Commit dd504bd1 authored by Brian Tiger Chow's avatar Brian Tiger Chow

move PQ to thirdparty

package pq
import "container/heap"
// PQ is a basic priority queue.
type PQ interface {
// Push adds the ele
// Pop returns the highest priority Elem in PQ.
Pop() Elem
// Len returns the number of elements in the PQ.
Len() int
// Update `fixes` the PQ.
Update(index int)
// TODO explain why this interface should not be extended
// It does not support Remove. This is because...
// Elem describes elements that can be added to the PQ. Clients must implement
// this interface.
type Elem interface {
// SetIndex stores the int index.
// Index returns the last given by SetIndex(int).
Index() int
// ElemComparator returns true if pri(a) > pri(b)
type ElemComparator func(a, b Elem) bool
// New creates a PQ with a client-supplied comparator.
func New(cmp ElemComparator) PQ {
q := &wrapper{heapinterface{
elems: make([]Elem, 0),
cmp: cmp,
return q
// wrapper exists because we cannot re-define Push. We want to expose
// Push(Elem) but heap.Interface requires Push(interface{})
type wrapper struct {
var _ PQ = &wrapper{}
func (w *wrapper) Push(e Elem) {
heap.Push(&w.heapinterface, e)
func (w *wrapper) Pop() Elem {
return heap.Pop(&w.heapinterface).(Elem)
func (w *wrapper) Update(index int) {
heap.Fix(&w.heapinterface, index)
// heapinterface handles dirty low-level details of managing the priority queue.
type heapinterface struct {
elems []Elem
cmp ElemComparator
var _ heap.Interface = &heapinterface{}
// public interface
func (q *heapinterface) Len() int {
return len(q.elems)
// Less delegates the decision to the comparator
func (q *heapinterface) Less(i, j int) bool {
return q.cmp(q.elems[i], q.elems[j])
// Swap swaps the elements with indexes i and j.
func (q *heapinterface) Swap(i, j int) {
q.elems[i], q.elems[j] = q.elems[j], q.elems[i]
// Note that Push and Pop in this interface are for package heap's
// implementation to call. To add and remove things from the heap, wrap with
// the pq struct to call heap.Push and heap.Pop.
func (q *heapinterface) Push(x interface{}) { // where to put the elem?
t := x.(Elem)
q.elems = append(q.elems, t)
func (q *heapinterface) Pop() interface{} {
old := q.elems
n := len(old)
elem := old[n-1] // remove the last
elem.SetIndex(-1) // for safety // FIXME why?
q.elems = old[0 : n-1] // shrink
return elem
package pq
import (
type TestElem struct {
Key string
Priority int
index int
func (e *TestElem) Index() int {
return e.index
func (e *TestElem) SetIndex(i int) {
e.index = i
var PriorityComparator = func(i, j Elem) bool {
return i.(*TestElem).Priority > j.(*TestElem).Priority
func TestQueuesReturnTypeIsSameAsParameterToPush(t *testing.T) {
q := New(PriorityComparator)
expectedKey := "foo"
elem := &TestElem{Key: expectedKey}
switch v := q.Pop().(type) {
case *TestElem:
if v.Key != expectedKey {
t.Fatal("the key doesn't match the pushed value")
t.Fatal("the queue is not casting values appropriately")
func TestCorrectnessOfPop(t *testing.T) {
q := New(PriorityComparator)
tasks := []TestElem{
TestElem{Key: "a", Priority: 9},
TestElem{Key: "b", Priority: 4},
TestElem{Key: "c", Priority: 3},
TestElem{Key: "d", Priority: 0},
TestElem{Key: "e", Priority: 6},
for _, e := range tasks {
var priorities []int
for q.Len() > 0 {
i := q.Pop().(*TestElem).Priority
t.Log("popped %v", i)
priorities = append(priorities, i)
if !sort.IntsAreSorted(priorities) {
t.Fatal("the values were not returned in sorted order")
func TestUpdate(t *testing.T) {
Add 3 elements.
Update the highest priority element to have the lowest priority and fix the queue.
It should come out last.`)
q := New(PriorityComparator)
lowest := &TestElem{Key: "originallyLowest", Priority: 1}
middle := &TestElem{Key: "originallyMiddle", Priority: 2}
highest := &TestElem{Key: "toBeUpdated", Priority: 3}
if q.Pop().(*TestElem).Key != highest.Key {
t.Fatal("popped element doesn't have the highest priority")
q.Push(highest) // re-add the popped element
highest.Priority = 0 // update the PQ
q.Update(highest.Index()) // fix the PQ
if q.Pop().(*TestElem).Key != middle.Key {
t.Fatal("middle element should now have the highest priority")
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