t0250-files-api.sh 10.4 KB
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# Copyright (c) 2015 Jeromy Johnson
# MIT Licensed; see the LICENSE file in this repository.

test_description="test the unix files api"

. lib/test-lib.sh


# setup files for testing
test_expect_success "can create some files for testing" '
	FILE1=$(echo foo | ipfs add -q) &&
	FILE2=$(echo bar | ipfs add -q) &&
	FILE3=$(echo baz | ipfs add -q) &&
	mkdir stuff_test &&
	echo cats > stuff_test/a &&
	echo dogs > stuff_test/b &&
	echo giraffes > stuff_test/c &&
	DIR1=$(ipfs add -q stuff_test | tail -n1)

verify_path_exists() {
	# simply running ls on a file should be a good 'check'
	ipfs files ls $1

verify_dir_contents() {
	rm -f expected
	touch expected
	for e in $@
		echo $e >> expected

	test_expect_success "can list dir" '
		ipfs files ls $dir > output

	test_expect_success "dir entries look good" '
		test_sort_cmp output expected

test_files_api() {
	test_expect_success "can mkdir in root" '
		ipfs files mkdir /cats

54 55 56 57 58 59
	test_expect_success "'files ls' lists root by default" '
		ipfs files ls >actual &&
		echo "cats" >expected &&
		test_cmp expected actual

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60 61 62 63 64 65 66
	test_expect_success "directory was created" '
		verify_path_exists /cats

	test_expect_success "directory is empty" '
		verify_dir_contents /cats
67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78
	# we do verification of stat formatting now as we depend on it

	test_expect_success "stat works" '
		ipfs files stat / >stat

	test_expect_success "hash is first line of stat" '
		ipfs ls $(head -1 stat) | grep "cats"

	test_expect_success "stat --hash gives only hash" '
		ipfs files stat --hash / >actual &&
		head -n1 stat >expected &&
80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96
		test_cmp expected actual

	test_expect_success "stat with multiple format options should fail" '
		test_must_fail ipfs files stat --hash --size /

	test_expect_success "compare hash option with format" '
		ipfs files stat --hash / >expected &&
		ipfs files stat --format='"'"'<hash>'"'"' / >actual &&
		test_cmp expected actual
	test_expect_success "compare size option with format" '
		ipfs files stat --size / >expected &&
		ipfs files stat --format='"'"'<cumulsize>'"'"' / >actual &&
		test_cmp expected actual
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	test_expect_success "check root hash" '
		ipfs files stat --hash / > roothash
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100 101 102 103 104 105 106

	test_expect_success "cannot mkdir /" '
		test_expect_code 1 ipfs files mkdir /

	test_expect_success "check root hash was not changed" '
		ipfs files stat --hash / > roothashafter &&
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108 109 110
		test_cmp roothash roothashafter

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111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124
	test_expect_success "can put files into directory" '
		ipfs files cp /ipfs/$FILE1 /cats/file1

	test_expect_success "file shows up in directory" '
		verify_dir_contents /cats file1

	test_expect_success "can read file" '
		ipfs files read /cats/file1 > file1out

	test_expect_success "output looks good" '
		echo foo > expected &&
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		test_cmp expected file1out
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126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141

	test_expect_success "can put another file into root" '
		ipfs files cp /ipfs/$FILE2 /file2

	test_expect_success "file shows up in root" '
		verify_dir_contents / file2 cats

	test_expect_success "can read file" '
		ipfs files read /file2 > file2out

	test_expect_success "output looks good" '
		echo bar > expected &&
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		test_cmp expected file2out
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143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167

	test_expect_success "can make deep directory" '
		ipfs files mkdir -p /cats/this/is/a/dir

	test_expect_success "directory was created correctly" '
		verify_path_exists /cats/this/is/a/dir &&
		verify_dir_contents /cats this file1 &&
		verify_dir_contents /cats/this is &&
		verify_dir_contents /cats/this/is a &&
		verify_dir_contents /cats/this/is/a dir &&
		verify_dir_contents /cats/this/is/a/dir

	test_expect_success "can copy file into new dir" '
		ipfs files cp /ipfs/$FILE3 /cats/this/is/a/dir/file3

	test_expect_success "can read file" '
		ipfs files read /cats/this/is/a/dir/file3 > output

	test_expect_success "output looks good" '
		echo baz > expected &&
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		test_cmp expected output
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169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198

	test_expect_success "file shows up in dir" '
		verify_dir_contents /cats/this/is/a/dir file3

	test_expect_success "can remove file" '
		ipfs files rm /cats/this/is/a/dir/file3

	test_expect_success "file no longer appears" '
		verify_dir_contents /cats/this/is/a/dir

	test_expect_success "can remove dir" '
		ipfs files rm -r /cats/this/is/a/dir

	test_expect_success "dir no longer appears" '
		verify_dir_contents /cats/this/is/a

	test_expect_success "can remove file from root" '
		ipfs files rm /file2

	test_expect_success "file no longer appears" '
		verify_dir_contents / cats

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	test_expect_success "check root hash" '
		ipfs files stat --hash / > roothash
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201 202 203 204 205 206 207

	test_expect_success "cannot remove root" '
		test_expect_code 1 ipfs files rm -r /

	test_expect_success "check root hash was not changed" '
		ipfs files stat --hash / > roothashafter &&
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209 210 211
		test_cmp roothash roothashafter

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212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219
	# test read options

	test_expect_success "read from offset works" '
		ipfs files read -o 1 /cats/file1 > output

	test_expect_success "output looks good" '
		echo oo > expected &&
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		test_cmp expected output
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221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228

	test_expect_success "read with size works" '
		ipfs files read -n 2 /cats/file1 > output

	test_expect_success "output looks good" '
		printf fo > expected &&
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229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277
		test_cmp expected output

	test_expect_success "cannot read from negative offset" '
		test_expect_code 1 ipfs files read --offset -3 /cats/file1

	test_expect_success "read from offset 0 works" '
		ipfs files read --offset 0 /cats/file1 > output

	test_expect_success "output looks good" '
		echo foo > expected &&
		test_cmp expected output

	test_expect_success "read last byte works" '
		ipfs files read --offset 2 /cats/file1 > output

	test_expect_success "output looks good" '
		echo o > expected &&
		test_cmp expected output

	test_expect_success "offset past end of file fails" '
		test_expect_code 1 ipfs files read --offset 5 /cats/file1

	test_expect_success "cannot read negative count bytes" '
		test_expect_code 1 ipfs read --count -1 /cats/file1

	test_expect_success "reading zero bytes prints nothing" '
		ipfs files read --count 0 /cats/file1 > output

	test_expect_success "output looks good" '
		printf "" > expected &&
		test_cmp expected output

	test_expect_success "count > len(file) prints entire file" '
		ipfs files read --count 200 /cats/file1 > output

	test_expect_success "output looks good" '
		echo foo > expected &&
		test_cmp expected output
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278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301

	# test write

	test_expect_success "can write file" '
		echo "ipfs rocks" > tmpfile &&
		cat tmpfile | ipfs files write --create /cats/ipfs

	test_expect_success "file was created" '
		verify_dir_contents /cats ipfs file1 this

	test_expect_success "can read file we just wrote" '
		ipfs files read /cats/ipfs > output

	test_expect_success "can write to offset" '
		echo "is super cool" | ipfs files write -o 5 /cats/ipfs

	test_expect_success "file looks correct" '
		echo "ipfs is super cool" > expected &&
		ipfs files read /cats/ipfs > output &&
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302 303 304 305
		test_cmp expected output

	test_expect_success "cant write to negative offset" '
		ipfs files stat --hash /cats/ipfs > filehash &&
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307 308 309 310
		test_expect_code 1 ipfs files write --offset -1 /cats/ipfs < output

	test_expect_success "verify file was not changed" '
		ipfs files stat --hash /cats/ipfs > afterhash &&
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312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337
		test_cmp filehash afterhash

	test_expect_success "write new file for testing" '
		echo foobar | ipfs files write --create /fun

	test_expect_success "write to offset past end works" '
		echo blah | ipfs files write --offset 50 /fun

	test_expect_success "can read file" '
		ipfs files read /fun > sparse_output

	test_expect_success "output looks good" '
		echo foobar > sparse_expected &&
		echo blah | dd of=sparse_expected bs=50 seek=1 &&
		test_cmp sparse_expected sparse_output

	test_expect_success "cleanup" '
		ipfs files rm /fun

	test_expect_success "cannot write to directory" '
		ipfs files stat --hash /cats > dirhash &&
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339 340 341 342
		test_expect_code 1 ipfs files write /cats < output

	test_expect_success "verify dir was not changed" '
		ipfs files stat --hash /cats > afterdirhash &&
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344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352
		test_cmp dirhash afterdirhash

	test_expect_success "cannot write to nonexistant path" '
		test_expect_code 1 ipfs files write /cats/bar/ < output

	test_expect_success "no new paths were created" '
		verify_dir_contents /cats file1 ipfs this
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353 354

	test_expect_success "write 'no-flush' succeeds" '
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356 357 358 359 360 361 362
		echo "testing" | ipfs files write -f=false -e /cats/walrus

	test_expect_success "root hash not bubbled up yet" '
		test -z "$ONLINE" ||
		(ipfs refs local > refsout &&
		test_expect_code 1 grep QmcwKfTMCT7AaeiD92hWjnZn9b6eh9NxnhfSzN5x2vnDpt refsout)
363 364 365

	test_expect_success "changes bubbled up to root on inspection" '
		ipfs files stat --hash / > root_hash
367 368 369

	test_expect_success "root hash looks good" '
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370 371
		export EXP_ROOT_HASH="QmcwKfTMCT7AaeiD92hWjnZn9b6eh9NxnhfSzN5x2vnDpt" &&
		echo $EXP_ROOT_HASH > root_hash_exp &&
372 373 374
		test_cmp root_hash_exp root_hash

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375 376 377 378
	test_expect_success "flush root succeeds" '
		ipfs files flush /

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379 380 381 382 383 384
	# test mv
	test_expect_success "can mv dir" '
		ipfs files mv /cats/this/is /cats/

	test_expect_success "mv worked" '
		verify_dir_contents /cats file1 ipfs this is walrus &&
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386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395
		verify_dir_contents /cats/this

	test_expect_success "cleanup, remove 'cats'" '
		ipfs files rm -r /cats

	test_expect_success "cleanup looks good" '
		verify_dir_contents /
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397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415
	# test truncating
	test_expect_success "create a new file" '
		echo "some content" | ipfs files write --create /cats

	test_expect_success "truncate and write over that file" '
		echo "fish" | ipfs files write --truncate /cats

	test_expect_success "output looks good" '
		ipfs files read /cats > file_out &&
		echo "fish" > file_exp &&
		test_cmp file_out file_exp

	test_expect_success "cleanup" '
		ipfs files rm /cats

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416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439
	# test flush flags
	test_expect_success "mkdir --flush works" '
		ipfs files mkdir --flush --parents /flushed/deep

	test_expect_success "mkdir --flush works a second time" '
		ipfs files mkdir --flush --parents /flushed/deep

	test_expect_success "dir looks right" '
		verify_dir_contents / flushed

	test_expect_success "child dir looks right" '
		verify_dir_contents /flushed deep

	test_expect_success "cleanup" '
		ipfs files rm -r /flushed

	test_expect_success "child dir looks right" '
		verify_dir_contents /
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440 441 442 443

# test offline and online
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test_expect_success "clean up objects from previous test run" '
	ipfs repo gc

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450 451

ONLINE=1 # set online flag so tests can easily tell
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