Commit 21c5e942 authored by Steven Allen's avatar Steven Allen

fix the documentation

This repo actually has 3 different packages which are documented independently.

fixes #3
parent f1c410ca
......@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
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> go-ipfs-routing provides go-libp2p-routing implementations used in go-ipfs.
......@@ -17,27 +16,60 @@
## Install
`go-ipfs-routing` works like a regular Go module:
`go-ipfs-routing` works like a set of regular Go packages:
> go get
> go get
This module uses [Gx]( to manage dependencies. You can use `make all` to build it with the `gx` dependencies.
This module uses [Gx]( to manage
dependencies. You can use `make all` to build it with the `gx` dependencies.
## Usage
This repo contains 3 different packages.
### Mock
import ""
Mock is a fake router useful for tests. It provides a mock client that
implements the `IpfsRouting` interface and a mock server from which the client
retrieves routing records.
### Offline
import ""
Offline is an offline router that can put and get records to and from a local
`Datastore` but can't retrieve them from the network.
### None
import ""
import ""
Check the [GoDoc documentation](
None is a router no-op router that doesn't do anything. Puts always succeed and
lookups always fail.
## Contribute
PRs accepted.
Small note: If editing the README, please conform to the [standard-readme]( specification.
Small note: If editing the README, please conform to the
[standard-readme]( specification.
## License
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