Commit 35a4086e authored by Jeromy's avatar Jeromy Committed by Juan Batiz-Benet

rough kbucket implementation, tests and cleanup to follow

parent 31dc65b9
......@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ import (
type ID mh.Multihash
// Utililty function for comparing two peer ID's
func (id *ID) Equal(other *ID) bool {
return bytes.Equal(*id, *other)
func (id ID) Equal(other ID) bool {
return bytes.Equal(id, other)
// Map maps Key (string) : *Peer (slices are not comparable).
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ func GenerateMessageID() uint64 {
// PutValue adds value corresponding to given Key.
func (s *IpfsDHT) PutValue(key u.Key, value []byte) error {
var p *peer.Peer
p = s.routes.NearestNode(key)
p = s.routes.NearestPeer(convertKey(key))
pmes_type := DHTMessage_PUT_VALUE
str_key := string(key)
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ func (s *IpfsDHT) PutValue(key u.Key, value []byte) error {
// GetValue searches for the value corresponding to given Key.
func (s *IpfsDHT) GetValue(key u.Key, timeout time.Duration) ([]byte, error) {
var p *peer.Peer
p = s.routes.NearestNode(key)
p = s.routes.NearestPeer(convertKey(key))
str_key := string(key)
mes_type := DHTMessage_GET_VALUE
......@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ package dht
import (
peer ""
u ""
......@@ -16,18 +19,177 @@ import (
type ID []byte
// Bucket holds a list of peers.
type Bucket []*list.List
type Bucket list.List
func (b *Bucket) Find(id peer.ID) *list.Element {
bucket_list := (*list.List)(b)
for e := bucket_list.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
if e.Value.(*peer.Peer).ID.Equal(id) {
return e
return nil
func (b *Bucket) MoveToFront(e *list.Element) {
bucket_list := (*list.List)(b)
func (b *Bucket) PushFront(p *peer.Peer) {
bucket_list := (*list.List)(b)
func (b *Bucket) PopBack() *peer.Peer {
bucket_list := (*list.List)(b)
last := bucket_list.Back()
return last.Value.(*peer.Peer)
func (b *Bucket) Len() int {
bucket_list := (*list.List)(b)
return bucket_list.Len()
func (b *Bucket) Split(cpl int, target ID) *Bucket {
bucket_list := (*list.List)(b)
out := list.New()
e := bucket_list.Front()
for e != nil {
peer_id := convertPeerID(e.Value.(*peer.Peer).ID)
peer_cpl := xor(peer_id, target).commonPrefixLen()
if peer_cpl > cpl {
cur := e
e = e.Next()
return (*Bucket)(out)
// RoutingTable defines the routing table.
type RoutingTable struct {
// ID of the local peer
local ID
// kBuckets define all the fingers to other nodes.
Buckets []Bucket
Buckets []*Bucket
bucketsize int
func convertPeerID(id peer.ID) ID {
hash := sha256.Sum256(id)
return hash[:]
func convertKey(id u.Key) ID {
hash := sha256.Sum256([]byte(id))
return hash[:]
// Update adds or moves the given peer to the front of its respective bucket
// If a peer gets removed from a bucket, it is returned
func (rt *RoutingTable) Update(p *peer.Peer) *peer.Peer {
peer_id := convertPeerID(p.ID)
cpl := xor(peer_id, rt.local).commonPrefixLen()
b_id := cpl
if b_id >= len(rt.Buckets) {
b_id = len(rt.Buckets) - 1
bucket := rt.Buckets[b_id]
e := bucket.Find(p.ID)
if e == nil {
// New peer, add to bucket
// Are we past the max bucket size?
if bucket.Len() > rt.bucketsize {
if b_id == len(rt.Buckets) - 1 {
new_bucket := bucket.Split(b_id, rt.local)
rt.Buckets = append(rt.Buckets, new_bucket)
// If all elements were on left side of split...
if bucket.Len() > rt.bucketsize {
return bucket.PopBack()
} else {
// If the bucket cant split kick out least active node
return bucket.PopBack()
return nil
} else {
// If the peer is already in the table, move it to the front.
// This signifies that it it "more active" and the less active nodes
// Will as a result tend towards the back of the list
return nil
// A helper struct to sort peers by their distance to the local node
type peerDistance struct {
p *peer.Peer
distance ID
type peerSorterArr []*peerDistance
func (p peerSorterArr) Len() int {return len(p)}
func (p peerSorterArr) Swap(a, b int) {p[a],p[b] = p[b],p[a]}
func (p peerSorterArr) Less(a, b int) bool {
return p[a].distance.Less(p[b])
func (rt *RoutingTable) NearestPeer(id ID) *peer.Peer {
peers := rt.NearestPeers(id, 1)
return peers[0]
//TODO: make this accept an ID, requires method of converting keys to IDs
func (rt *RoutingTable) NearestNode(key u.Key) *peer.Peer {
panic("Function not implemented.")
func (rt *RoutingTable) NearestPeers(id ID, count int) []*peer.Peer {
cpl := xor(id, rt.local).commonPrefixLen()
// Get bucket at cpl index or last bucket
var bucket *Bucket
if cpl >= len(rt.Buckets) {
bucket = rt.Buckets[len(rt.Buckets) - 1]
} else {
bucket = rt.Buckets[cpl]
if bucket.Len() == 0 {
// This can happen, very rarely.
panic("Case not yet implemented.")
var peerArr peerSorterArr
plist := (*list.List)(bucket)
for e := plist.Front();e != nil; e = e.Next() {
p := e.Value.(*peer.Peer)
p_id := convertPeerID(p.ID)
pd := peerDistance{
p: p,
distance: xor(rt.local, p_id),
peerArr = append(peerArr, &pd)
var out []*peer.Peer
for i := 0; i < count && i < peerArr.Len(); i++ {
out = append(out, peerArr[i].p)
return out
func (id ID) Equal(other ID) bool {
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