Commit 2cb4e59e authored by Brian Tiger Chow's avatar Brian Tiger Chow

Merge pull request #336 from jbenet/feat/test2

fix update check when running ipfs init
parents 7f31b041 e940643f
"ImportPath": "",
"GoVersion": "go1.3",
"GoVersion": "go1.3.3",
"Packages": [
......@@ -60,6 +60,14 @@
"ImportPath": "",
"Rev": "6fe83ccda8fb9b7549c9ab4ba47f47858bc950aa"
"ImportPath": "",
"Rev": "4da6d991fc3c389efa512151354d643eb5fae4e2"
"ImportPath": "",
"Rev": "060fbf9364c89acd41bf710e9e92915a90e7a5b5"
"ImportPath": "",
"Rev": "741a6cbd37a30dedc93f817e7de6aaf0ca38a493"
language: go
- 1.2
- 1.3
fast_finish: true
- go get -v
- go get -v
- go get -v
- go install -race -v std
- go get -race -t -v ./...
- go install -race -v ./...
- go vet ./...
- $HOME/gopath/bin/golint .
- go test -cpu=2 -race -v ./...
- go test -cpu=2 -covermode=atomic ./...
stack [![Build Status](](
// Package stack provides utilities to capture and pass around stack traces.
// This is useful for building errors that know where they originated from, to
// track where a certain log event occured and so on.
package stack
import (
const maxStackSize = 32
// Frame identifies a file, line & function name in the stack.
type Frame struct {
File string
Line int
Name string
// String provides the standard file:line representation.
func (f Frame) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d %s", f.File, f.Line, f.Name)
// Stack represents an ordered set of Frames.
type Stack []Frame
// String provides the standard multi-line stack trace.
func (s Stack) String() string {
var b bytes.Buffer
writeStack(&b, s)
return b.String()
// Multi represents a number of Stacks. This is useful to allow tracking a
// value as it travels thru code.
type Multi struct {
stacks []Stack
// Stacks returns the tracked Stacks.
func (m *Multi) Stacks() []Stack {
return m.stacks
// Add the given Stack to this Multi.
func (m *Multi) Add(s Stack) {
m.stacks = append(m.stacks, s)
// AddCallers adds the Callers Stack to this Multi. The argument skip is
// the number of stack frames to ascend, with 0 identifying the caller of
// Callers.
func (m *Multi) AddCallers(skip int) {
m.Add(Callers(skip + 1))
// String provides a human readable multi-line stack trace.
func (m *Multi) String() string {
var b bytes.Buffer
for i, s := range m.stacks {
if i != 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(&b, "\n(Stack %d)\n", i+1)
writeStack(&b, s)
return b.String()
// Caller returns a single Frame for the caller. The argument skip is the
// number of stack frames to ascend, with 0 identifying the caller of Callers.
func Caller(skip int) Frame {
pc, file, line, _ := runtime.Caller(skip + 1)
fun := runtime.FuncForPC(pc)
return Frame{
File: StripGOPATH(file),
Line: line,
Name: StripPackage(fun.Name()),
// Callers returns a Stack of Frames for the callers. The argument skip is the
// number of stack frames to ascend, with 0 identifying the caller of Callers.
func Callers(skip int) Stack {
pcs := make([]uintptr, maxStackSize)
num := runtime.Callers(skip+2, pcs)
stack := make(Stack, num)
for i, pc := range pcs[:num] {
fun := runtime.FuncForPC(pc)
file, line := fun.FileLine(pc)
stack[i].File = StripGOPATH(file)
stack[i].Line = line
stack[i].Name = StripPackage(fun.Name())
return stack
// CallersMulti returns a Multi which includes one Stack for the
// current callers. The argument skip is the number of stack frames to ascend,
// with 0 identifying the caller of CallersMulti.
func CallersMulti(skip int) *Multi {
m := new(Multi)
m.AddCallers(skip + 1)
return m
func writeStack(b *bytes.Buffer, s Stack) {
var width int
for _, f := range s {
if l := len(f.File) + numDigits(f.Line) + 1; l > width {
width = l
last := len(s) - 1
for i, f := range s {
n, _ := fmt.Fprintf(b, "%d", f.Line)
for i := width - len(f.File) - n; i != 0; i-- {
b.WriteRune(rune(' '))
if i != last {
func numDigits(i int) int {
var n int
for {
i = i / 10
if i == 0 {
return n
// This can be set by a build script. It will be the colon separated equivalent
// of the environment variable.
var gopath string
// This is the processed version based on either the above variable set by the
// build or from the GOPATH environment variable.
var gopaths []string
func init() {
// prefer the variable set at build time, otherwise fallback to the
// environment variable.
if gopath == "" {
gopath = os.Getenv("GOPATH")
for _, p := range strings.Split(gopath, ":") {
if p != "" {
gopaths = append(gopaths, filepath.Join(p, "src")+"/")
// Also strip GOROOT for maximum cleanliness
gopaths = append(gopaths, filepath.Join(runtime.GOROOT(), "src", "pkg")+"/")
// StripGOPATH strips the GOPATH prefix from the file path f.
// In development, this will be done using the GOPATH environment variable.
// For production builds, where the GOPATH environment will not be set, the
// GOPATH can be included in the binary by passing ldflags, for example:
// go install "-ldflags=$GO_LDFLAGS" my/pkg
func StripGOPATH(f string) string {
for _, p := range gopaths {
if strings.HasPrefix(f, p) {
return f[len(p):]
return f
// StripPackage strips the package name from the given Func.Name.
func StripPackage(n string) string {
slashI := strings.LastIndex(n, "/")
if slashI == -1 {
slashI = 0 // for built-in packages
dotI := strings.Index(n[slashI:], ".")
if dotI == -1 {
return n
return n[slashI+dotI+1:]
package stack_test
import (
func indirect1() stack.Stack {
return stack.Callers(0)
func indirect2() stack.Stack {
return indirect1()
func indirect3() stack.Stack {
return indirect2()
func TestCallers(t *testing.T) {
s := indirect3()
matches := []string{
"^ +indirect1$",
"^ +indirect2$",
"^ +indirect3$",
"^ +TestCallers$",
match(t, s.String(), matches)
func TestCallersMulti(t *testing.T) {
m := stack.CallersMulti(0)
const expected = " TestCallersMulti"
first := m.Stacks()[0][0].String()
if first != expected {
t.Fatalf(`expected "%s" got "%s"`, expected, first)
func TestCallersMultiWithTwo(t *testing.T) {
m := stack.CallersMulti(0)
matches := []string{
"^ +TestCallersMultiWithTwo$",
`^\(Stack 2\)$`,
"^ +TestCallersMultiWithTwo$",
match(t, m.String(), matches)
type typ struct{}
func (m typ) indirect1() stack.Stack {
return stack.Callers(0)
func (m typ) indirect2() stack.Stack {
return m.indirect1()
func (m typ) indirect3() stack.Stack {
return m.indirect2()
func TestCallersWithStruct(t *testing.T) {
var m typ
s := m.indirect3()
matches := []string{
"^ +typ.indirect1$",
"^ +typ.indirect2$",
"^ +typ.indirect3$",
"^ +TestCallersWithStruct$",
match(t, s.String(), matches)
func TestCaller(t *testing.T) {
f := stack.Caller(0)
const expected = " TestCaller"
if f.String() != expected {
t.Fatalf(`expected "%s" got "%s"`, expected, f)
func match(t testing.TB, s string, matches []string) {
lines := strings.Split(s, "\n")
for i, m := range matches {
if !regexp.MustCompile(m).MatchString(lines[i]) {
"did not find expected match \"%s\" on line %d in:\n%s",
language: go
- 1.2
- 1.3
fast_finish: true
- go get -v
- go get -v
- go get -v
- go install -race -v std
- go get -race -t -v ./...
- go install -race -v ./...
- go vet ./...
- $HOME/gopath/bin/golint .
- go test -cpu=2 -race -v ./...
- go test -cpu=2 -covermode=atomic ./...
stackerr [![Build Status](](
// Package stackerr provides a way to augment errors with one or more stack
// traces to allow for easier debugging.
package stackerr
import (
// Error provides the wrapper that adds multiple Stacks to an error. Each Stack
// represents a location in code thru which this error was wrapped.
type Error struct {
multiStack *stack.Multi
underlying error
// Error provides a multi line error string that includes the stack trace.
func (e *Error) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%s", e.underlying, e.multiStack)
// MultiStack identifies the locations this error was wrapped at.
func (e *Error) MultiStack() *stack.Multi {
return e.multiStack
// Underlying returns the error that is being wrapped.
func (e *Error) Underlying() error {
return e.underlying
type hasMultiStack interface {
MultiStack() *stack.Multi
// WrapSkip the error and add the current Stack. The argument skip is the
// number of stack frames to ascend, with 0 identifying the caller of Wrap. If
// the error to be wrapped has a MultiStack, the current stack will be added to
// it. If the error to be wrapped is nil, a nil error is returned.
func WrapSkip(err error, skip int) error {
// nil errors are returned back as nil.
if err == nil {
return nil
// we're adding another Stack to an already wrapped error.
if se, ok := err.(hasMultiStack); ok {
se.MultiStack().AddCallers(skip + 1)
return err
// we're create a freshly wrapped error.
return &Error{
multiStack: stack.CallersMulti(skip + 1),
underlying: err,
// Wrap provides a convenience function that calls WrapSkip with skip=0. That
// is, the Stack starts with the caller of Wrap.
func Wrap(err error) error {
return WrapSkip(err, 1)
// New returns a new error that includes the Stack.
func New(s string) error {
return WrapSkip(errors.New(s), 1)
// Newf formats and returns a new error that includes the Stack.
func Newf(format string, args ...interface{}) error {
return WrapSkip(fmt.Errorf(format, args...), 1)
type hasUnderlying interface {
Underlying() error
// Underlying returns all the underlying errors by iteratively checking if the
// error has an Underlying error. If e is nil, the returned slice will be nil.
func Underlying(e error) []error {
var errs []error
for {
if e == nil {
return errs
errs = append(errs, e)
if eh, ok := e.(hasUnderlying); ok {
e = eh.Underlying()
} else {
e = nil
package stackerr_test
import (
func TestNew(t *testing.T) {
const errStr = "foo bar baz"
e := stackerr.New(errStr)
matches := []string{
"^ +TestNew$",
match(t, e.Error(), matches)
func TestNewf(t *testing.T) {
const fmtStr = "%s 42"
const errStr = "foo bar baz"
e := stackerr.Newf(fmtStr, errStr)
matches := []string{
fmt.Sprintf(fmtStr, errStr),
"^ +TestNewf$",
match(t, e.Error(), matches)
func TestWrap(t *testing.T) {
const errStr = "foo bar baz"
e := stackerr.Wrap(errors.New(errStr))
matches := []string{
"^ +TestWrap$",
match(t, e.Error(), matches)
func TestNilWrap(t *testing.T) {
if stackerr.WrapSkip(nil, 1) != nil {
t.Fatal("did not get nil error")
func TestDoubleWrap(t *testing.T) {
e := stackerr.New("")
if stackerr.WrapSkip(e, 1) != e {
t.Fatal("double wrap failure")
func TestLog(t *testing.T) {
func TestUnderlying(t *testing.T) {
e1 := errors.New("")
e2 := stackerr.Wrap(e1)
errs := stackerr.Underlying(e2)
if len(errs) != 2 || errs[0] != e2 || errs[1] != e1 {
t.Fatal("failed Underlying")
func match(t testing.TB, s string, matches []string) {
lines := strings.Split(s, "\n")
for i, m := range matches {
if !regexp.MustCompile(m).MatchString(lines[i]) {
"did not find expected match \"%s\" on line %d in:\n%s",
......@@ -55,6 +55,15 @@ type cmdDetails struct {
cannotRunOnClient bool
cannotRunOnDaemon bool
doesNotUseRepo bool
// initializesConfig describes commands that initialize the config.
// pre-command hooks that require configs must not be run before this
// command
initializesConfig bool
// preemptsAutoUpdate describes commands that must be executed without the
// pre-command update hook
preemptsAutoUpdate bool
func (d *cmdDetails) String() string {
......@@ -71,14 +80,14 @@ func (d *cmdDetails) usesRepo() bool { return !d.doesNotUseRepo }
// properties so that other code can make decisions about whether to invoke a
// command or return an error to the user.
var cmdDetailsMap = map[*cmds.Command]cmdDetails{
initCmd: cmdDetails{cannotRunOnDaemon: true, doesNotUseRepo: true},
initCmd: cmdDetails{initializesConfig: true, cannotRunOnDaemon: true, doesNotUseRepo: true},
daemonCmd: cmdDetails{cannotRunOnDaemon: true},
commandsClientCmd: cmdDetails{doesNotUseRepo: true},
commands.CommandsDaemonCmd: cmdDetails{doesNotUseRepo: true},
commands.DiagCmd: cmdDetails{cannotRunOnClient: true},
commands.VersionCmd: cmdDetails{doesNotUseRepo: true},
commands.UpdateCmd: cmdDetails{cannotRunOnDaemon: true},
commands.UpdateCheckCmd: cmdDetails{},
commands.UpdateLogCmd: cmdDetails{},
commands.UpdateCmd: cmdDetails{preemptsAutoUpdate: true, cannotRunOnDaemon: true},
commands.UpdateCheckCmd: cmdDetails{preemptsAutoUpdate: true},
commands.UpdateLogCmd: cmdDetails{preemptsAutoUpdate: true},
commands.LogCmd: cmdDetails{cannotRunOnClient: true},
......@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import (
daemon ""
updates ""
u ""
// log is the command logger
......@@ -169,6 +170,7 @@ func (i *cmdInvocation) Parse(args []string) error {
if err != nil {
return err
log.Debugf("config path is %s", configPath)
// this sets up the function that will initialize the config lazily.
ctx := i.req.Context()
......@@ -200,21 +202,61 @@ func (i *cmdInvocation) requestedHelp() (short bool, long bool, err error) {
return longHelp, shortHelp, nil
func callPreCommandHooks(details cmdDetails, req cmds.Request, root *cmds.Command) error {
log.Debug("Calling pre-command hooks...")
// some hooks only run when the command is executed locally
daemon, err := commandShouldRunOnDaemon(details, req, root)
if err != nil {
return err
// check for updates when 1) commands is going to be run locally, 2) the
// command does not initialize the config, and 3) the command does not
// pre-empt updates
if !daemon && !details.initializesConfig && !details.preemptsAutoUpdate {
log.Debug("Calling hook: Check for updates")
cfg, err := req.Context().GetConfig()
if err != nil {
return err
// Check for updates and potentially install one.
if err := updates.CliCheckForUpdates(cfg, req.Context().ConfigRoot); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func callCommand(req cmds.Request, root *cmds.Command) (cmds.Response, error) {
var res cmds.Response
useDaemon, err := commandShouldRunOnDaemon(req, root)
details, err := commandDetails(req.Path(), root)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
useDaemon, err := commandShouldRunOnDaemon(*details, req, root)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cfg, err := req.Context().GetConfig()
err = callPreCommandHooks(*details, req, root)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if useDaemon {
cfg, err := req.Context().GetConfig()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
addr, err := ma.NewMultiaddr(cfg.Addresses.API)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
......@@ -236,11 +278,6 @@ func callCommand(req cmds.Request, root *cmds.Command) (cmds.Response, error) {
} else {
log.Info("Executing command locally")
// Check for updates and potentially install one.
if err := updates.CliCheckForUpdates(cfg, req.Context().ConfigRoot); err != nil {
return nil, err
// this sets up the function that will initialize the node
// this is so that we can construct the node lazily.
ctx := req.Context()
......@@ -266,13 +303,11 @@ func callCommand(req cmds.Request, root *cmds.Command) (cmds.Response, error) {
return res, nil
func commandShouldRunOnDaemon(req cmds.Request, root *cmds.Command) (bool, error) {
path := req.Path()
// root command.
if len(path) < 1 {
return false, nil
// commandDetails returns a command's details for the command given by |path|
// within the |root| command tree.
// Returns an error if the command is not found in the Command tree.
func commandDetails(path []string, root *cmds.Command) (*cmdDetails, error) {
var details cmdDetails
// find the last command in path that has a cmdDetailsMap entry
cmd := root
......@@ -280,7 +315,7 @@ func commandShouldRunOnDaemon(req cmds.Request, root *cmds.Command) (bool, error
var found bool
cmd, found = cmd.Subcommands[cmp]
if !found {
return false, fmt.Errorf("subcommand %s should be in root", cmp)
return nil, debugerror.Errorf("subcommand %s should be in root", cmp)
if cmdDetails, found := cmdDetailsMap[cmd]; found {
......@@ -288,6 +323,21 @@ func commandShouldRunOnDaemon(req cmds.Request, root *cmds.Command) (bool, error
log.Debugf("cmd perms for +%v: %s", path, details.String())
return &details, nil
// commandShouldRunOnDaemon determines, from commmand details, whether a
// command ought to be executed on an IPFS daemon.
// It returns true if the command should be executed on a daemon and false if
// it should be executed on a client. It returns an error if the command must
// NOT be executed on either.
func commandShouldRunOnDaemon(details cmdDetails, req cmds.Request, root *cmds.Command) (bool, error) {
path := req.Path()
// root command.
if len(path) < 1 {
return false, nil
if details.cannotRunOnClient && details.cannotRunOnDaemon {
return false, fmt.Errorf("command disabled: %s", path[0])
......@@ -5,11 +5,11 @@ import (
u ""
var log = u.Logger("config")
......@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ func (i *Identity) DecodePrivateKey(passphrase string) (crypto.PrivateKey, error
func Load(filename string) (*Config, error) {
// if nothing is there, fail. User must run 'ipfs init'
if _, err := os.Stat(filename); os.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil, errors.New("ipfs not initialized, please run 'ipfs init'")
return nil, debugerror.New("ipfs not initialized, please run 'ipfs init'")
var cfg Config
// package debugerror provides a way to augment errors with additional
// information to allow for easier debugging.
package debugerror
import (
func Errorf(format string, a ...interface{}) error {
return Wrap(fmt.Errorf(format, a...))
// New returns an error that contains a stack trace (in debug mode)
func New(s string) error {
if util.Debug {
return stackerr.New(s)
return errors.New(s)
func Wrap(err error) error {
if util.Debug {
return stackerr.Wrap(err)
return err
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