Commit 19fbe75a authored by Steven Allen's avatar Steven Allen

merkledag: switch to new dag interface


* Update the blockstore/blockservice methods to match.
* Construct a new temporary offline dag instead of having a
  GetOfflineLinkService method.

License: MIT
Signed-off-by: default avatarSteven Allen <>
parent b6e449bf
......@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ import (
bstore ""
bserv ""
offline ""
dag ""
pin ""
......@@ -33,7 +35,7 @@ type Result struct {
// The routine then iterates over every block in the blockstore and
// deletes any block that is not found in the marked set.
func GC(ctx context.Context, bs bstore.GCBlockstore, ls dag.LinkService, pn pin.Pinner, bestEffortRoots []*cid.Cid) <-chan Result {
func GC(ctx context.Context, bs bstore.GCBlockstore, pn pin.Pinner, bestEffortRoots []*cid.Cid) <-chan Result {
elock := log.EventBegin(ctx, "GC.lockWait")
unlocker := bs.GCLock()
......@@ -41,7 +43,8 @@ func GC(ctx context.Context, bs bstore.GCBlockstore, ls dag.LinkService, pn pin.
elock = log.EventBegin(ctx, "GC.locked")
emark := log.EventBegin(ctx, "GC.mark")
ls = ls.GetOfflineLinkService()
bsrv := bserv.New(bs, offline.Exchange(bs))
ds := dag.NewDAGService(bsrv)
output := make(chan Result, 128)
......@@ -50,7 +53,7 @@ func GC(ctx context.Context, bs bstore.GCBlockstore, ls dag.LinkService, pn pin.
defer unlocker.Unlock()
defer elock.Done()
gcs, err := ColoredSet(ctx, pn, ls, bestEffortRoots, output)
gcs, err := ColoredSet(ctx, pn, ds, bestEffortRoots, output)
if err != nil {
output <- Result{Error: err}
......@@ -125,13 +128,13 @@ func Descendants(ctx context.Context, getLinks dag.GetLinks, set *cid.Set, roots
// ColoredSet computes the set of nodes in the graph that are pinned by the
// pins in the given pinner.
func ColoredSet(ctx context.Context, pn pin.Pinner, ls dag.LinkService, bestEffortRoots []*cid.Cid, output chan<- Result) (*cid.Set, error) {
func ColoredSet(ctx context.Context, pn pin.Pinner, ng node.NodeGetter, bestEffortRoots []*cid.Cid, output chan<- Result) (*cid.Set, error) {
// KeySet currently implemented in memory, in the future, may be bloom filter or
// disk backed to conserve memory.
errors := false
gcs := cid.NewSet()
getLinks := func(ctx context.Context, cid *cid.Cid) ([]*node.Link, error) {
links, err := ls.GetLinks(ctx, cid)
links, err := node.GetLinks(ctx, ng, cid)
if err != nil {
errors = true
output <- Result{Error: &CannotFetchLinksError{cid, err}}
......@@ -145,8 +148,8 @@ func ColoredSet(ctx context.Context, pn pin.Pinner, ls dag.LinkService, bestEffo
bestEffortGetLinks := func(ctx context.Context, cid *cid.Cid) ([]*node.Link, error) {
links, err := ls.GetLinks(ctx, cid)
if err != nil && err != dag.ErrNotFound {
links, err := node.GetLinks(ctx, ng, cid)
if err != nil && err != node.ErrNotFound {
errors = true
output <- Result{Error: &CannotFetchLinksError{cid, err}}
......@@ -178,13 +178,13 @@ type pinner struct {
// Track the keys used for storing the pinning state, so gc does
// not delete them.
internalPin *cid.Set
dserv mdag.DAGService
internal mdag.DAGService // dagservice used to store internal objects
dserv node.DAGService
internal node.DAGService // dagservice used to store internal objects
dstore ds.Datastore
// NewPinner creates a new pinner using the given datastore as a backend
func NewPinner(dstore ds.Datastore, serv, internal mdag.DAGService) Pinner {
func NewPinner(dstore ds.Datastore, serv, internal node.DAGService) Pinner {
rcset := cid.NewSet()
dirset := cid.NewSet()
......@@ -203,11 +203,13 @@ func NewPinner(dstore ds.Datastore, serv, internal mdag.DAGService) Pinner {
func (p *pinner) Pin(ctx context.Context, node node.Node, recurse bool) error {
defer p.lock.Unlock()
c, err := p.dserv.Add(node)
err := p.dserv.Add(ctx, node)
if err != nil {
return err
c := node.Cid()
if recurse {
if p.recursePin.Has(c) {
return nil
......@@ -356,7 +358,7 @@ func (p *pinner) CheckIfPinned(cids ...*cid.Cid) ([]Pinned, error) {
// Now walk all recursive pins to check for indirect pins
var checkChildren func(*cid.Cid, *cid.Cid) error
checkChildren = func(rk, parentKey *cid.Cid) error {
links, err := p.dserv.GetLinks(context.Background(), parentKey)
links, err := node.GetLinks(context.TODO(), p.dserv, parentKey)
if err != nil {
return err
......@@ -425,7 +427,7 @@ func cidSetWithValues(cids []*cid.Cid) *cid.Set {
// LoadPinner loads a pinner and its keysets from the given datastore
func LoadPinner(d ds.Datastore, dserv, internal mdag.DAGService) (Pinner, error) {
func LoadPinner(d ds.Datastore, dserv, internal node.DAGService) (Pinner, error) {
p := new(pinner)
rootKeyI, err := d.Get(pinDatastoreKey)
......@@ -550,16 +552,18 @@ func (p *pinner) Flush() error {
// add the empty node, its referenced by the pin sets but never created
_, err := p.internal.Add(new(mdag.ProtoNode))
err := p.internal.Add(ctx, new(mdag.ProtoNode))
if err != nil {
return err
k, err := p.internal.Add(root)
err = p.internal.Add(ctx, root)
if err != nil {
return err
k := root.Cid()
if err := p.dstore.Put(pinDatastoreKey, k.Bytes()); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot store pin state: %v", err)
......@@ -593,8 +597,8 @@ func (p *pinner) PinWithMode(c *cid.Cid, mode PinMode) {
// hasChild recursively looks for a Cid among the children of a root Cid.
// The visit function can be used to shortcut already-visited branches.
func hasChild(ds mdag.LinkService, root *cid.Cid, child *cid.Cid, visit func(*cid.Cid) bool) (bool, error) {
links, err := ds.GetLinks(context.Background(), root)
func hasChild(ng node.NodeGetter, root *cid.Cid, child *cid.Cid, visit func(*cid.Cid) bool) (bool, error) {
links, err := node.GetLinks(context.TODO(), ng, root)
if err != nil {
return false, err
......@@ -604,7 +608,7 @@ func hasChild(ds mdag.LinkService, root *cid.Cid, child *cid.Cid, visit func(*ci
return true, nil
if visit(c) {
has, err := hasChild(ds, c, child, visit)
has, err := hasChild(ng, c, child, visit)
if err != nil {
return false, err
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ func TestPinnerBasic(t *testing.T) {
p := NewPinner(dstore, dserv, dserv)
a, ak := randNode()
_, err := dserv.Add(a)
err := dserv.Add(ctx, a)
if err != nil {
......@@ -74,10 +74,11 @@ func TestPinnerBasic(t *testing.T) {
// create new node c, to be indirectly pinned through b
c, _ := randNode()
ck, err := dserv.Add(c)
err = dserv.Add(ctx, c)
if err != nil {
ck := c.Cid()
// Create new node b, to be parent to a and c
b, _ := randNode()
......@@ -91,10 +92,11 @@ func TestPinnerBasic(t *testing.T) {
_, err = dserv.Add(b)
err = dserv.Add(ctx, b)
if err != nil {
bk := b.Cid()
// recursively pin B{A,C}
err = p.Pin(ctx, b, true)
......@@ -104,7 +106,6 @@ func TestPinnerBasic(t *testing.T) {
assertPinned(t, p, ck, "child of recursively pinned node not found")
bk := b.Cid()
assertPinned(t, p, bk, "Recursively pinned node not found..")
d, _ := randNode()
......@@ -115,11 +116,11 @@ func TestPinnerBasic(t *testing.T) {
d.AddNodeLink("e", e)
// Must be in dagserv for unpin to work
_, err = dserv.Add(e)
err = dserv.Add(ctx, e)
if err != nil {
_, err = dserv.Add(d)
err = dserv.Add(ctx, d)
if err != nil {
......@@ -194,13 +195,13 @@ func TestIsPinnedLookup(t *testing.T) {
ak, err := dserv.Add(a)
err := dserv.Add(ctx, a)
if err != nil {
//t.Logf("a[%d] is %s", i, ak)
aNodes[i] = a
aKeys[i] = ak
aKeys[i] = a.Cid()
// Pin A5 recursively
......@@ -222,20 +223,22 @@ func TestIsPinnedLookup(t *testing.T) {
// Add C
ck, err := dserv.Add(c)
err := dserv.Add(ctx, c)
if err != nil {
ck := c.Cid()
//t.Logf("C is %s", ck)
// Add C to B and Add B
if err := b.AddNodeLink("myotherchild", c); err != nil {
bk, err := dserv.Add(b)
err = dserv.Add(ctx, b)
if err != nil {
bk := b.Cid()
//t.Logf("B is %s", bk)
// Pin C recursively
......@@ -284,7 +287,7 @@ func TestDuplicateSemantics(t *testing.T) {
p := NewPinner(dstore, dserv, dserv)
a, _ := randNode()
_, err := dserv.Add(a)
err := dserv.Add(ctx, a)
if err != nil {
......@@ -349,12 +352,12 @@ func TestPinRecursiveFail(t *testing.T) {
t.Fatal("should have failed to pin here")
_, err = dserv.Add(b)
err = dserv.Add(ctx, b)
if err != nil {
_, err = dserv.Add(a)
err = dserv.Add(ctx, a)
if err != nil {
......@@ -369,6 +372,8 @@ func TestPinRecursiveFail(t *testing.T) {
func TestPinUpdate(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
dstore := dssync.MutexWrap(ds.NewMapDatastore())
bstore := blockstore.NewBlockstore(dstore)
bserv := bs.New(bstore, offline.Exchange(bstore))
......@@ -378,10 +383,9 @@ func TestPinUpdate(t *testing.T) {
n1, c1 := randNode()
n2, c2 := randNode()
dserv.Add(ctx, n1)
dserv.Add(ctx, n2)
ctx := context.Background()
if err := p.Pin(ctx, n1, true); err != nil {
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ func (s sortByHash) Swap(a, b int) {
s.links[a], s.links[b] = s.links[b], s.links[a]
func storeItems(ctx context.Context, dag merkledag.DAGService, estimatedLen uint64, depth uint32, iter itemIterator, internalKeys keyObserver) (*merkledag.ProtoNode, error) {
func storeItems(ctx context.Context, dag node.DAGService, estimatedLen uint64, depth uint32, iter itemIterator, internalKeys keyObserver) (*merkledag.ProtoNode, error) {
links := make([]*node.Link, 0, defaultFanout+maxItems)
for i := 0; i < defaultFanout; i++ {
links = append(links, &node.Link{Cid: emptyKey})
......@@ -139,10 +139,11 @@ func storeItems(ctx context.Context, dag merkledag.DAGService, estimatedLen uint
return nil, err
childKey, err := dag.Add(child)
err = dag.Add(ctx, child)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
childKey := child.Cid()
......@@ -202,7 +203,7 @@ func writeHdr(n *merkledag.ProtoNode, hdr *pb.Set) error {
type walkerFunc func(idx int, link *node.Link) error
func walkItems(ctx context.Context, dag merkledag.DAGService, n *merkledag.ProtoNode, fn walkerFunc, children keyObserver) error {
func walkItems(ctx context.Context, dag node.DAGService, n *merkledag.ProtoNode, fn walkerFunc, children keyObserver) error {
hdr, err := readHdr(n)
if err != nil {
return err
......@@ -237,7 +238,7 @@ func walkItems(ctx context.Context, dag merkledag.DAGService, n *merkledag.Proto
return nil
func loadSet(ctx context.Context, dag merkledag.DAGService, root *merkledag.ProtoNode, name string, internalKeys keyObserver) ([]*cid.Cid, error) {
func loadSet(ctx context.Context, dag node.DAGService, root *merkledag.ProtoNode, name string, internalKeys keyObserver) ([]*cid.Cid, error) {
l, err := root.GetNodeLink(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
......@@ -280,17 +281,17 @@ func getCidListIterator(cids []*cid.Cid) itemIterator {
func storeSet(ctx context.Context, dag merkledag.DAGService, cids []*cid.Cid, internalKeys keyObserver) (*merkledag.ProtoNode, error) {
func storeSet(ctx context.Context, dag node.DAGService, cids []*cid.Cid, internalKeys keyObserver) (*merkledag.ProtoNode, error) {
iter := getCidListIterator(cids)
n, err := storeItems(ctx, dag, uint64(len(cids)), 0, iter, internalKeys)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c, err := dag.Add(n)
err = dag.Add(ctx, n)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return n, nil
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