`
package is the way to connect a custom `ScoreLedger` implementation
to the decision engine. The `Engine` now has the corresponding
`UseScoreLedger(ScoreLedger)` method.

The `ScoreLedger` and `ScorePeerFunc` types are exposed from the
internal `decision` package to the public one.

Because its options are processed by the `Bitswap` after construction
of its parts but before starting of the engine, the default
`scoreLedger` initialization is moved from `newEngine()` to

New `TestWithScoreLedger` test is added. The test checks for start and
stop of the testing score ledger implementation that is specified via
`WithScoreLedger` option.

* Combine score ledger start with initialization of the score function

Having a separate `Init(ScoreFunc)` method seems redundant (thx
@dirkmc for pointing about that). As a bonus, the two-step ledger
starting process is now enclosed in the `startScoreLedger()` function.

* Let's call Stop() to stop a ScoreLedger

The `Close()` method was there to stop the ledger. Let call it
`Stop()` now.

* Get return of the blank Receipt out of conditional block

Explicitly form it as the final resort.
Co-authored-by: default avatarPaul Wolneykien <manowar@altlinux.org>
parent 72d351cb
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import (
delay "github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs-delay"
deciface "github.com/ipfs/go-bitswap/decision"
bsbpm "github.com/ipfs/go-bitswap/internal/blockpresencemanager"
decision "github.com/ipfs/go-bitswap/internal/decision"
bsgetter "github.com/ipfs/go-bitswap/internal/getter"
......@@ -95,6 +96,13 @@ func SetSendDontHaves(send bool) Option {
// Configures the engine to use the given score decision logic.
func WithScoreLedger(scoreLedger deciface.ScoreLedger) Option {
return func(bs *Bitswap) {
// New initializes a BitSwap instance that communicates over the provided
// BitSwapNetwork. This function registers the returned instance as the network
// delegate. Runs until context is cancelled or bitswap.Close is called.
......@@ -9,11 +9,12 @@ import (
bitswap "github.com/ipfs/go-bitswap"
deciface "github.com/ipfs/go-bitswap/decision"
decision "github.com/ipfs/go-bitswap/internal/decision"
bssession "github.com/ipfs/go-bitswap/internal/session"
testinstance "github.com/ipfs/go-bitswap/testinstance"
tn "github.com/ipfs/go-bitswap/testnet"
blocks "github.com/ipfs/go-block-format"
cid "github.com/ipfs/go-cid"
detectrace "github.com/ipfs/go-detect-race"
......@@ -803,3 +804,59 @@ func TestBitswapLedgerTwoWay(t *testing.T) {
type testingScoreLedger struct {
scorePeer deciface.ScorePeerFunc
started chan struct{}
closed chan struct{}
func newTestingScoreLedger() *testingScoreLedger {
return &testingScoreLedger{
make(chan struct{}),
make(chan struct{}),
func (tsl *testingScoreLedger) GetReceipt(p peer.ID) *deciface.Receipt {
return nil
func (tsl *testingScoreLedger) AddToSentBytes(p peer.ID, n int) {}
func (tsl *testingScoreLedger) AddToReceivedBytes(p peer.ID, n int) {}
func (tsl *testingScoreLedger) PeerConnected(p peer.ID) {}
func (tsl *testingScoreLedger) PeerDisconnected(p peer.ID) {}
func (tsl *testingScoreLedger) Start(scorePeer deciface.ScorePeerFunc) {
tsl.scorePeer = scorePeer
func (tsl *testingScoreLedger) Stop() {
// Tests start and stop of a custom decision logic
func TestWithScoreLedger(t *testing.T) {
tsl := newTestingScoreLedger()
net := tn.VirtualNetwork(mockrouting.NewServer(), delay.Fixed(kNetworkDelay))
bsOpts := []bitswap.Option{bitswap.WithScoreLedger(tsl)}
ig := testinstance.NewTestInstanceGenerator(net, nil, bsOpts)
defer ig.Close()
i := ig.Next()
defer i.Exchange.Close()
select {
case <-tsl.started:
if tsl.scorePeer == nil {
t.Fatal("Expected the score function to be initialized")
case <-time.After(time.Second * 5):
t.Fatal("Expected the score ledger to be started within 5s")
select {
case <-tsl.closed:
case <-time.After(time.Second * 5):
t.Fatal("Expected the score ledger to be closed within 5s")
......@@ -2,5 +2,11 @@ package decision
import intdec "github.com/ipfs/go-bitswap/internal/decision"
// Expose type externally
// Expose Receipt externally
type Receipt = intdec.Receipt
// Expose ScoreLedger externally
type ScoreLedger = intdec.ScoreLedger
// Expose ScorePeerFunc externally
type ScorePeerFunc = intdec.ScorePeerFunc
......@@ -70,25 +70,6 @@ const (
// on their behalf.
queuedTagWeight = 10
// the alpha for the EWMA used to track short term usefulness
shortTermAlpha = 0.5
// the alpha for the EWMA used to track long term usefulness
longTermAlpha = 0.05
// how frequently the engine should sample usefulness. Peers that
// interact every shortTerm time period are considered "active".
shortTerm = 10 * time.Second
// long term ratio defines what "long term" means in terms of the
// shortTerm duration. Peers that interact once every longTermRatio are
// considered useful over the long term.
longTermRatio = 10
// long/short term scores for tagging peers
longTermScore = 10 // this is a high tag but it grows _very_ slowly.
shortTermScore = 10 // this is a high tag but it'll go away quickly if we aren't using the peer.
// maxBlockSizeReplaceHasWithBlock is the maximum size of the block in
// bytes up to which we will replace a want-have with a want-block
maxBlockSizeReplaceHasWithBlock = 1024
......@@ -119,6 +100,29 @@ type PeerTagger interface {
UntagPeer(p peer.ID, tag string)
// Assigns a specific score to a peer
type ScorePeerFunc func(peer.ID, int)
// ScoreLedger is an external ledger dealing with peer scores.
type ScoreLedger interface {
// Returns aggregated data communication with a given peer.
GetReceipt(p peer.ID) *Receipt
// Increments the sent counter for the given peer.
AddToSentBytes(p peer.ID, n int)
// Increments the received counter for the given peer.
AddToReceivedBytes(p peer.ID, n int)
// PeerConnected should be called when a new peer connects,
// meaning the ledger should open accounting.
PeerConnected(p peer.ID)
// PeerDisconnected should be called when a peer disconnects to
// clean up the accounting.
PeerDisconnected(p peer.ID)
// Starts the ledger sampling process.
Start(scorePeer ScorePeerFunc)
// Stops the sampling process.
// Engine manages sending requested blocks to peers.
type Engine struct {
// peerRequestQueue is a priority queue of requests received from peers.
......@@ -145,9 +149,12 @@ type Engine struct {
lock sync.RWMutex // protects the fields immediatly below
// ledgerMap lists Ledgers by their Partner key.
// ledgerMap lists block-related Ledgers by their Partner key.
ledgerMap map[peer.ID]*ledger
// an external ledger dealing with peer scores
scoreLedger ScoreLedger
ticker *time.Ticker
taskWorkerLock sync.Mutex
......@@ -157,11 +164,6 @@ type Engine struct {
// bytes up to which we will replace a want-have with a want-block
maxBlockSizeReplaceHasWithBlock int
// how frequently the engine should sample peer usefulness
peerSampleInterval time.Duration
// used by the tests to detect when a sample is taken
sampleCh chan struct{}
sendDontHaves bool
self peer.ID
......@@ -169,23 +171,22 @@ type Engine struct {
// NewEngine creates a new block sending engine for the given block store
func NewEngine(ctx context.Context, bs bstore.Blockstore, peerTagger PeerTagger, self peer.ID) *Engine {
return newEngine(ctx, bs, peerTagger, self, maxBlockSizeReplaceHasWithBlock, shortTerm, nil)
return newEngine(ctx, bs, peerTagger, self, maxBlockSizeReplaceHasWithBlock, nil)
// This constructor is used by the tests
func newEngine(ctx context.Context, bs bstore.Blockstore, peerTagger PeerTagger, self peer.ID,
maxReplaceSize int, peerSampleInterval time.Duration, sampleCh chan struct{}) *Engine {
maxReplaceSize int, scoreLedger ScoreLedger) *Engine {
e := &Engine{
ledgerMap: make(map[peer.ID]*ledger),
scoreLedger: scoreLedger,
bsm: newBlockstoreManager(ctx, bs, blockstoreWorkerCount),
peerTagger: peerTagger,
outbox: make(chan (<-chan *Envelope), outboxChanBuffer),
workSignal: make(chan struct{}, 1),
ticker: time.NewTicker(time.Millisecond * 100),
maxBlockSizeReplaceHasWithBlock: maxReplaceSize,
peerSampleInterval: peerSampleInterval,
sampleCh: sampleCh,
taskWorkerCount: taskWorkerCount,
sendDontHaves: true,
self: self,
......@@ -210,11 +211,37 @@ func (e *Engine) SetSendDontHaves(send bool) {
e.sendDontHaves = send
// Sets the scoreLedger to the given implementation. Should be called
// before StartWorkers().
func (e *Engine) UseScoreLedger(scoreLedger ScoreLedger) {
e.scoreLedger = scoreLedger
// Starts the score ledger. Before start the function checks and,
// if it is unset, initializes the scoreLedger with the default
// implementation.
func (e *Engine) startScoreLedger(px process.Process) {
if e.scoreLedger == nil {
e.scoreLedger = NewDefaultScoreLedger()
e.scoreLedger.Start(func(p peer.ID, score int) {
if score == 0 {
e.peerTagger.UntagPeer(p, e.tagUseful)
} else {
e.peerTagger.TagPeer(p, e.tagUseful, score)
px.Go(func(ppx process.Process) {
// Start up workers to handle requests from other nodes for the data on this node
func (e *Engine) StartWorkers(ctx context.Context, px process.Process) {
// Start up blockstore manager
for i := 0; i < e.taskWorkerCount; i++ {
px.Go(func(px process.Process) {
......@@ -223,109 +250,6 @@ func (e *Engine) StartWorkers(ctx context.Context, px process.Process) {
// scoreWorker keeps track of how "useful" our peers are, updating scores in the
// connection manager.
// It does this by tracking two scores: short-term usefulness and long-term
// usefulness. Short-term usefulness is sampled frequently and highly weights
// new observations. Long-term usefulness is sampled less frequently and highly
// weights on long-term trends.
// In practice, we do this by keeping two EWMAs. If we see an interaction
// within the sampling period, we record the score, otherwise, we record a 0.
// The short-term one has a high alpha and is sampled every shortTerm period.
// The long-term one has a low alpha and is sampled every
// longTermRatio*shortTerm period.
// To calculate the final score, we sum the short-term and long-term scores then
// adjust it ±25% based on our debt ratio. Peers that have historically been
// more useful to us than we are to them get the highest score.
func (e *Engine) scoreWorker(px process.Process) {
ticker := time.NewTicker(e.peerSampleInterval)
defer ticker.Stop()
type update struct {
peer peer.ID
score int
var (
lastShortUpdate, lastLongUpdate time.Time
updates []update
for i := 0; ; i = (i + 1) % longTermRatio {
var now time.Time
select {
case now = <-ticker.C:
case <-px.Closing():
// The long term update ticks every `longTermRatio` short
// intervals.
updateLong := i == 0
for _, ledger := range e.ledgerMap {
// Update the short-term score.
if ledger.lastExchange.After(lastShortUpdate) {
ledger.shortScore = ewma(ledger.shortScore, shortTermScore, shortTermAlpha)
} else {
ledger.shortScore = ewma(ledger.shortScore, 0, shortTermAlpha)
// Update the long-term score.
if updateLong {
if ledger.lastExchange.After(lastLongUpdate) {
ledger.longScore = ewma(ledger.longScore, longTermScore, longTermAlpha)
} else {
ledger.longScore = ewma(ledger.longScore, 0, longTermAlpha)
// Calculate the new score.
// The accounting score adjustment prefers peers _we_
// need over peers that need us. This doesn't help with
// leeching.
score := int((ledger.shortScore + ledger.longScore) * ((ledger.Accounting.Score())*.5 + .75))
// Avoid updating the connection manager unless there's a change. This can be expensive.
if ledger.score != score {
// put these in a list so we can perform the updates outside _global_ the lock.
updates = append(updates, update{ledger.Partner, score})
ledger.score = score
// record the times.
lastShortUpdate = now
if updateLong {
lastLongUpdate = now
// apply the updates
for _, update := range updates {
if update.score == 0 {
e.peerTagger.UntagPeer(update.peer, e.tagUseful)
} else {
e.peerTagger.TagPeer(update.peer, e.tagUseful, update.score)
// Keep the memory. It's not much and it saves us from having to allocate.
updates = updates[:0]
// Used by the tests
if e.sampleCh != nil {
e.sampleCh <- struct{}{}
func (e *Engine) onPeerAdded(p peer.ID) {
e.peerTagger.TagPeer(p, e.tagQueued, queuedTagWeight)
......@@ -347,21 +271,9 @@ func (e *Engine) WantlistForPeer(p peer.ID) []wl.Entry {
return entries
// LedgerForPeer returns aggregated data about blocks swapped and communication
// with a given peer.
// LedgerForPeer returns aggregated data communication with a given peer.
func (e *Engine) LedgerForPeer(p peer.ID) *Receipt {
ledger := e.findOrCreate(p)
defer ledger.lk.Unlock()
return &Receipt{
Peer: ledger.Partner.String(),
Value: ledger.Accounting.Value(),
Sent: ledger.Accounting.BytesSent,
Recv: ledger.Accounting.BytesRecv,
Exchanged: ledger.ExchangeCount(),
return e.scoreLedger.GetReceipt(p)
// Each taskWorker pulls items off the request queue up to the maximum size
......@@ -671,7 +583,7 @@ func (e *Engine) ReceiveFrom(from peer.ID, blks []blocks.Block, haves []cid.Cid)
// Record how many bytes were received in the ledger
for _, blk := range blks {
log.Debugw("Bitswap engine <- block", "local", e.self, "from", from, "cid", blk.Cid(), "size", len(blk.RawData()))
e.scoreLedger.AddToReceivedBytes(l.Partner, len(blk.RawData()))
......@@ -741,7 +653,7 @@ func (e *Engine) MessageSent(p peer.ID, m bsmsg.BitSwapMessage) {
// Remove sent blocks from the want list for the peer
for _, block := range m.Blocks() {
e.scoreLedger.AddToSentBytes(l.Partner, len(block.RawData()))
l.wantList.RemoveType(block.Cid(), pb.Message_Wantlist_Block)
......@@ -764,6 +676,8 @@ func (e *Engine) PeerConnected(p peer.ID) {
if !ok {
e.ledgerMap[p] = newLedger(p)
// PeerDisconnected is called when a peer disconnects.
......@@ -772,6 +686,8 @@ func (e *Engine) PeerDisconnected(p peer.ID) {
defer e.lock.Unlock()
delete(e.ledgerMap, p)
// If the want is a want-have, and it's below a certain size, send the full
......@@ -782,13 +698,11 @@ func (e *Engine) sendAsBlock(wantType pb.Message_Wantlist_WantType, blockSize in
func (e *Engine) numBytesSentTo(p peer.ID) uint64 {
// NB not threadsafe
return e.findOrCreate(p).Accounting.BytesSent
return e.LedgerForPeer(p).Sent
func (e *Engine) numBytesReceivedFrom(p peer.ID) uint64 {
// NB not threadsafe
return e.findOrCreate(p).Accounting.BytesRecv
return e.LedgerForPeer(p).Recv
// ledger lazily instantiates a ledger
......@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ func newTestEngine(ctx context.Context, idStr string) engineSet {
func newTestEngineWithSampling(ctx context.Context, idStr string, peerSampleInterval time.Duration, sampleCh chan struct{}) engineSet {
fpt := &fakePeerTagger{}
bs := blockstore.NewBlockstore(dssync.MutexWrap(ds.NewMapDatastore()))
e := newEngine(ctx, bs, fpt, "localhost", 0, peerSampleInterval, sampleCh)
e := newEngine(ctx, bs, fpt, "localhost", 0, NewTestScoreLedger(peerSampleInterval, sampleCh))
e.StartWorkers(ctx, process.WithTeardown(func() error { return nil }))
return engineSet{
Peer: peer.ID(idStr),
......@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ func peerIsPartner(p peer.ID, e *Engine) bool {
func TestOutboxClosedWhenEngineClosed(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
t.SkipNow() // TODO implement *Engine.Close
e := newEngine(ctx, blockstore.NewBlockstore(dssync.MutexWrap(ds.NewMapDatastore())), &fakePeerTagger{}, "localhost", 0, shortTerm, nil)
e := newEngine(ctx, blockstore.NewBlockstore(dssync.MutexWrap(ds.NewMapDatastore())), &fakePeerTagger{}, "localhost", 0, NewTestScoreLedger(shortTerm, nil))
e.StartWorkers(ctx, process.WithTeardown(func() error { return nil }))
var wg sync.WaitGroup
......@@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ func TestPartnerWantHaveWantBlockNonActive(t *testing.T) {
testCases = onlyTestCases
e := newEngine(context.Background(), bs, &fakePeerTagger{}, "localhost", 0, shortTerm, nil)
e := newEngine(context.Background(), bs, &fakePeerTagger{}, "localhost", 0, NewTestScoreLedger(shortTerm, nil))
e.StartWorkers(context.Background(), process.WithTeardown(func() error { return nil }))
for i, testCase := range testCases {
t.Logf("Test case %d:", i)
......@@ -669,7 +669,7 @@ func TestPartnerWantHaveWantBlockActive(t *testing.T) {
testCases = onlyTestCases
e := newEngine(context.Background(), bs, &fakePeerTagger{}, "localhost", 0, shortTerm, nil)
e := newEngine(context.Background(), bs, &fakePeerTagger{}, "localhost", 0, NewTestScoreLedger(shortTerm, nil))
e.StartWorkers(context.Background(), process.WithTeardown(func() error { return nil }))
var next envChan
......@@ -854,7 +854,7 @@ func TestPartnerWantsThenCancels(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
for i := 0; i < numRounds; i++ {
expected := make([][]string, 0, len(testcases))
e := newEngine(ctx, bs, &fakePeerTagger{}, "localhost", 0, shortTerm, nil)
e := newEngine(ctx, bs, &fakePeerTagger{}, "localhost", 0, NewTestScoreLedger(shortTerm, nil))
e.StartWorkers(ctx, process.WithTeardown(func() error { return nil }))
for _, testcase := range testcases {
set := testcase[0]
......@@ -879,7 +879,7 @@ func TestSendReceivedBlocksToPeersThatWantThem(t *testing.T) {
partner := libp2ptest.RandPeerIDFatal(t)
otherPeer := libp2ptest.RandPeerIDFatal(t)
e := newEngine(context.Background(), bs, &fakePeerTagger{}, "localhost", 0, shortTerm, nil)
e := newEngine(context.Background(), bs, &fakePeerTagger{}, "localhost", 0, NewTestScoreLedger(shortTerm, nil))
e.StartWorkers(context.Background(), process.WithTeardown(func() error { return nil }))
blks := testutil.GenerateBlocksOfSize(4, 8*1024)
......@@ -923,7 +923,7 @@ func TestSendDontHave(t *testing.T) {
partner := libp2ptest.RandPeerIDFatal(t)
otherPeer := libp2ptest.RandPeerIDFatal(t)
e := newEngine(context.Background(), bs, &fakePeerTagger{}, "localhost", 0, shortTerm, nil)
e := newEngine(context.Background(), bs, &fakePeerTagger{}, "localhost", 0, NewTestScoreLedger(shortTerm, nil))
e.StartWorkers(context.Background(), process.WithTeardown(func() error { return nil }))
blks := testutil.GenerateBlocksOfSize(4, 8*1024)
......@@ -987,7 +987,7 @@ func TestWantlistForPeer(t *testing.T) {
partner := libp2ptest.RandPeerIDFatal(t)
otherPeer := libp2ptest.RandPeerIDFatal(t)
e := newEngine(context.Background(), bs, &fakePeerTagger{}, "localhost", 0, shortTerm, nil)
e := newEngine(context.Background(), bs, &fakePeerTagger{}, "localhost", 0, NewTestScoreLedger(shortTerm, nil))
e.StartWorkers(context.Background(), process.WithTeardown(func() error { return nil }))
blks := testutil.GenerateBlocksOfSize(4, 8*1024)
......@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package decision
import (
pb "github.com/ipfs/go-bitswap/message/pb"
wl "github.com/ipfs/go-bitswap/wantlist"
......@@ -18,75 +17,17 @@ func newLedger(p peer.ID) *ledger {
// ledger stores the data exchange relationship between two peers.
// NOT threadsafe
// Keeps the wantlist for the partner. NOT threadsafe!
type ledger struct {
// Partner is the remote Peer.
Partner peer.ID
// Accounting tracks bytes sent and received.
Accounting debtRatio
// lastExchange is the time of the last data exchange.
lastExchange time.Time
// These scores keep track of how useful we think this peer is. Short
// tracks short-term usefulness and long tracks long-term usefulness.
shortScore, longScore float64
// Score keeps track of the score used in the peer tagger. We track it
// here to avoid unnecessarily updating the tags in the connection manager.
score int
// exchangeCount is the number of exchanges with this peer
exchangeCount uint64
// wantList is a (bounded, small) set of keys that Partner desires.
wantList *wl.Wantlist
lk sync.RWMutex
// Receipt is a summary of the ledger for a given peer
// collecting various pieces of aggregated data for external
// reporting purposes.
type Receipt struct {
Peer string
Value float64
Sent uint64
Recv uint64
Exchanged uint64
type debtRatio struct {
BytesSent uint64
BytesRecv uint64
// Value returns the debt ratio, sent:receive.
func (dr *debtRatio) Value() float64 {
return float64(dr.BytesSent) / float64(dr.BytesRecv+1)
// Score returns the debt _score_ on a 0-1 scale.
func (dr *debtRatio) Score() float64 {
if dr.BytesRecv == 0 {
return 0
return float64(dr.BytesRecv) / float64(dr.BytesRecv+dr.BytesSent)
func (l *ledger) SentBytes(n int) {
l.lastExchange = time.Now()
l.Accounting.BytesSent += uint64(n)
func (l *ledger) ReceivedBytes(n int) {
l.lastExchange = time.Now()
l.Accounting.BytesRecv += uint64(n)
func (l *ledger) Wants(k cid.Cid, priority int32, wantType pb.Message_Wantlist_WantType) {
log.Debugf("peer %s wants %s", l.Partner, k)
l.wantList.Add(k, priority, wantType)
......@@ -99,7 +40,3 @@ func (l *ledger) CancelWant(k cid.Cid) bool {
func (l *ledger) WantListContains(k cid.Cid) (wl.Entry, bool) {
return l.wantList.Contains(k)
func (l *ledger) ExchangeCount() uint64 {
return l.exchangeCount
package decision
import (
peer "github.com/libp2p/go-libp2p-core/peer"
const (
// the alpha for the EWMA used to track short term usefulness
shortTermAlpha = 0.5
// the alpha for the EWMA used to track long term usefulness
longTermAlpha = 0.05
// how frequently the engine should sample usefulness. Peers that
// interact every shortTerm time period are considered "active".
shortTerm = 10 * time.Second
// long term ratio defines what "long term" means in terms of the
// shortTerm duration. Peers that interact once every longTermRatio are
// considered useful over the long term.
longTermRatio = 10
// long/short term scores for tagging peers
longTermScore = 10 // this is a high tag but it grows _very_ slowly.
shortTermScore = 10 // this is a high tag but it'll go away quickly if we aren't using the peer.
// Stores the data exchange relationship between two peers.
type scoreledger struct {
// Partner is the remote Peer.
partner peer.ID
// tracks bytes sent...
bytesSent uint64
// ...and received.
bytesRecv uint64
// lastExchange is the time of the last data exchange.
lastExchange time.Time
// These scores keep track of how useful we think this peer is. Short
// tracks short-term usefulness and long tracks long-term usefulness.
shortScore, longScore float64
// Score keeps track of the score used in the peer tagger. We track it
// here to avoid unnecessarily updating the tags in the connection manager.
score int
// exchangeCount is the number of exchanges with this peer
exchangeCount uint64
// the record lock
lock sync.RWMutex
// Receipt is a summary of the ledger for a given peer
// collecting various pieces of aggregated data for external
// reporting purposes.
type Receipt struct {
Peer string
Value float64
Sent uint64
Recv uint64
Exchanged uint64
// Increments the sent counter.
func (l *scoreledger) AddToSentBytes(n int) {
defer l.lock.Unlock()
l.lastExchange = time.Now()
l.bytesSent += uint64(n)
// Increments the received counter.
func (l *scoreledger) AddToReceivedBytes(n int) {
defer l.lock.Unlock()
l.lastExchange = time.Now()
l.bytesRecv += uint64(n)
// Returns the Receipt for this ledger record.
func (l *scoreledger) Receipt() *Receipt {
defer l.lock.RUnlock()
return &Receipt{
Peer: l.partner.String(),
Value: float64(l.bytesSent) / float64(l.bytesRecv+1),
Sent: l.bytesSent,
Recv: l.bytesRecv,
Exchanged: l.exchangeCount,
// DefaultScoreLedger is used by Engine as the default ScoreLedger.
type DefaultScoreLedger struct {
// a sample counting ticker
ticker *time.Ticker
// the score func
scorePeer ScorePeerFunc
// is closed on Close
closing chan struct{}
// protects the fields immediatly below
lock sync.RWMutex
// ledgerMap lists score ledgers by their partner key.
ledgerMap map[peer.ID]*scoreledger
// how frequently the engine should sample peer usefulness
peerSampleInterval time.Duration
// used by the tests to detect when a sample is taken
sampleCh chan struct{}
// scoreWorker keeps track of how "useful" our peers are, updating scores in the
// connection manager.
// It does this by tracking two scores: short-term usefulness and long-term
// usefulness. Short-term usefulness is sampled frequently and highly weights
// new observations. Long-term usefulness is sampled less frequently and highly
// weights on long-term trends.
// In practice, we do this by keeping two EWMAs. If we see an interaction
// within the sampling period, we record the score, otherwise, we record a 0.
// The short-term one has a high alpha and is sampled every shortTerm period.
// The long-term one has a low alpha and is sampled every
// longTermRatio*shortTerm period.
// To calculate the final score, we sum the short-term and long-term scores then
// adjust it ±25% based on our debt ratio. Peers that have historically been
// more useful to us than we are to them get the highest score.
func (dsl *DefaultScoreLedger) scoreWorker() {
ticker := time.NewTicker(dsl.peerSampleInterval)
defer ticker.Stop()
type update struct {
peer peer.ID
score int
var (
lastShortUpdate, lastLongUpdate time.Time
updates []update
for i := 0; ; i = (i + 1) % longTermRatio {
var now time.Time
select {
case now = <-ticker.C:
case <-dsl.closing:
// The long term update ticks every `longTermRatio` short
// intervals.
updateLong := i == 0
for _, l := range dsl.ledgerMap {
// Update the short-term score.
if l.lastExchange.After(lastShortUpdate) {
l.shortScore = ewma(l.shortScore, shortTermScore, shortTermAlpha)
} else {
l.shortScore = ewma(l.shortScore, 0, shortTermAlpha)
// Update the long-term score.
if updateLong {
if l.lastExchange.After(lastLongUpdate) {
l.longScore = ewma(l.longScore, longTermScore, longTermAlpha)
} else {
l.longScore = ewma(l.longScore, 0, longTermAlpha)
// Calculate the new score.
// The accounting score adjustment prefers peers _we_
// need over peers that need us. This doesn't help with
// leeching.
var lscore float64
if l.bytesRecv == 0 {
lscore = 0
} else {
lscore = float64(l.bytesRecv) / float64(l.bytesRecv+l.bytesSent)
score := int((l.shortScore + l.longScore) * (lscore*.5 + .75))
// Avoid updating the connection manager unless there's a change. This can be expensive.
if l.score != score {
// put these in a list so we can perform the updates outside _global_ the lock.
updates = append(updates, update{l.partner, score})
l.score = score
// record the times.
lastShortUpdate = now
if updateLong {
lastLongUpdate = now
// apply the updates
for _, update := range updates {
dsl.scorePeer(update.peer, update.score)
// Keep the memory. It's not much and it saves us from having to allocate.
updates = updates[:0]
// Used by the tests
if dsl.sampleCh != nil {
dsl.sampleCh <- struct{}{}
// Returns the score ledger for the given peer or nil if that peer
// is not on the ledger.
func (dsl *DefaultScoreLedger) find(p peer.ID) *scoreledger {
// Take a read lock (as it's less expensive) to check if we have
// a ledger for the peer.
l, ok := dsl.ledgerMap[p]
if ok {
return l
return nil
// Returns a new scoreledger.
func newScoreLedger(p peer.ID) *scoreledger {
return &scoreledger{
partner: p,
// Lazily instantiates a ledger.
func (dsl *DefaultScoreLedger) findOrCreate(p peer.ID) *scoreledger {
l := dsl.find(p)
if l != nil {
return l
// There's no ledger, so take a write lock, then check again and
// create the ledger if necessary.
defer dsl.lock.Unlock()
l, ok := dsl.ledgerMap[p]
if !ok {
l = newScoreLedger(p)
dsl.ledgerMap[p] = l
return l
// GetReceipt returns aggregated data communication with a given peer.
func (dsl *DefaultScoreLedger) GetReceipt(p peer.ID) *Receipt {
l := dsl.find(p)
if l != nil {
return l.Receipt()
// Return a blank receipt otherwise.
return &Receipt{
Peer: p.String(),
Value: 0,
Sent: 0,
Recv: 0,
Exchanged: 0,
// Starts the default ledger sampling process.
func (dsl *DefaultScoreLedger) Start(scorePeer ScorePeerFunc) {
go dsl.scoreWorker()
// Stops the sampling process.
func (dsl *DefaultScoreLedger) Stop() {
// Initializes the score ledger.
func (dsl *DefaultScoreLedger) init(scorePeer ScorePeerFunc) {
defer dsl.lock.Unlock()
dsl.ledgerMap = make(map[peer.ID]*scoreledger)
dsl.scorePeer = scorePeer
// Increments the sent counter for the given peer.
func (dsl *DefaultScoreLedger) AddToSentBytes(p peer.ID, n int) {
l := dsl.findOrCreate(p)
// Increments the received counter for the given peer.
func (dsl *DefaultScoreLedger) AddToReceivedBytes(p peer.ID, n int) {
l := dsl.findOrCreate(p)
// PeerConnected should be called when a new peer connects, meaning
// we should open accounting.
func (dsl *DefaultScoreLedger) PeerConnected(p peer.ID) {
defer dsl.lock.Unlock()
_, ok := dsl.ledgerMap[p]
if !ok {
dsl.ledgerMap[p] = newScoreLedger(p)
// PeerDisconnected should be called when a peer disconnects to
// clean up the accounting.
func (dsl *DefaultScoreLedger) PeerDisconnected(p peer.ID) {
defer dsl.lock.Unlock()
delete(dsl.ledgerMap, p)
// Creates a new instance of the default score ledger.
func NewDefaultScoreLedger() *DefaultScoreLedger {
return &DefaultScoreLedger{
ledgerMap: make(map[peer.ID]*scoreledger),
ticker: time.NewTicker(time.Millisecond * 100),
closing: make(chan struct{}),
peerSampleInterval: shortTerm,
// Creates a new instance of the default score ledger with testing
// parameters.
func NewTestScoreLedger(peerSampleInterval time.Duration, sampleCh chan struct{}) *DefaultScoreLedger {
dsl := NewDefaultScoreLedger()
dsl.peerSampleInterval = peerSampleInterval
dsl.sampleCh = sampleCh
return dsl
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