Commit 5db973a2 authored by Juan Batiz-Benet's avatar Juan Batiz-Benet

Merge pull request #879 from anarcat/patch-1

document how to change daemon ports
parents 006df7db 5cdd8b5d
......@@ -38,7 +38,27 @@ over the network. Most applications that use IPFS will do so by
communicating with a daemon over the HTTP API. While the daemon is
running, calls to 'ipfs' commands will be sent over the network to
the daemon.
The daemon will start listening on ports on the network, which are
documented in (and can be modified through) 'ipfs config Addresses'.
For example, to change the 'Gateway' port:
ipfs config Addresses.Gateway /ip4/
The API address can be changed the same way:
ipfs config Addresses.API /ip4/
Make sure to restart the daemon after changing addresses.
By default, the gateway is only accessible locally. To expose it to other computers
in the network, use as the ip address:
ipfs config Addresses.Gateway /ip4/
Be careful if you expose the API. It is a security risk, as anyone could use control
your node remotely. If you need to control the node remotely, make sure to protect
the port as you would other services or database (firewall, authenticated proxy, etc).`,
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