1. 18 Nov, 2020 1 commit
  2. 30 Jan, 2020 1 commit
  3. 23 Jan, 2020 1 commit
  4. 28 Oct, 2019 1 commit
    • dirkmc's avatar
      Merge PR Parallelize engine reads (#216) · dcbe1f29
      dirkmc authored
      * feat: parallelize reads
      * feat: concurent engine task workers and concurrent bstore reads
      * fix: lint
      * fix: address review comments
      * refactor: in BlockstoreManager wait for process.Closing() instead of Context.Done()
      * fix: use channel size 0 for BlockstoreManager reads
      * fix: change blockstore error logs from warnings to errors
      * fix: flaky test
      * fix: lint