Commit 5461d769 authored by Matt Bell's avatar Matt Bell

core/commands: Better syntax for 'pin ls' option value handling

parent 928f20b4
......@@ -138,8 +138,10 @@ Use --type=<type> to specify the type of pinned keys to list. Valid values are:
typeStr = "direct"
if typeStr != "all" && typeStr != "direct" && typeStr != "indirect" && typeStr != "recursive" {
return nil, cmds.ClientError("Invalid type '" + typeStr + "', must be \"direct\", \"indirect\", \"recursive\", or \"all\"")
switch typeStr {
case "all", "direct", "indirect", "recursive":
return nil, cmds.ClientError("Invalid type '" + typeStr + "', must be one of {direct, indirect, recursive, all}")
keys := make([]u.Key, 0)
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