Commit 6b8e9f51 authored by Juan Batiz-Benet's avatar Juan Batiz-Benet

fix nc wait

fix the nc wait. the issue was that stdin needs to remain _open_
but not receive any input for some time. If stdin receives (invalid)
input or closes, the other side terminates the connection before
writing out the muxer frames + identify handshake.

This commit also changes the use of `!` for `test_must_fail`

License: MIT
Signed-off-by: default avatarJuan Batiz-Benet <>
parent f300e97c
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ test_expect_success "setup IPFS_PATH" '
# NOTE: this should remove bootstrap peers (needs a flag)
# TODO(cryptix):
# - we won't see daemon startup failure because we put the daemon in the background - fix: fork with exit code after api listen
# - also default ports: might clash with local clients. Failure in that case isn't clear as well because pollEndpoint just uses the already running node
# - also default ports: might clash with local clients. Failure in that case isn't clear as well because pollEndpoint just uses the already running node
test_expect_success "ipfs daemon --init launches" '
ipfs daemon --init >actual_daemon 2>daemon_err &
......@@ -102,10 +102,9 @@ test_expect_success "ipfs help output looks good" '
# check transport is encrypted
test_expect_success 'transport should be encrypted' '
nc localhost 4001 >swarmnc &
go-sleep 0.1s &&
nc -w 5 localhost 4001 >swarmnc &&
grep -q "AES-256,AES-128" swarmnc &&
! grep -q "/ipfs/identify" swarmnc ||
test_must_fail grep -q "/ipfs/identify" swarmnc ||
test_fsh cat swarmnc
......@@ -26,10 +26,9 @@ test_expect_success 'api gateway should be unrestricted' '
# Odd. this fails here, but the inverse works on t0060-daemon.
test_expect_failure 'transport should be unencrypted' '
nc "$PORT_SWARM" >swarmnc &
go-sleep 0.1s &&
! grep -q "AES-256,AES-128" swarmnc &&
test_expect_success 'transport should be unencrypted' '
go-sleep 0.5s | nc localhost "$PORT_SWARM" >swarmnc &&
test_must_fail grep -q "AES-256,AES-128" swarmnc &&
grep -q "/ipfs/identify" swarmnc ||
test_fsh cat swarmnc
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