1. 07 Sep, 2019 1 commit
    • Steven Allen's avatar
      engine: tag peers based on usefulness · 9d580a65
      Steven Allen authored
      This patch tracks two usefulness metrics: short-term usefulness and long-term
      usefulness. Short-term usefulness is sampled frequently and highly weights new
      observations. Long-term usefulness is sampled less frequently and highly weights
      on long-term trends.
      In practice, we do this by keeping two EWMAs. If we see an interaction within
      the sampling period, we record the score, otherwise, we record a 0. The
      short-term one has a high alpha and is sampled every shortTerm period. The
      long-term one has a low alpha and is sampled every longTermRatio*shortTerm
      To calculate the final score, we sum the short-term and long-term scores then
      adjust it ±25% based on our debt ratio. Peers that have historically been more
      useful to us than we are to them get the highest score.
  2. 28 Aug, 2019 2 commits
  3. 27 Aug, 2019 2 commits
  4. 23 Aug, 2019 8 commits
  5. 22 Aug, 2019 1 commit
  6. 20 Aug, 2019 11 commits
  7. 15 Aug, 2019 5 commits
  8. 14 Aug, 2019 10 commits