Commit 1fd5abf4 authored by Brian Tiger Chow's avatar Brian Tiger Chow

todo(tour) add

parent 74366964
......@@ -22,6 +22,11 @@ func init() {
// }
var (
// TODO bootstrapping
// TODO pinning: ensuring a block is kept in local storage (i.e. not
// evicted from cache).
Introduction = Chapter(0)
FileBasics = Chapter(1)
NodeBasics = Chapter(2)
......@@ -72,6 +77,8 @@ var allTopics = []Topic{
Topic{Network(4), Network_Exchange},
Topic{Network(5), Network_Intro},
// TODO daemon - {API, API Clients, Example} how old-school http + ftp
// clients show it
Topic{Daemon(0), Daemon_Intro},
Topic{Daemon(1), Daemon_Running_Commands},
Topic{Daemon(2), Daemon_Web_UI},
......@@ -82,6 +89,8 @@ var allTopics = []Topic{
Topic{Routing(3), Routing_DHT},
Topic{Routing(4), Routing_Other},
// TODO Exchange_Providing
// TODO Exchange_Providers
Topic{Exchange(0), Exchange_Intro},
Topic{Exchange(1), Exchange_Getting_Blocks},
Topic{Exchange(2), Exchange_Strategies},
......@@ -170,6 +179,14 @@ var FileBasicsMounting = Content{
var NodeBasicsInit = Content{
Title: "Basics - init",
// TODO touch on PKI
// This is somewhat relevant at ipfs init since the generated key pair is the
// basis for the node's identity in the network. A cursory nod may be
// sufficient at that stage, and goes a long way in explaining init's raison
// d'être.
// NB: user is introduced to ipfs init before ipfs add.
Text: `
......@@ -196,7 +213,14 @@ var MerkleDagContentAddressingLinks = Content{}
var MerkleDagRedux = Content{}
var MerkleDagIpfsObjects = Content{}
var MerkleDagIpfsPaths = Content{}
var MerkleDagImmutability = Content{}
var MerkleDagImmutability = Content{
Title: "Immutability",
Text: `
TODO plan9
TODO git
var MerkleDagUseCaseUnixFS = Content{}
var MerkleDagUseCaseGitObjects = Content{}
var MerkleDagUseCaseOperationalTransforms = Content{}
......@@ -226,7 +250,12 @@ var Exchange_Getting_Blocks = Content{}
var Ipns_Consistency = Content{}
var Ipns_Mutability = Content{}
var Ipns_Name_System = Content{}
var Ipns_PKI_Review = Content{}
var Ipns_PKI_Review = Content{
Title: "PKI Review",
Text: `
TODO sign verify
var Ipns_Publishing = Content{}
var Ipns_Records_Etc = Content{}
var Ipns_Resolving = Content{}
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