Unverified Commit 8dd6fe27 authored by Rod Vagg's avatar Rod Vagg

feat: add Filecoin multicodecs

* fil-commitment-unsealed
* fil-commitment-sealed

Ref: https://github.com/multiformats/multicodec/pull/161
Ref: https://github.com/multiformats/multicodec/pull/172
parent a25d68f3
......@@ -58,75 +58,81 @@ const (
GitRaw = 0x78
EthBlock = 0x90
EthBlockList = 0x91
EthTxTrie = 0x92
EthTx = 0x93
EthTxReceiptTrie = 0x94
EthTxReceipt = 0x95
EthStateTrie = 0x96
EthAccountSnapshot = 0x97
EthStorageTrie = 0x98
BitcoinBlock = 0xb0
BitcoinTx = 0xb1
ZcashBlock = 0xc0
ZcashTx = 0xc1
DecredBlock = 0xe0
DecredTx = 0xe1
DashBlock = 0xf0
DashTx = 0xf1
EthBlock = 0x90
EthBlockList = 0x91
EthTxTrie = 0x92
EthTx = 0x93
EthTxReceiptTrie = 0x94
EthTxReceipt = 0x95
EthStateTrie = 0x96
EthAccountSnapshot = 0x97
EthStorageTrie = 0x98
BitcoinBlock = 0xb0
BitcoinTx = 0xb1
ZcashBlock = 0xc0
ZcashTx = 0xc1
DecredBlock = 0xe0
DecredTx = 0xe1
DashBlock = 0xf0
DashTx = 0xf1
FilCommitmentUnsealed = 0xf101
FilCommitmentSealed = 0xf102
// Codecs maps the name of a codec to its type
var Codecs = map[string]uint64{
"v0": DagProtobuf,
"raw": Raw,
"protobuf": DagProtobuf,
"cbor": DagCBOR,
"libp2p-key": Libp2pKey,
"git-raw": GitRaw,
"eth-block": EthBlock,
"eth-block-list": EthBlockList,
"eth-tx-trie": EthTxTrie,
"eth-tx": EthTx,
"eth-tx-receipt-trie": EthTxReceiptTrie,
"eth-tx-receipt": EthTxReceipt,
"eth-state-trie": EthStateTrie,
"eth-account-snapshot": EthAccountSnapshot,
"eth-storage-trie": EthStorageTrie,
"bitcoin-block": BitcoinBlock,
"bitcoin-tx": BitcoinTx,
"zcash-block": ZcashBlock,
"zcash-tx": ZcashTx,
"decred-block": DecredBlock,
"decred-tx": DecredTx,
"dash-block": DashBlock,
"dash-tx": DashTx,
"v0": DagProtobuf,
"raw": Raw,
"protobuf": DagProtobuf,
"cbor": DagCBOR,
"libp2p-key": Libp2pKey,
"git-raw": GitRaw,
"eth-block": EthBlock,
"eth-block-list": EthBlockList,
"eth-tx-trie": EthTxTrie,
"eth-tx": EthTx,
"eth-tx-receipt-trie": EthTxReceiptTrie,
"eth-tx-receipt": EthTxReceipt,
"eth-state-trie": EthStateTrie,
"eth-account-snapshot": EthAccountSnapshot,
"eth-storage-trie": EthStorageTrie,
"bitcoin-block": BitcoinBlock,
"bitcoin-tx": BitcoinTx,
"zcash-block": ZcashBlock,
"zcash-tx": ZcashTx,
"decred-block": DecredBlock,
"decred-tx": DecredTx,
"dash-block": DashBlock,
"dash-tx": DashTx,
"fil-commitment-unsealed": FilCommitmentUnsealed,
"fil-commitment-sealed": FilCommitmentSealed,
// CodecToStr maps the numeric codec to its name
var CodecToStr = map[uint64]string{
Raw: "raw",
DagProtobuf: "protobuf",
DagCBOR: "cbor",
GitRaw: "git-raw",
EthBlock: "eth-block",
EthBlockList: "eth-block-list",
EthTxTrie: "eth-tx-trie",
EthTx: "eth-tx",
EthTxReceiptTrie: "eth-tx-receipt-trie",
EthTxReceipt: "eth-tx-receipt",
EthStateTrie: "eth-state-trie",
EthAccountSnapshot: "eth-account-snapshot",
EthStorageTrie: "eth-storage-trie",
BitcoinBlock: "bitcoin-block",
BitcoinTx: "bitcoin-tx",
ZcashBlock: "zcash-block",
ZcashTx: "zcash-tx",
DecredBlock: "decred-block",
DecredTx: "decred-tx",
DashBlock: "dash-block",
DashTx: "dash-tx",
Raw: "raw",
DagProtobuf: "protobuf",
DagCBOR: "cbor",
GitRaw: "git-raw",
EthBlock: "eth-block",
EthBlockList: "eth-block-list",
EthTxTrie: "eth-tx-trie",
EthTx: "eth-tx",
EthTxReceiptTrie: "eth-tx-receipt-trie",
EthTxReceipt: "eth-tx-receipt",
EthStateTrie: "eth-state-trie",
EthAccountSnapshot: "eth-account-snapshot",
EthStorageTrie: "eth-storage-trie",
BitcoinBlock: "bitcoin-block",
BitcoinTx: "bitcoin-tx",
ZcashBlock: "zcash-block",
ZcashTx: "zcash-tx",
DecredBlock: "decred-block",
DecredTx: "decred-tx",
DashBlock: "dash-block",
DashTx: "dash-tx",
FilCommitmentUnsealed: "fil-commitment-unsealed",
FilCommitmentSealed: "fil-commitment-sealed",
// tryNewCidV0 tries to convert a multihash into a CIDv0 CID and returns an
......@@ -16,28 +16,30 @@ import (
// https://github.com/multiformats/go-multihash/blob/7aa9f26a231c6f34f4e9fad52bf580fd36627285/multihash_test.go#L13
// Makes it so changing the table accidentally has to happen twice.
var tCodecs = map[uint64]string{
Raw: "raw",
DagProtobuf: "protobuf",
DagCBOR: "cbor",
Libp2pKey: "libp2p-key",
GitRaw: "git-raw",
EthBlock: "eth-block",
EthBlockList: "eth-block-list",
EthTxTrie: "eth-tx-trie",
EthTx: "eth-tx",
EthTxReceiptTrie: "eth-tx-receipt-trie",
EthTxReceipt: "eth-tx-receipt",
EthStateTrie: "eth-state-trie",
EthAccountSnapshot: "eth-account-snapshot",
EthStorageTrie: "eth-storage-trie",
BitcoinBlock: "bitcoin-block",
BitcoinTx: "bitcoin-tx",
ZcashBlock: "zcash-block",
ZcashTx: "zcash-tx",
DecredBlock: "decred-block",
DecredTx: "decred-tx",
DashBlock: "dash-block",
DashTx: "dash-tx",
Raw: "raw",
DagProtobuf: "protobuf",
DagCBOR: "cbor",
Libp2pKey: "libp2p-key",
GitRaw: "git-raw",
EthBlock: "eth-block",
EthBlockList: "eth-block-list",
EthTxTrie: "eth-tx-trie",
EthTx: "eth-tx",
EthTxReceiptTrie: "eth-tx-receipt-trie",
EthTxReceipt: "eth-tx-receipt",
EthStateTrie: "eth-state-trie",
EthAccountSnapshot: "eth-account-snapshot",
EthStorageTrie: "eth-storage-trie",
BitcoinBlock: "bitcoin-block",
BitcoinTx: "bitcoin-tx",
ZcashBlock: "zcash-block",
ZcashTx: "zcash-tx",
DecredBlock: "decred-block",
DecredTx: "decred-tx",
DashBlock: "dash-block",
DashTx: "dash-tx",
FilCommitmentUnsealed: "fil-commitment-unsealed",
FilCommitmentSealed: "fil-commitment-sealed",
func assertEqual(t *testing.T, a, b Cid) {
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