Commit 3b570d3f authored by Juan Batiz-Benet's avatar Juan Batiz-Benet


parent 9d0e6a7f
# ipfs implementation in go.
Please put all issues regarding IPFS _design_ in the
[ipfs repo issues](
Please put all issues regarding go IPFS _implementation_ in [this repo](
The [node implementation]( is much farther along. This one is just a skeleton.
package bitswap
import (
// aliases
type Ledger struct {
// todo
type BitSwap struct {
Ledgers map[peer.PeerId]*Ledger
HaveList map[multihash.Multihash]*block.Block
WantList []*multihash.Multihash
package block
import (
type Block struct {
Multihash []byte
Data []byte
package blocks
import (
// Blocks is the ipfs blocks service. It is the way
// to retrieve blocks by the higher level ipfs modules
type BlockService struct {
Local *storage.Storage
Remote *bitswap.BitSwap
package core
// IPFS Core module. It represents an IPFS instance.
type IPFSNode struct {
// the local node's identity (a Peer instance)
Identity *peer.Peer
// the book of other nodes (a hashtable of Peer instances)
PeerBook *peerbook.PeerBook
// the local database (uses datastore)
Storage *storage.Storage
// the network message stream
Network *netmux.Netux
// the routing system. recommend ipfs-dht
Routing *routing.Routing
// the block exchange + strategy (bitswap)
BitSwap *bitswap.BitSwap
// the block service, get/add blocks.
Blocks *blocks.BlockService
// the path resolution system
Resolver *resolver.PathResolver
// the name system, resolves paths to hashes
Namesys *namesys.Namesys
package dht
// The IPFS DHT is an implementation of Kademlia with
// Coral and S/Kademlia modifications. It is used to
// implement the base IPFS Routing module.
package netmux
import (
// An interface is the module connecting netmux
// to various networks (tcp, udp, webrtc, etc).
// It keeps the relevant connections open.
type Interface struct {
// Interface network (e.g. udp4, tcp6)
Network string
// Own network address
Address string
ResolvedAddress string
// Connection
conn *net.Conn
// next packets + close control channels
Input chan *Packet
Output chan *Packet
Closed chan bool
Errors chan error
func NewUDPInterface(net, addr string) (*Interface, error) {
raddr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr(net, addr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
conn, err := net.ListenUDP(net, addr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
i := &Interface{
Network: net,
Address: addr,
ResolvedAddress: raddr,
conn: conn,
go i.processInput()
go i.processOutput()
return i, nil
func (i *Interface) processOutput() {
for {
select {
case <-i.Closed:
case buffer := <-i.Output:
func (i *Interface) processUDPInput() {
for {
select {
case <- i.Closed:
func (i *Interface) Read(buffer []byte) bool {
n, err := i.Conn.Read(buffer)
if err != nil {
i.Errors <- err
return false
return true
func (i *Interface) Close() {
// closing net connection
err := i.conn.Close()
if err != nil {
i.Errors <- err
// closing channels
package netmux
import (
// The netmux module provides a "network multiplexer".
// The core idea is to have the client be able to connect to
// many different networks (potentially over different transports)
// and multiplex everything over one interface.
type Netmux struct {
// the list of NetMux interfaces
Interfaces []*Interface
// The channels to send/recv from
Incoming <-chan *Packet
Outgoing chan<- *Packet
// internally managed other side of channels
incomingSrc chan<- *Packet
outgoingSrc <-chan *Packet
// Warning: will probably change to adopt multiaddr format
type Packet {
// the network addresses to send to
// e.g. tcp4://
NetAddrTo string
// the network addresses to recv from
// e.g. tcp4://
// may be left blank to select one automatically.
NetAddrFrom string
// the data to send.
Data []byte
func NewNetmux() *Netmux {
n := &Netmux{}
// setup channels
och := make(chan *Packet)
ich := make(chan *Packet)
n.Incoming, n.incomingSrc := ich, ich
n.Outgoing, n.outgoingSrc := och, och
return n
package routing
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