Commit 81f5d6fd authored by Brian Tiger Chow's avatar Brian Tiger Chow Committed by Juan Batiz-Benet

debug(2/ipfs) make cmdDetails loggable

License: MIT
Signed-off-by: default avatarBrian Tiger Chow <>

# feat
# fix
# docs
# style (formatting, missing semi colons, etc; no code change):
# refactor
# test (adding missing tests, refactoring tests; no production code change)
# chore (updating grunt tasks etc; no production code change)
Signed-off-by: default avatarBrian Tiger Chow <>
parent aba4b2bd
......@@ -76,6 +76,16 @@ func (d *cmdDetails) String() string {
d.canRunOnClient(), d.canRunOnDaemon(), d.usesRepo())
func (d *cmdDetails) Loggable() map[string]interface{} {
return map[string]interface{}{
"canRunOnClient": d.canRunOnClient(),
"canRunOnDaemon": d.canRunOnDaemon(),
"preemptsAutoUpdate": d.preemptsAutoUpdate,
"usesConfigAsInput": d.usesConfigAsInput(),
"usesRepo": d.usesRepo(),
func (d *cmdDetails) usesConfigAsInput() bool { return !d.doesNotUseConfigAsInput }
func (d *cmdDetails) doesNotPreemptAutoUpdate() bool { return !d.preemptsAutoUpdate }
func (d *cmdDetails) canRunOnClient() bool { return !d.cannotRunOnClient }
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