Commit 6efaa1d8 authored by Jeromy's avatar Jeromy

remove signed pipe

parent 5edbca2e
......@@ -12,9 +12,3 @@ message Exchange {
optional bytes epubkey = 1;
optional bytes signature = 2;
message DataSig {
optional bytes data = 1;
optional bytes signature = 2;
optional uint64 id = 3;
package spipe
import (
ci ""
pb ""
type SignedPipe struct {
insecure pipes.Duplex
local peer.Peer
remote peer.Peer
peers peer.Peerstore
ctx context.Context
cancel context.CancelFunc
localMsgID uint64
removeMsgID uint64
// secureChallengeSize is a constant that determines the initial challenge, and every subsequent
// sequence number. It should be large enough to be unguessable by adversaries (128+ bits).
const secureChallengeSize = (256 / 32)
func NewSignedPipe(parctx context.Context, bufsize int, local peer.Peer,
peers peer.Peerstore, insecure pipes.Duplex) (*SignedPipe, error) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(parctx)
sp := &SignedPipe{
Duplex: pipes.NewDuplex(bufsize),
local: local,
peers: peers,
insecure: insecure,
ctx: ctx,
cancel: cancel,
if err := sp.handshake(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return sp, nil
func (sp *SignedPipe) trySend(b []byte) bool {
select {
case <-sp.ctx.Done():
return false
case sp.insecure.Out <- b:
return true
func (sp *SignedPipe) tryRecv() ([]byte, bool) {
select {
case <-sp.ctx.Done():
return nil, false
case data, ok := <-sp.insecure.In:
if !ok {
return nil, false
return data, true
// reduceChallenge reduces a series of bytes into a
// single uint64 we can use as a seed for message IDs
func reduceChallenge(cha []byte) uint64 {
var out uint64
for _, b := range cha {
out ^= uint64(b)
out = out << 1
return out
func (sp *SignedPipe) handshake() error {
// Send them our public key
pubk := sp.local.PubKey()
pkb, err := pubk.Bytes()
if err != nil {
return err
// Exchange public keys with remote peer
if !sp.trySend(pkb) {
return context.Canceled
theirPkb := <-sp.insecure.In
theirPubKey, err := ci.UnmarshalPublicKey(theirPkb)
if err != nil {
return err
challenge := make([]byte, secureChallengeSize)
enc, err := theirPubKey.Encrypt(challenge)
if err != nil {
return err
chsig, err := sp.local.PrivKey().Sign(challenge)
if err != nil {
return err
if !sp.trySend(enc) {
return context.Canceled
if !sp.trySend(chsig) {
return context.Canceled
theirEnc, ok := sp.tryRecv()
if !ok {
return context.Canceled
theirChSig, ok := sp.tryRecv()
if !ok {
return context.Canceled
// Decrypt and verify their challenge
unenc, err := sp.local.PrivKey().Decrypt(theirEnc)
if err != nil {
return err
ok, err = theirPubKey.Verify(unenc, theirChSig)
if err != nil {
return err
if !ok {
return errors.New("Invalid signature!")
// Sign the unencrypted challenge, and send it back
sig, err := sp.local.PrivKey().Sign(unenc)
if err != nil {
return err
if !sp.trySend(unenc) {
return context.Canceled
if !sp.trySend(sig) {
return context.Canceled
theirUnenc, ok := sp.tryRecv()
if !ok {
return context.Canceled
theirSig, ok := sp.tryRecv()
if !ok {
return context.Canceled
// Verify that they correctly unecrypted the challenge
if !bytes.Equal(theirUnenc, challenge) {
return errors.New("received bad challenge response")
correct, err := theirPubKey.Verify(theirUnenc, theirSig)
if err != nil {
return err
if !correct {
return errors.New("Incorrect signature on challenge")
sp.removeMsgID = reduceChallenge(challenge)
sp.localMsgID = reduceChallenge(unenc)
go sp.handleIn(theirPubKey)
go sp.handleOut(sp.local.PrivKey())
finished := []byte("finished")
select {
case <-sp.ctx.Done():
return context.Canceled
case sp.Out <- finished:
var resp []byte
select {
case <-sp.ctx.Done():
return context.Canceled
case resp, ok = <-sp.In:
if !ok {
return errors.New("Channel closed before handshake finished.")
if !bytes.Equal(resp, finished) {
return errors.New("Handshake failed!")
return nil
func (sp *SignedPipe) handleOut(pk ci.PrivKey) {
for {
var data []byte
var ok bool
select {
case <-sp.ctx.Done():
case data, ok = <-sp.Out:
if !ok {
log.Warning("pipe closed!")
sdata := new(pb.DataSig)
sig, err := pk.Sign(data)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error signing outgoing data: %s", err)
sdata.Data = data
sdata.Signature = sig
sdata.Id = proto.Uint64(sp.localMsgID)
b, err := proto.Marshal(sdata)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Error marshaling signed data object: %s", err)
select {
case sp.insecure.Out <- b:
case <-sp.ctx.Done():
log.Debug("Context finished before send could occur")
func (sp *SignedPipe) handleIn(theirPubkey ci.PubKey) {
for {
var data []byte
var ok bool
select {
case <-sp.ctx.Done():
case data, ok = <-sp.insecure.In:
if !ok {
log.Debug("Signed pipe closed")
sdata := new(pb.DataSig)
err := proto.Unmarshal(data, sdata)
if err != nil {
log.Error("Failed to unmarshal sigdata object")
correct, err := theirPubkey.Verify(sdata.GetData(), sdata.GetSignature())
if err != nil {
if !correct {
log.Error("Received data with invalid signature!")
if sdata.GetId() != sp.removeMsgID {
log.Critical("Out of order message id!")
select {
case <-sp.ctx.Done():
case sp.In <- sdata.GetData():
func (sp *SignedPipe) Close() error {
return nil
......@@ -130,58 +130,6 @@ func runEncryptBenchmark(b *testing.B) {
func BenchmarkSignedChannel(b *testing.B) {
pstore := peer.NewPeerstore()
ctx := context.TODO()
bufsize := 1024 * 1024
pa := getPeer(b)
pb := getPeer(b)
duplexa := pipes.NewDuplex(16)
duplexb := pipes.NewDuplex(16)
go bindDuplexNoCopy(duplexa, duplexb)
var spb *SignedPipe
done := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
var err error
spb, err = NewSignedPipe(ctx, bufsize, pb, pstore, duplexb)
if err != nil {
done <- struct{}{}
spa, err := NewSignedPipe(ctx, bufsize, pa, pstore, duplexa)
if err != nil {
go func() {
for _ = range spa.In {
// Throw it all away,
// all of your hopes and dreams
// piped out to /dev/null...
done <- struct{}{}
data := make([]byte, 1024*512)
// Begin actual benchmarking
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
spb.Out <- data
func BenchmarkDataTransfer(b *testing.B) {
duplexa := pipes.NewDuplex(16)
duplexb := pipes.NewDuplex(16)
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