Commit 36a3f346 authored by Steven Allen's avatar Steven Allen

feat: add a transports section for enabling/disabling/prioritizing transports

parent b4ed6efd
package config
type SwarmConfig struct {
AddrFilters []string
// AddrFilters specifies a set libp2p addresses that we should never
// dial or receive connections from.
AddrFilters []string
// DisableBandwidthMetrics disables recording of bandwidth metrics for a
// slight reduction in memory usage. You probably don't need to set this
// flag.
DisableBandwidthMetrics bool
DisableNatPortMap bool
DisableRelay bool
EnableRelayHop bool
// autorelay functionality
// if true, then the libp2p host will be constructed with autorelay functionality.
// DisableNatPortMap turns off NAT port mapping (UPnP, etc.).
DisableNatPortMap bool
// DisableRelay explicitly disables the relay transport.
// Deprecated: This flag is deprecated and is overridden by
// `Transports.Relay` if specified.
DisableRelay bool `json:",omitempty"`
// EnableRelayHop makes this node act as a public relay, relaying
// traffic between other nodes.
EnableRelayHop bool
// EnableAutoRelay enables the "auto relay" feature.
// When both EnableAutoRelay and RelayHop are set, this go-ipfs node
// will advertise itself as a public relay, instead of finding and using
// advertised public relays.
EnableAutoRelay bool
// Transports contains flags to enable/disable libp2p transports.
Transports Transports
// ConnMgr configures the connection manager.
ConnMgr ConnMgr
type Transports struct {
// Network specifies the base transports we'll use for dialing. To
// listen on a transport, add the transport to your Addresses.Swarm.
Network struct {
// All default to on.
QUIC Flag `json:",omitempty"`
TCP Flag `json:",omitempty"`
Websocket Flag `json:",omitempty"`
Relay Flag `json:",omitempty"`
// Security specifies the transports used to encrypt insecure network
// transports.
Security struct {
// Defaults to 100.
TLS Priority `json:",omitempty"`
// Defaults to 200.
SECIO Priority `json:",omitempty"`
// Defaults to 300.
Noise Priority `json:",omitempty"`
// Multiplexers specifies the transports used to multiplex multiple
// connections over a single duplex connection.
Multiplex struct {
// Defaults to 100.
Yamux Priority `json:",omitempty"`
// Defaults to 200.
Mplex Priority `json:",omitempty"`
// ConnMgr defines configuration options for the libp2p connection manager
type ConnMgr struct {
Type string
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