Commit 7fc92057 authored by Mildred Ki'Lya's avatar Mildred Ki'Lya

path/resolver.go: simplify ResolveLinks()

License: MIT
Signed-off-by: default avatarMildred Ki'Lya <>
parent 28bc3ee8
......@@ -90,21 +90,6 @@ func (l *Link) GetNode(ctx context.Context, serv DAGService) (*Node, error) {
return serv.Get(ctx, key.Key(l.Hash))
// GetNodeAndCache return the MDAG Node that the link points to and store a
// pointer to that node along with the link to speed up further retrivals. A
// timeout is to be specified to avoid taking too much time.
func (l *Link) GetNodeAndCache(ctx context.Context, serv DAGService) (*Node, error) {
if l.node == nil {
nd, err := serv.Get(ctx, key.Key(l.Hash))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
l.node = nd
return l.node, nil
// AddNodeLink adds a link to another node.
func (n *Node) AddNodeLink(name string, that *Node) error {
n.encoded = nil
......@@ -111,33 +111,20 @@ func (s *Resolver) ResolveLinks(ctx context.Context, ndd *merkledag.Node, names
// for each of the path components
for _, name := range names {
var nlink *merkledag.Link
// for each of the links in nd, the current object
for _, link := range nd.Links {
if link.Name == name {
nlink = link
var cancel context.CancelFunc
ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, time.Minute)
defer cancel()
if nlink == nil || len(nlink.Hash) == 0 {
nextnode, err := nd.GetLinkedNode(ctx, s.DAG, name)
if err == merkledag.ErrLinkNotFound {
n, _ := nd.Multihash()
return result, ErrNoLink{Name: name, Node: n}
} else if err != nil {
return append(result, nextnode), err
if nlink.GetCachedNode() == nil {
var cancel context.CancelFunc
ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, time.Minute)
defer cancel()
var err error
nd, err = nlink.GetNodeAndCache(ctx, s.DAG)
if err != nil {
return append(result, nd), err
result = append(result, nd)
nd = nextnode
result = append(result, nextnode)
return result, nil
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