Commit 54032ce3 authored by Juan Batiz-Benet's avatar Juan Batiz-Benet

updated vendoring

parent 701035d5
"ImportPath": "",
"GoVersion": "go1.3.3",
"GoVersion": "go1.3",
"Packages": [
......@@ -66,14 +66,14 @@
"ImportPath": "",
"Rev": "e0cf317891f0ab6f1ac64dfcb754b4fb5e69f7df"
"ImportPath": "",
"Rev": "da593f5071b3ce60bf45b548193863bc3c885c3c"
"ImportPath": "",
"Rev": "568a28d73fd97651d3442392036a658b6976eed5"
"ImportPath": "",
"Rev": "da593f5071b3ce60bf45b548193863bc3c885c3c"
"ImportPath": "",
"Rev": "93b717f2ae17838a265e30277275ee99ee7198d6"
// Package keytransform introduces a Datastore Shim that transforms keys before
// passing them to its child. It can be used to manipulate what keys look like
// to the user, for example namespacing keys, reversing them, etc.
// Use the Wrap function to wrap a datastore with any KeyTransform.
// A KeyTransform is simply an interface with two functions, a conversion and
// its inverse. For example:
// import (
// ktds ""
// ds ""
// )
// func reverseKey(k ds.Key) ds.Key {
// return k.Reverse()
// }
// func invertKeys(d ds.Datastore) {
// return ktds.Wrap(d, &ktds.Pair{
// Convert: reverseKey,
// Invert: reverseKey, // reverse is its own inverse.
// })
// }
package keytransform
package keytransform
import ds ""
// KeyMapping is a function that maps one key to annother
type KeyMapping func(ds.Key) ds.Key
// KeyTransform is an object with a pair of functions for (invertibly)
// transforming keys
type KeyTransform interface {
ConvertKey(ds.Key) ds.Key
InvertKey(ds.Key) ds.Key
// Datastore is a keytransform.Datastore
type Datastore interface {
// Wrap wraps a given datastore with a KeyTransform function.
// The resulting wrapped datastore will use the transform on all Datastore
// operations.
func Wrap(child ds.Datastore, t KeyTransform) Datastore {
if t == nil {
panic("t (KeyTransform) is nil")
if child == nil {
panic("child (ds.Datastore) is nil")
return &ktds{child: child, KeyTransform: t}
// Package namespace introduces a namespace Datastore Shim, which basically
// mounts the entire child datastore under a prefix.
// Use the Wrap function to wrap a datastore with any Key prefix. For example:
// import (
// "fmt"
// ds ""
// nsds ""
// )
// func main() {
// mp := ds.NewMapDatastore()
// ns := nsds.Wrap(mp, ds.NewKey("/foo/bar"))
// // in the Namespace Datastore:
// ns.Put(ds.NewKey("/beep"), "boop")
// v2, _ := ns.Get(ds.NewKey("/beep")) // v2 == "boop"
// // and, in the underlying MapDatastore:
// v3, _ := mp.Get(ds.NewKey("/foo/bar/beep")) // v3 == "boop"
// }
package namespace
package namespace_test
import (
ds ""
nsds ""
func Example() {
mp := ds.NewMapDatastore()
ns := nsds.Wrap(mp, ds.NewKey("/foo/bar"))
k := ds.NewKey("/beep")
v := "boop"
ns.Put(k, v)
fmt.Printf("ns.Put %s %s\n", k, v)
v2, _ := ns.Get(k)
fmt.Printf("ns.Get %s -> %s\n", k, v2)
k3 := ds.NewKey("/foo/bar/beep")
v3, _ := mp.Get(k3)
fmt.Printf("mp.Get %s -> %s\n", k3, v3)
// Output:
// ns.Put /beep -> boop
// ns.Get /beep -> boop
// mp.Get /foo/bar/beep -> boop
package namespace
import (
ds ""
ktds ""
// PrefixTransform constructs a KeyTransform with a pair of functions that
// add or remove the given prefix key.
// Warning: will panic if prefix not found when it should be there. This is
// to avoid insidious data inconsistency errors.
func PrefixTransform(prefix ds.Key) ktds.KeyTransform {
return &ktds.Pair{
// Convert adds the prefix
Convert: func(k ds.Key) ds.Key {
return prefix.Child(k)
// Invert removes the prefix. panics if prefix not found.
Invert: func(k ds.Key) ds.Key {
if !prefix.IsAncestorOf(k) {
fmt.Errorf("Expected prefix (%s) in key (%s)", prefix, k)
panic("expected prefix not found")
s := strings.TrimPrefix(k.String(), prefix.String())
return ds.NewKey(s)
// Wrap wraps a given datastore with a key-prefix.
func Wrap(child ds.Datastore, prefix ds.Key) ktds.Datastore {
if child == nil {
panic("child (ds.Datastore) is nil")
return ktds.Wrap(child, PrefixTransform(prefix))
package namespace_test
import (
ds ""
ns ""
. ""
// Hook up gocheck into the "go test" runner.
func Test(t *testing.T) { TestingT(t) }
type DSSuite struct{}
var _ = Suite(&DSSuite{})
func (ks *DSSuite) TestBasic(c *C) {
mpds := ds.NewMapDatastore()
nsds := ns.Wrap(mpds, ds.NewKey("abc"))
keys := strsToKeys([]string{
for _, k := range keys {
err := nsds.Put(k, []byte(k.String()))
c.Check(err, Equals, nil)
for _, k := range keys {
v1, err := nsds.Get(k)
c.Check(err, Equals, nil)
c.Check(bytes.Equal(v1.([]byte), []byte(k.String())), Equals, true)
v2, err := mpds.Get(ds.NewKey("abc").Child(k))
c.Check(err, Equals, nil)
c.Check(bytes.Equal(v2.([]byte), []byte(k.String())), Equals, true)
listA, errA := mpds.KeyList()
listB, errB := nsds.KeyList()
c.Check(errA, Equals, nil)
c.Check(errB, Equals, nil)
c.Check(len(listA), Equals, len(listB))
// sort them cause yeah.
for i, kA := range listA {
kB := listB[i]
c.Check(nsds.InvertKey(kA), Equals, kB)
c.Check(kA, Equals, nsds.ConvertKey(kB))
func strsToKeys(strs []string) []ds.Key {
keys := make([]ds.Key, len(strs))
for i, s := range strs {
keys[i] = ds.NewKey(s)
return keys
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ It has these top-level messages:
package handshake_pb
import proto ""
import proto ""
import json "encoding/json"
import math "math"
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