Commit 8b8cb267 authored by tavit ohanian's avatar tavit ohanian

Merge branch 'port-2021-04-19'

parents 93a5fd4c a55a3be6
package bstest
import (
. ""
bitswap ""
testinstance ""
tn ""
delay ""
......@@ -12,7 +15,8 @@ import (
// Mocks returns |n| connected mock Blockservices
func Mocks(n int) []BlockService {
net := tn.VirtualNetwork(mockrouting.NewServer(), delay.Fixed(0))
sg := testinstance.NewTestInstanceGenerator(net)
bsOpts := []bitswap.Option{bitswap.ProvideEnabled(false), bitswap.ProviderSearchDelay(50 * time.Millisecond)}
sg := testinstance.NewTestInstanceGenerator(net, nil, bsOpts)
instances := sg.Instances(n)
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