Commit 31b5f255 authored by Jeromy's avatar Jeromy

implement recursive indirect blocks

improve efficiency of multilayered indirect blocks

clean up tests

panic cleanup

clean up logic, improve readability

add final root node to the dagservice upon creation

importer: simplified dag generation

test: updated hashes using latest code

@whyrusleeping this is why the sharness tests
were failing: the hashes are added manually to
make sure our generation doesn't change.

cleanup after CR

fix merkledag tests

fix small block generation (no subblocks!)
parent de56900e
......@@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ import (
var log = util.Logger("chunk")
var DefaultSplitter = &SizeSplitter{Size: 1024 * 256}
var DefaultBlockSize = 1024 * 256
var DefaultSplitter = &SizeSplitter{Size: DefaultBlockSize}
type BlockSplitter interface {
Split(r io.Reader) chan []byte
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