Commit 12bdb94f authored by Łukasz Magiera's avatar Łukasz Magiera

docs: correct p2p command usage

License: MIT
Signed-off-by: default avatarŁukasz Magiera <>
parent 0660f1c4
......@@ -202,11 +202,11 @@ P2P command needs to be enabled in config
Basic usage:
- Open a listener on one node (node A)
`p2p listener open p2p-test /ip4/`
- Connect your app to the endpoint opened locally (tcp on localhost port 10101)
`ipfs p2p listener open p2p-test /ip4/`
- Where `/ip4/` put address of application you want to pass p2p connections to
- On the other node, connect to the listener on node A
`ipfsi 1 p2p stream dial $NODE_A_PEERID p2p-test /ip4/`
- Now connect the application on node B to its tcp endpoint, and they should now be communicating
`ipfs p2p stream dial $NODE_A_PEERID p2p-test /ip4/`
- Node B is now listening for a connection on TCP at, connect your application there to complete the connection
### Road to being a real feature
- [ ] Needs more people to use and report on how well it works / fits use cases
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