Commit 6681c503 authored by Matt Bell's avatar Matt Bell

commands/cli: Decomposed 'parseArgs'

parent c14bd98f
......@@ -131,15 +131,10 @@ func parseOptions(input []string) (map[string]interface{}, []string, error) {
func parseArgs(inputs []string, stdin *os.File, argDefs []cmds.Argument, recursive bool) ([]string, []cmds.File, error) {
// check if stdin is coming from terminal or is being piped in
if stdin != nil {
stat, err := stdin.Stat()
if err != nil {
if term, err := isTerminal(stdin); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// if stdin isn't a CharDevice, set it to nil
// (this means it is coming from terminal and we want to ignore it)
if (stat.Mode() & os.ModeCharDevice) != 0 {
stdin = nil
} else if term {
stdin = nil // set to nil so we ignore it
......@@ -169,14 +164,7 @@ func parseArgs(inputs []string, stdin *os.File, argDefs []cmds.Argument, recursi
argDefIndex := 0 // the index of the current argument definition
for i := 0; i < numInputs; i++ {
// get the argument definiton (should be argDefs[argDefIndex],
// but if argDefIndex > len(argDefs) we use the last argument definition)
var argDef cmds.Argument
if argDefIndex < len(argDefs) {
argDef = argDefs[argDefIndex]
} else if len(argDefs) > 0 {
argDef = argDefs[len(argDefs)-1]
argDef := getArgDef(argDefIndex, argDefs)
// skip optional argument definitions if there aren't sufficient remaining inputs
if numInputs-i <= numRequired && !argDef.Required {
......@@ -185,64 +173,31 @@ func parseArgs(inputs []string, stdin *os.File, argDefs []cmds.Argument, recursi
var err error
if argDef.Type == cmds.ArgString {
if stdin == nil {
// add string values
stringArgs = append(stringArgs, inputs[0])
inputs = inputs[1:]
stringArgs, inputs = appendString(stringArgs, inputs)
} else if argDef.SupportsStdin {
// if we have a stdin, read it in and use the data as a string value
var buf bytes.Buffer
_, err := buf.ReadFrom(stdin)
stringArgs, stdin, err = appendStdinAsString(stringArgs, stdin)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
stringArgs = append(stringArgs, buf.String())
stdin = nil
} else if argDef.Type == cmds.ArgFile {
if stdin == nil {
// treat stringArg values as file paths
path := inputs[0]
inputs = inputs[1:]
file, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
stat, err := file.Stat()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if stat.IsDir() {
if !argDef.Recursive {
err = fmt.Errorf("Invalid path '%s', argument '%s' does not support directories",
path, argDef.Name)
return nil, nil, err
if !recursive {
err = fmt.Errorf("'%s' is a directory, use the '-%s' flag to specify directories",
path, cmds.RecShort)
return nil, nil, err
fileArg, err := getFile(file, path)
fileArgs, inputs, err = appendFile(fileArgs, inputs, argDef, recursive)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
fileArgs = append(fileArgs, fileArg)
} else if argDef.SupportsStdin {
// if we have a stdin, create a file from it
fileArg := &cmds.ReaderFile{"", stdin}
fileArgs = append(fileArgs, fileArg)
stdin = nil
fileArgs, stdin = appendStdinAsFile(fileArgs, stdin)
......@@ -261,8 +216,76 @@ func parseArgs(inputs []string, stdin *os.File, argDefs []cmds.Argument, recursi
return stringArgs, fileArgs, nil
func getArgDef(i int, argDefs []cmds.Argument) *cmds.Argument {
if i < len(argDefs) {
// get the argument definition (usually just argDefs[i])
return &argDefs[i]
} else if len(argDefs) > 0 {
// but if i > len(argDefs) we use the last argument definition)
return &argDefs[len(argDefs)-1]
// only happens if there aren't any definitions
return nil
func appendString(args, inputs []string) ([]string, []string) {
return append(args, inputs[0]), inputs[1:]
func appendStdinAsString(args []string, stdin *os.File) ([]string, *os.File, error) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
_, err := buf.ReadFrom(stdin)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return append(args, buf.String()), nil, nil
func appendFile(args []cmds.File, inputs []string, argDef *cmds.Argument, recursive bool) ([]cmds.File, []string, error) {
path := inputs[0]
file, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
stat, err := file.Stat()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if stat.IsDir() {
if !argDef.Recursive {
err = fmt.Errorf("Invalid path '%s', argument '%s' does not support directories",
path, argDef.Name)
return nil, nil, err
if !recursive {
err = fmt.Errorf("'%s' is a directory, use the '-%s' flag to specify directories",
path, cmds.RecShort)
return nil, nil, err
arg, err := openPath(file, path)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return append(args, arg), inputs[1:], nil
func appendStdinAsFile(args []cmds.File, stdin *os.File) ([]cmds.File, *os.File) {
arg := &cmds.ReaderFile{"", stdin}
return append(args, arg), nil
// recursively get file or directory contents as a cmds.File
func getFile(file *os.File, path string) (cmds.File, error) {
func openPath(file *os.File, path string) (cmds.File, error) {
stat, err := file.Stat()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
......@@ -288,7 +311,7 @@ func getFile(file *os.File, path string) (cmds.File, error) {
return nil, err
f, err := getFile(childFile, childPath)
f, err := openPath(childFile, childPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
......@@ -298,3 +321,16 @@ func getFile(file *os.File, path string) (cmds.File, error) {
return &cmds.SliceFile{path, files}, nil
// isTerminal returns true if stdin is a Stdin pipe (e.g. `cat file | ipfs`),
// and false otherwise (e.g. nothing is being piped in, so stdin is
// coming from the terminal)
func isTerminal(stdin *os.File) (bool, error) {
stat, err := stdin.Stat()
if err != nil {
return false, err
// if stdin is a CharDevice, return true
return ((stat.Mode() & os.ModeCharDevice) != 0), nil
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