ext_test.go 6.09 KB
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1 2 3 4 5
package dht

import (

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6 7
	crand "crypto/rand"

8 9

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10 11
	peer "github.com/jbenet/go-ipfs/peer"
	swarm "github.com/jbenet/go-ipfs/swarm"
12 13
	u "github.com/jbenet/go-ipfs/util"
	ma "github.com/jbenet/go-multiaddr"
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14 15 16 17 18 19 20


// fauxNet is a standin for a swarm.Network in order to more easily recreate
// different testing scenarios
type fauxNet struct {
21 22
	Chan     *swarm.Chan
	handlers []mesHandleFunc
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23 24 25 26


27 28 29 30
// mesHandleFunc is a function that takes in outgoing messages
// and can respond to them, simulating other peers on the network.
// returning nil will chose not to respond and pass the message onto the
// next registered handler
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31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
type mesHandleFunc func(*swarm.Message) *swarm.Message

func newFauxNet() *fauxNet {
	fn := new(fauxNet)
	fn.Chan = swarm.NewChan(8)

	return fn

40 41 42
// Instead of 'Listening' Start up a goroutine that will check
// all outgoing messages against registered message handlers,
// and reply if needed
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43 44 45 46 47
func (f *fauxNet) Listen() error {
	go func() {
		for {
			select {
			case in := <-f.Chan.Outgoing:
				for _, h := range f.handlers {
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49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65
					reply := h(in)
					if reply != nil {
						f.Chan.Incoming <- reply
	return nil

func (f *fauxNet) AddHandler(fn func(*swarm.Message) *swarm.Message) {
	f.handlers = append(f.handlers, fn)

func (f *fauxNet) Send(mes *swarm.Message) {
66 67
	f.Chan.Outgoing <- mes
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69 70 71 72
func (f *fauxNet) GetErrChan() chan error {
	return f.Chan.Errors

73 74
func (f *fauxNet) GetChannel(t swarm.PBWrapper_MessageType) *swarm.Chan {
	return f.Chan
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75 76

77 78 79 80
func (f *fauxNet) Connect(addr *ma.Multiaddr) (*peer.Peer, error) {
	return nil, nil

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81 82 83 84
func (f *fauxNet) GetConnection(id peer.ID, addr *ma.Multiaddr) (*peer.Peer, error) {
	return &peer.Peer{ID: id, Addresses: []*ma.Multiaddr{addr}}, nil

func TestGetFailures(t *testing.T) {
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86 87 88 89
	fn := newFauxNet()

	local := new(peer.Peer)
	local.ID = peer.ID("test_peer")
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91 92 93

	d := NewDHT(local, fn)

94 95
	other := &peer.Peer{ID: peer.ID("other_peer")}

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98 99 100

	// This one should time out
	_, err := d.GetValue(u.Key("test"), time.Millisecond*10)
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	if err != nil {
		if err != u.ErrTimeout {
104 105 106 107
			t.Fatal("Got different error than we expected.")
	} else {
		t.Fatal("Did not get expected error!")
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108 109

	// Reply with failures to every message
111 112 113 114 115 116 117
	fn.AddHandler(func(mes *swarm.Message) *swarm.Message {
		pmes := new(PBDHTMessage)
		err := proto.Unmarshal(mes.Data, pmes)
		if err != nil {

Chas Leichner's avatar
Chas Leichner committed
		resp := Message{
			Type:     pmes.GetType(),
Chas Leichner's avatar
Chas Leichner committed
			ID:       pmes.GetId(),
121 122 123 124 125 126 127
			Response: true,
			Success:  false,
		return swarm.NewMessage(mes.Peer, resp.ToProtobuf())

	// This one should fail with NotFound
	_, err = d.GetValue(u.Key("test"), time.Millisecond*1000)
129 130
	if err != nil {
		if err != u.ErrNotFound {
			t.Fatalf("Expected ErrNotFound, got: %s", err)
132 133 134 135
	} else {
		t.Fatal("expected error, got none.")
136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152

	success := make(chan struct{})
	fn.handlers = nil
	fn.AddHandler(func(mes *swarm.Message) *swarm.Message {
		resp := new(PBDHTMessage)
		err := proto.Unmarshal(mes.Data, resp)
		if err != nil {
		if resp.GetSuccess() {
			t.Fatal("Get returned success when it shouldnt have.")
		success <- struct{}{}
		return nil

	// Now we test this DHT's handleGetValue failure
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Chas Leichner committed
	req := Message{
154 155
		Type:  PBDHTMessage_GET_VALUE,
		Key:   "hello",
Chas Leichner's avatar
Chas Leichner committed
		ID:    GenerateMessageID(),
157 158 159 160 161
		Value: []byte{0},
	fn.Chan.Incoming <- swarm.NewMessage(other, req.ToProtobuf())

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Jeromy's avatar
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// TODO: Maybe put these in some sort of "ipfs_testutil" package
func _randPeer() *peer.Peer {
	p := new(peer.Peer)
	p.ID = make(peer.ID, 16)
	p.Addresses = []*ma.Multiaddr{nil}
	return p

func TestNotFound(t *testing.T) {
	fn := newFauxNet()

	local := new(peer.Peer)
	local.ID = peer.ID("test_peer")

	d := NewDHT(local, fn)

	var ps []*peer.Peer
	for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
		ps = append(ps, _randPeer())

	// Reply with random peers to every message
	fn.AddHandler(func(mes *swarm.Message) *swarm.Message {
		t.Log("Handling message...")
		pmes := new(PBDHTMessage)
		err := proto.Unmarshal(mes.Data, pmes)
		if err != nil {

		switch pmes.GetType() {
		case PBDHTMessage_GET_VALUE:
			resp := Message{
				Type:     pmes.GetType(),
				ID:       pmes.GetId(),
				Response: true,
				Success:  false,

			for i := 0; i < 7; i++ {
				resp.Peers = append(resp.Peers, _randPeer())
			return swarm.NewMessage(mes.Peer, resp.ToProtobuf())
			panic("Shouldnt recieve this.")


	_, err := d.GetValue(u.Key("hello"), time.Second*30)
	if err != nil {
		switch err {
		case u.ErrNotFound:
		case u.ErrTimeout:
			t.Fatal("Should not have gotten timeout!")
			t.Fatalf("Got unexpected error: %s", err)
	t.Fatal("Expected to recieve an error.")
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// If less than K nodes are in the entire network, it should fail when we make
// a GET rpc and nobody has the value
func TestLessThanKResponses(t *testing.T) {
	u.Debug = false
	fn := newFauxNet()

	local := new(peer.Peer)
	local.ID = peer.ID("test_peer")

	d := NewDHT(local, fn)

	var ps []*peer.Peer
	for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
		ps = append(ps, _randPeer())
	other := _randPeer()

	// Reply with random peers to every message
	fn.AddHandler(func(mes *swarm.Message) *swarm.Message {
		t.Log("Handling message...")
		pmes := new(PBDHTMessage)
		err := proto.Unmarshal(mes.Data, pmes)
		if err != nil {

		switch pmes.GetType() {
		case PBDHTMessage_GET_VALUE:
			resp := Message{
				Type:     pmes.GetType(),
				ID:       pmes.GetId(),
				Response: true,
				Success:  false,
				Peers:    []*peer.Peer{other},

			return swarm.NewMessage(mes.Peer, resp.ToProtobuf())
			panic("Shouldnt recieve this.")


	_, err := d.GetValue(u.Key("hello"), time.Second*30)
	if err != nil {
		switch err {
		case u.ErrNotFound:
		case u.ErrTimeout:
			t.Fatal("Should not have gotten timeout!")
			t.Fatalf("Got unexpected error: %s", err)
	t.Fatal("Expected to recieve an error.")