Commit 23ddc260 authored by Łukasz Magiera's avatar Łukasz Magiera

ci: Coverage and Junit xmls in one run

License: MIT
Signed-off-by: default avatarŁukasz Magiera <>
parent d756d640
......@@ -51,8 +51,9 @@ jobs:
- run: cd "$HOME/.go_workspace/src/$IMPORT_PATH" && curl -s > codecov
- run: cd "$HOME/.go_workspace/src/$IMPORT_PATH" && make -j 1 coverage/unit_tests.coverprofile
- run: cd "$HOME/.go_workspace/src/$IMPORT_PATH" && make -j 1 test/unit/gotest.junit.xml
- run: cd "$HOME/.go_workspace/src/$IMPORT_PATH" && bash codecov -cF unittests -X search -f coverage/unit_tests.coverprofile
- run: mv "$HOME/.go_workspace/src/${IMPORT_PATH}/test/unit/gotest.junit.xml" /tmp/circleci-test-results
- store_test_results:
path: /tmp/circleci-test-results
# Save artifacts
......@@ -89,10 +90,13 @@ jobs:
- ~/.go_workspace/src/gx/ipfs
- ./node_modules
- run: cd "$HOME/.go_workspace/src/$IMPORT_PATH" && curl -s > codecov
- run: cd "$HOME/.go_workspace/src/$IMPORT_PATH" && make -j 1 coverage/sharness_tests.coverprofile
- run: cd "$HOME/.go_workspace/src/$IMPORT_PATH" && make -j 10 coverage/sharness_tests.coverprofile test/sharness/test-results/sharness.xml TEST_GENERATE_JUNIT=1 CONTINUE_ON_S_FAILURE=1
- run: cd "$HOME/.go_workspace/src/$IMPORT_PATH" && bash codecov -cF sharness -X search -f coverage/sharness_tests.coverprofile
- run: mv "$HOME/.go_workspace/src/${IMPORT_PATH}/test/sharness/test-results/sharness.xml" /tmp/circleci-test-results
# make sure we fail if there are test failures
- run: cd "$HOME/.go_workspace/src/$IMPORT_PATH" && ls test/sharness/test-results/t*-*.sh.*.counts | test/sharness/lib/sharness/ | grep 'failed\s*0'
- store_test_results:
path: /tmp/circleci-test-results
# Save artifacts
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ include $(dir)/
# include this file only if coverage target is executed
# it is quite expensive
ifneq ($(filter coverage% clean distclean,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),)
ifneq ($(filter coverage% clean distclean test/unit/gotest.junit.xml,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),)
# has to be after cmd/ipfs due to PATH
dir := coverage
include $(dir)/
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# the CircleCI build line got a bit out of hands
# thus we have sparate file for it
curl -s > codecov
0) make -j 1 coverage/unit_tests.coverprofile &&
bash codecov -cF unittests -X search -f coverage/unit_tests.coverprofile
1) make -j 1 coverage/sharness_tests.coverprofile &&
bash codecov -cF sharness -X search -f coverage/sharness_tests.coverprofile
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ endif
# unit tests coverage
UTESTS_$(d) := $(shell go list -f '{{if (len .TestGoFiles)}}{{.ImportPath}}{{end}}' $(go-flags-with-tags) ./...)
UTESTS_$(d) += $(shell go list -f '{{if (len .XTestGoFiles)}}{{.ImportPath}}{{end}}' $(go-flags-with-tags) ./... | grep -v go-ipfs/vendor | grep -v go-ipfs/Godeps)
UCOVER_$(d) := $(addsuffix .coverprofile,$(addprefix $(d)/unitcover/, $(subst /,_,$(UTESTS_$(d)))))
......@@ -18,7 +19,7 @@ $(UCOVER_$(d)): $(d)/coverage_deps ALWAYS
$(eval TMP_PKG := $(subst _,/,$(basename $(@F))))
$(eval TMP_DEPS := $(shell go list -f '{{range .Deps}}{{.}} {{end}}' $(go-flags-with-tags) $(TMP_PKG) | sed 's/ /\n/g' | grep ipfs/go-ipfs) $(TMP_PKG))
$(eval TMP_DEPS_LIST := $(call join-with,$(comma),$(TMP_DEPS)))
go test $(go-flags-with-tags) $(GOTFLAGS) -covermode=atomic -coverpkg=$(TMP_DEPS_LIST) -coverprofile=$@ $(TMP_PKG)
go test $(go-flags-with-tags) $(GOTFLAGS) -v -covermode=atomic -json -coverpkg=$(TMP_DEPS_LIST) -coverprofile=$@ $(TMP_PKG) | tee -a test/unit/gotest.json
$(d)/unit_tests.coverprofile: $(UCOVER_$(d))
......@@ -26,6 +27,7 @@ $(d)/unit_tests.coverprofile: $(UCOVER_$(d))
TGTS_$(d) := $(d)/unit_tests.coverprofile
.PHONY: $(d)/unit_tests.coverprofile
# sharness tests coverage
$(d)/ipfs: GOTAGS += testrunmain
......@@ -6,4 +6,7 @@ include $(dir)/
dir := $(d)/sharness
include $(dir)/
dir := $(d)/unit
include $(dir)/
include mk/
......@@ -18,6 +18,10 @@ $(d)/ma-pipe-unidir: test/dependencies/ma-pipe-unidir
TGTS_$(d) += $(d)/ma-pipe-unidir
$(d)/json-to-junit: test/dependencies/json-to-junit
TGTS_$(d) += $(d)/json-to-junit
TGTS_GX_$(d) := hang-fds iptb
TGTS_GX_$(d) := $(addprefix $(d)/,$(TGTS_GX_$(d)))
package main
import (
type testMsg struct {
Time string
Action string
Package string
Test string
Output string
Elapsed float64
type testsuites struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"testsuites"`
Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
Testsuites []testsuite
type testsuite struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"testsuite"`
Package string `xml:"package,attr"`
Errors int `xml:"errors,attr"`
Failures int `xml:"failures,attr"`
Tests int `xml:"tests,attr"`
Time float64 `xml:"time,attr"`
Testcases []testcase
type testcase struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"testcase"`
Name string `xml:"name,attr"`
Classname string `xml:"classname,attr"`
Time float64 `xml:"time,attr"`
Sout string `xml:"system-out"`
Serr string `xml:"system-err"`
Skipped string `xml:"skipped,omitempty"`
Failure string `xml:"failure,omitempty"`
func main() {
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
tests := make(map[string]map[string]testcase)
var fails int
var packages []testsuite
for scanner.Scan() {
msg := testMsg{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(scanner.Bytes(), &msg); err != nil {
switch {
case msg.Action == "run":
if tests[msg.Package] == nil {
tests[msg.Package] = make(map[string]testcase)
tests[msg.Package][msg.Test] = testcase{
Name: msg.Test,
Classname: msg.Package,
case msg.Action == "output":
if msg.Test == "" {
test := tests[msg.Package][msg.Test]
test.Sout = test.Sout + msg.Output + "\n"
tests[msg.Package][msg.Test] = test
case msg.Action == "skip":
case msg.Action == "fail":
case msg.Action == "pass":
if msg.Test != "" {
test := tests[msg.Package][msg.Test]
test.Time = msg.Elapsed
if msg.Action == "skip" {
test.Skipped = "skipped"
if msg.Action == "fail" {
test.Failure = "failed"
tests[msg.Package][msg.Test] = test
ts := testsuite{
Package: msg.Package,
Time: msg.Elapsed,
for _, test := range tests[msg.Package] {
ts.Testcases = append(ts.Testcases, test)
if test.Failure != "" {
packages = append(packages, ts)
case msg.Action == "cont":
case msg.Action == "pause":
// ??
log.Fatalf("unknown action %s", msg.Action)
if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {
out := testsuites{
Name: "go test",
Testsuites: packages,
output, err := xml.MarshalIndent(&out, " ", " ")
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("error: %v\n", err)
include mk/
CLEAN += $(d)/gotest.json $(d)/gotest.junit.xml
$(d)/gotest.junit.xml: clean test/bin/json-to-junit coverage/unit_tests.coverprofile
cat $(@D)/gotest.json | json-to-junit > $(@D)/gotest.junit.xml
include mk/
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