Commit 60ac5913 authored by Jeromy's avatar Jeromy

fix offline full path resolution bug

parent 5853eac3
......@@ -20,8 +20,9 @@ var ErrNoNamesys = errors.New(
// entries and returning the final merkledage node. Effectively
// enables /ipns/, /dns/, etc. in commands.
func Resolve(ctx context.Context, n *IpfsNode, p path.Path) (*merkledag.Node, error) {
if strings.HasPrefix(p.String(), "/") {
// namespaced path (/ipfs/..., /ipns/..., etc.)
if strings.HasPrefix(p.String(), "/ipns/") {
// resolve ipns paths
// TODO(cryptix): we sould be able to query the local cache for the path
if n.Namesys == nil {
return nil, ErrNoNamesys
# Copyright (c) 2014 Jeromy Johnson
# MIT Licensed; see the LICENSE file in this repository.
test_description="Test add and cat commands"
. lib/
test_expect_success "ipfs add file succeeds" '
echo "some content" > afile &&
HASH=$(ipfs add -q afile)
test_expect_success "ipfs cat file suceeds" '
ipfs cat $HASH > out_1
test_expect_success "output looks good" '
test_cmp afile out_1
test_expect_success "ipfs cat /ipfs/file succeeds" '
ipfs cat /ipfs/$HASH > out_2
test_expect_success "output looks good" '
test_cmp afile out_2
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