Commit 50a89a04 authored by Jeromy's avatar Jeromy

Rework package structure for unixfs and subpackage

cc @jbenet
package chunk
import (
type MaybeRabin struct {
mask int
windowSize int
MinBlockSize int
MaxBlockSize int
func NewMaybeRabin(avgBlkSize int) *MaybeRabin {
blkbits := uint(math.Log2(float64(avgBlkSize)))
rb := new(MaybeRabin)
rb.mask = (1 << blkbits) - 1
rb.windowSize = 16 // probably a good number...
rb.MinBlockSize = avgBlkSize / 2
rb.MaxBlockSize = (avgBlkSize / 2) * 3
return rb
func (mr *MaybeRabin) Split(r io.Reader) chan []byte {
out := make(chan []byte, 16)
go func() {
inbuf := bufio.NewReader(r)
blkbuf := new(bytes.Buffer)
// some bullshit numbers i made up
a := 10 // honestly, no idea what this is
MOD := 33554383 // randomly chosen (seriously)
an := 1
rollingHash := 0
// Window is a circular buffer
window := make([]byte, mr.windowSize)
push := func(i int, val byte) (outval int) {
outval = int(window[i%len(window)])
window[i%len(window)] = val
// Duplicate byte slice
dup := func(b []byte) []byte {
d := make([]byte, len(b))
copy(d, b)
return d
// Fill up the window
i := 0
for ; i < mr.windowSize; i++ {
b, err := inbuf.ReadByte()
if err != nil {
push(i, b)
rollingHash = (rollingHash*a + int(b)) % MOD
an = (an * a) % MOD
for ; true; i++ {
b, err := inbuf.ReadByte()
if err != nil {
outval := push(i, b)
rollingHash = (rollingHash*a + int(b) - an*outval) % MOD
if (rollingHash&mr.mask == mr.mask && blkbuf.Len() > mr.MinBlockSize) ||
blkbuf.Len() >= mr.MaxBlockSize {
out <- dup(blkbuf.Bytes())
// Check if there are enough remaining
peek, err := inbuf.Peek(mr.windowSize)
if err != nil || len(peek) != mr.windowSize {
io.Copy(blkbuf, inbuf)
out <- blkbuf.Bytes()
return out
package chunk
import (
var log = util.Logger("chunk")
var DefaultSplitter = &SizeSplitter{1024 * 512}
type BlockSplitter interface {
Split(r io.Reader) chan []byte
type SizeSplitter struct {
Size int
func (ss *SizeSplitter) Split(r io.Reader) chan []byte {
out := make(chan []byte)
go func() {
defer close(out)
for {
chunk := make([]byte, ss.Size)
nread, err := r.Read(chunk)
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
if nread > 0 {
out <- chunk[:nread]
log.Error("Block split error: %s", err)
if nread < ss.Size {
chunk = chunk[:nread]
out <- chunk
return out
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