Commit 953d7d46 authored by Hector Sanjuan's avatar Hector Sanjuan

Doc: golint-ify routing module

License: MIT
Signed-off-by: default avatarHector Sanjuan <>
parent 25eeb1e2
// Package mock provides a virtual routing server. To use it, create a virtual
// routing server and use the Client() method to get a routing client
// (IpfsRouting). The server quacks like a DHT but is really a local in-memory
// hash table.
// Package mockrouting provides a virtual routing server. To use it,
// create a virtual routing server and use the Client() method to get a
// routing client (IpfsRouting). The server quacks like a DHT but is
// really a local in-memory hash table.
package mockrouting
import (
delay ""
ds "gx/ipfs/QmPpegoMqhAEqjncrzArm7KVWAkCm78rqL2DPuNjhPrshg/go-datastore"
routing "gx/ipfs/QmTiWLZ6Fo5j4KcTVutZJ5KWRRJrbxzmxA4td8NfEdrPh7/go-libp2p-routing"
peer "gx/ipfs/QmZoWKhxUmZ2seW4BzX6fJkNR8hh9PsGModr7q171yq2SS/go-libp2p-peer"
......@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ func NewServerWithDelay(conf DelayConfig) Server {
// DelayConfig can be used to configured the fake delays of a mock server.
// Use with NewServerWithDelay().
type DelayConfig struct {
// ValueVisibility is the time it takes for a value to be visible in the network
// FIXME there _must_ be a better term for this
// Package nilrouting implements a routing client that does nothing.
package nilrouting
import (
......@@ -21,11 +22,11 @@ func (c *nilclient) PutValue(_ context.Context, _ string, _ []byte) error {
func (c *nilclient) GetValue(_ context.Context, _ string) ([]byte, error) {
return nil, errors.New("Tried GetValue from nil routing.")
return nil, errors.New("tried GetValue from nil routing")
func (c *nilclient) GetValues(_ context.Context, _ string, _ int) ([]routing.RecvdVal, error) {
return nil, errors.New("Tried GetValues from nil routing.")
return nil, errors.New("tried GetValues from nil routing")
func (c *nilclient) FindPeer(_ context.Context, _ peer.ID) (pstore.PeerInfo, error) {
......@@ -46,6 +47,7 @@ func (c *nilclient) Bootstrap(_ context.Context) error {
return nil
// ConstructNilRouting creates an IpfsRouting client which does nothing.
func ConstructNilRouting(_ context.Context, _ p2phost.Host, _ repo.Datastore) (routing.IpfsRouting, error) {
return &nilclient{}, nil
// Package offline implements IpfsRouting with a client which
// is only able to perform offline operations.
package offline
import (
......@@ -18,8 +20,13 @@ import (
cid "gx/ipfs/QmcZfnkapfECQGcLZaf9B79NRg7cRa9EnZh4LSbkCzwNvY/go-cid"
// ErrOffline is returned when trying to perform operations that
// require connectivity.
var ErrOffline = errors.New("routing system in offline mode")
// NewOfflineRouter returns an IpfsRouting implementation which only performs
// offline operations. It allows to Put and Get signed dht
// records to and from the local datastore.
func NewOfflineRouter(dstore ds.Datastore, privkey ci.PrivKey) routing.IpfsRouting {
return &offlineRouting{
datastore: dstore,
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