Commit 047d2e2d authored by Juan Batiz-Benet's avatar Juan Batiz-Benet

cmd2: Marshaller -> Marshaler (see golang/encoding)

- map[cmds.EncodingType]cmds.Marshaller -> MarshalMap

cc @mappum @maybebtc
parent 0f7757c6
......@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ func (i *cmdInvocation) Parse(args []string) error {
// if no encoding was specified by user, default to plaintext encoding
// (if command doesn't support plaintext, use JSON instead)
if !i.req.Option("encoding").Found() {
if i.req.Command().Marshallers != nil && i.req.Command().Marshallers[cmds.Text] != nil {
if i.req.Command().Marshalers != nil && i.req.Command().Marshalers[cmds.Text] != nil {
i.req.SetOption("encoding", cmds.Text)
} else {
i.req.SetOption("encoding", cmds.JSON)
......@@ -16,9 +16,13 @@ var log = u.Logger("command")
// It reads from the Request, and writes results to the Response.
type Function func(Request) (interface{}, error)
// Marshaller is a function that takes in a Response, and returns a marshalled []byte
// Marshaler is a function that takes in a Response, and returns a marshalled []byte
// (or an error on failure)
type Marshaller func(Response) ([]byte, error)
type Marshaler func(Response) ([]byte, error)
// MarshalerMap is a map of Marshaler functions, keyed by EncodingType
// (or an error on failure)
type MarshalerMap map[EncodingType]Marshaler
// HelpText is a set of strings used to generate command help text. The help
// text follows formats similar to man pages, but not exactly the same.
......@@ -45,11 +49,11 @@ type HelpText struct {
// Command is a runnable command, with input arguments and options (flags).
// It can also have Subcommands, to group units of work into sets.
type Command struct {
Options []Option
Arguments []Argument
Run Function
Marshallers map[EncodingType]Marshaller
Helptext HelpText
Options []Option
Arguments []Argument
Run Function
Marshalers map[EncodingType]Marshaler
Helptext HelpText
// Type describes the type of the output of the Command's Run Function.
// In precise terms, the value of Type is an instance of the return type of
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ const (
// TODO: support more encoding types
var marshallers = map[EncodingType]Marshaller{
var marshallers = map[EncodingType]Marshaler{
JSON: func(res Response) ([]byte, error) {
if res.Error() != nil {
return json.MarshalIndent(res.Error(), "", " ")
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ type Response interface {
Output() interface{}
// Marshal marshals out the response into a buffer. It uses the EncodingType
// on the Request to chose a Marshaller (Codec).
// on the Request to chose a Marshaler (Codec).
Marshal() ([]byte, error)
// Gets a io.Reader that reads the marshalled output
......@@ -122,9 +122,9 @@ func (r *response) Marshal() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(r.Error().Error()), nil
var marshaller Marshaller
if r.req.Command() != nil && r.req.Command().Marshallers != nil {
marshaller = r.req.Command().Marshallers[encType]
var marshaller Marshaler
if r.req.Command() != nil && r.req.Command().Marshalers != nil {
marshaller = r.req.Command().Marshalers[encType]
if marshaller == nil {
var ok bool
......@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ remains to be implemented.
// return &AddOutput{added}, nil
Marshallers: map[cmds.EncodingType]cmds.Marshaller{
Marshalers: cmds.MarshalerMap{
cmds.Text: func(res cmds.Response) ([]byte, error) {
val, ok := res.Output().(*AddOutput)
if !ok {
......@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ It reads from stdin, and <key> is a base58 encoded multihash.
}, nil
Type: &Block{},
Marshallers: map[cmds.EncodingType]cmds.Marshaller{
Marshalers: cmds.MarshalerMap{
cmds.Text: func(res cmds.Response) ([]byte, error) {
block := res.Output().(*Block)
s := fmt.Sprintf("Block added (%v bytes): %s\n", block.Length, block.Key)
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ var peerOptionDesc = "A peer to add to the bootstrap list (in the format '<multi
var bootstrapCmd = &cmds.Command{
Helptext: cmds.HelpText{
Tagline: "Show or edit the list of bootstrap peers",
Synopsis: `
Synopsis: `
ipfs bootstrap list - Show peers in the bootstrap list
ipfs bootstrap add <peer>... - Add peers to the bootstrap list
ipfs bootstrap remove <peer>... - Removes peers from the bootstrap list
......@@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ Running 'ipfs bootstrap' with no arguments will run 'ipfs bootstrap list'.
` + bootstrapSecurityWarning,
Run: bootstrapListCmd.Run,
Marshallers: bootstrapListCmd.Marshallers,
Type: bootstrapListCmd.Type,
Run: bootstrapListCmd.Run,
Marshalers: bootstrapListCmd.Marshalers,
Type: bootstrapListCmd.Type,
Subcommands: map[string]*cmds.Command{
"list": bootstrapListCmd,
......@@ -77,11 +77,11 @@ in the bootstrap list).
return &BootstrapOutput{added}, nil
Type: &BootstrapOutput{},
Marshallers: map[cmds.EncodingType]cmds.Marshaller{
Marshalers: cmds.MarshalerMap{
cmds.Text: func(res cmds.Response) ([]byte, error) {
v := res.Output().(*BootstrapOutput)
s := fmt.Sprintf("Added %v peers to the bootstrap list:\n", len(v.Peers))
marshalled, err := bootstrapMarshaller(res)
marshalled, err := bootstrapMarshaler(res)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
......@@ -124,11 +124,11 @@ var bootstrapRemoveCmd = &cmds.Command{
return &BootstrapOutput{removed}, nil
Type: &BootstrapOutput{},
Marshallers: map[cmds.EncodingType]cmds.Marshaller{
Marshalers: cmds.MarshalerMap{
cmds.Text: func(res cmds.Response) ([]byte, error) {
v := res.Output().(*BootstrapOutput)
s := fmt.Sprintf("Removed %v peers from the bootstrap list:\n", len(v.Peers))
marshalled, err := bootstrapMarshaller(res)
marshalled, err := bootstrapMarshaler(res)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
......@@ -153,12 +153,12 @@ var bootstrapListCmd = &cmds.Command{
return &BootstrapOutput{peers}, nil
Type: &BootstrapOutput{},
Marshallers: map[cmds.EncodingType]cmds.Marshaller{
cmds.Text: bootstrapMarshaller,
Marshalers: cmds.MarshalerMap{
cmds.Text: bootstrapMarshaler,
func bootstrapMarshaller(res cmds.Response) ([]byte, error) {
func bootstrapMarshaler(res cmds.Response) ([]byte, error) {
v, ok := res.Output().(*BootstrapOutput)
if !ok {
return nil, u.ErrCast()
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ func CommandsCmd(root *cmds.Command) *cmds.Command {
root := cmd2outputCmd("ipfs", root)
return &root, nil
Marshallers: map[cmds.EncodingType]cmds.Marshaller{
Marshalers: cmds.MarshalerMap{
cmds.Text: func(res cmds.Response) ([]byte, error) {
v := res.Output().(*Command)
var buf bytes.Buffer
......@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ Set the value of the 'datastore.path' key:
return getConfig(filename, key)
Marshallers: map[cmds.EncodingType]cmds.Marshaller{
Marshalers: cmds.MarshalerMap{
cmds.Text: func(res cmds.Response) ([]byte, error) {
if len(res.Request().Arguments()) == 2 {
return nil, nil // dont output anything
......@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ connected peers and latencies between them.
return &DiagnosticOutput{output}, nil
Type: &DiagnosticOutput{},
Marshallers: map[cmds.EncodingType]cmds.Marshaller{
Marshalers: cmds.MarshalerMap{
cmds.Text: func(r cmds.Response) ([]byte, error) {
output, ok := r.Output().(*DiagnosticOutput)
if !ok {
......@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ output of a running daemon.
return &MessageOutput{s}, nil
Marshallers: map[cmds.EncodingType]cmds.Marshaller{
cmds.Text: MessageTextMarshaller,
Marshalers: cmds.MarshalerMap{
cmds.Text: MessageTextMarshaler,
Type: &MessageOutput{},
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ it contains, with the following format:
return &LsOutput{output}, nil
Marshallers: map[cmds.EncodingType]cmds.Marshaller{
Marshalers: cmds.MarshalerMap{
cmds.Text: func(res cmds.Response) ([]byte, error) {
s := ""
output := res.Output().(*LsOutput).Objects
......@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ not be listable, as it is virtual. Accessing known paths directly.
Type: &config.Mounts{},
Marshallers: map[cmds.EncodingType]cmds.Marshaller{
Marshalers: cmds.MarshalerMap{
cmds.Text: func(res cmds.Response) ([]byte, error) {
v := res.Output().(*config.Mounts)
s := fmt.Sprintf("IPFS mounted at: %s\n", v.IPFS)
......@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ This command outputs data in the following encodings:
return node, nil
Type: &Node{},
Marshallers: map[cmds.EncodingType]cmds.Marshaller{
Marshalers: cmds.MarshalerMap{
cmds.EncodingType("protobuf"): func(res cmds.Response) ([]byte, error) {
object := res.Output().(*dag.Node)
return object.Marshal()
......@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ Publish a <ref> to another public key:
k := n.Identity.PrivKey()
return publish(n, k, ref)
Marshallers: map[cmds.EncodingType]cmds.Marshaller{
Marshalers: cmds.MarshalerMap{
cmds.Text: func(res cmds.Response) ([]byte, error) {
v := res.Output().(*IpnsEntry)
s := fmt.Sprintf("Published name %s to %s\n", v.Name, v.Value)
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ Note: list all refs recursively with -r.
return getRefs(n, paths, unique, recursive)
Type: &RefsOutput{},
Marshallers: map[cmds.EncodingType]cmds.Marshaller{
Marshalers: cmds.MarshalerMap{
cmds.Text: func(res cmds.Response) ([]byte, error) {
output := res.Output().(*RefsOutput)
s := ""
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ Resolve te value of another name:
return output, nil
Marshallers: map[cmds.EncodingType]cmds.Marshaller{
Marshalers: cmds.MarshalerMap{
cmds.Text: func(res cmds.Response) ([]byte, error) {
output := res.Output().(string)
return []byte(output), nil
......@@ -79,6 +79,6 @@ type MessageOutput struct {
Message string
func MessageTextMarshaller(res cmds.Response) ([]byte, error) {
func MessageTextMarshaler(res cmds.Response) ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(res.Output().(*MessageOutput).Message), nil
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ var updateCmd = &cmds.Command{
"check": updateCheckCmd,
"log": updateLogCmd,
Marshallers: map[cmds.EncodingType]cmds.Marshaller{
Marshalers: cmds.MarshalerMap{
cmds.Text: func(res cmds.Response) ([]byte, error) {
v := res.Output().(*UpdateOutput)
s := ""
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ Nothing will be downloaded or installed.
return updateCheck(n)
Type: &UpdateOutput{},
Marshallers: map[cmds.EncodingType]cmds.Marshaller{
Marshalers: cmds.MarshalerMap{
cmds.Text: func(res cmds.Response) ([]byte, error) {
v := res.Output().(*UpdateOutput)
s := ""
......@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ var versionCmd = &cmds.Command{
Version: config.CurrentVersionNumber,
}, nil
Marshallers: map[cmds.EncodingType]cmds.Marshaller{
Marshalers: cmds.MarshalerMap{
cmds.Text: func(res cmds.Response) ([]byte, error) {
v := res.Output().(*VersionOutput)
s := ""
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