Commit 550971fb authored by Juan Batiz-Benet's avatar Juan Batiz-Benet

equalize sizes

parent 171f96b7
package dht
import (
// ID for IpfsDHT should be a byte slice, to allow for simpler operations
// (xor). DHT ids are based on the peer.IDs.
// NOTE: peer.IDs are biased because they are (a) multihashes (first bytes
// biased), and (b) first bits are zeroes when using the S/Kademlia PoW.
// Thus, may need to re-hash keys (uniform dist). TODO(jbenet)
// NOTE: peer.IDs are biased because they are multihashes (first bytes
// biased). Thus, may need to re-hash keys (uniform dist). TODO(jbenet)
type ID []byte
// Bucket holds a list of peers.
type Bucket []*list.List
// RoutingTable defines the routing table.
type RoutingTable struct {
// kBuckets define all the fingers to other nodes.
Buckets []Bucket
// kBuckets define all the fingers to other nodes.
Buckets []Bucket
func (id ID) Equal(other ID) bool {
return bytes.Equal(id, other)
func (id ID) Less(other interface{}) bool {
a, b := equalizeSizes(id, other.(ID))
for i := 0; i < len(a); i++ {
if a[i] != b[i] {
return a[i] < b[i]
return len(a) < len(b)
func (id ID) commonPrefixLen() int {
for i := 0; i < len(id); i++ {
for j := 0; j < 8; j++ {
if (id[i] >> uint8(7 - j)) & 0x1 != 0 {
return i * 8 + j;
return len(id) * 8 - 1;
for i := 0; i < len(id); i++ {
for j := 0; j < 8; j++ {
if (id[i]>>uint8(7-j))&0x1 != 0 {
return i*8 + j
return len(id)*8 - 1
func xor(a, b ID) ID {
a, b = equalizeSizes(a, b)
c := make(ID, len(a))
for i := 0; i < len(a); i++ {
c[i] = a[i] ^ b[i]
return c
func equalizeSizes(a, b ID) (ID, ID) {
la := len(a)
lb := len(b)
if la < lb {
na := make([]byte, lb)
copy(na, a)
a = na
} else if lb < la {
nb := make([]byte, la)
copy(nb, b)
b = nb
// ids may actually be of different sizes.
var ba ID
var bb ID
if len(a) >= len(b) {
ba = a
bb = b
} else {
ba = b
bb = a
c := make(ID, len(ba))
for i := 0; i < len(ba); i++ {
if len(bb) > i {
c[i] = ba[i] ^ bb[i]
} else {
c[i] = ba[i] ^ 0
return c
return a, b
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