Commit ab334451 authored by Steven Allen's avatar Steven Allen Committed by Erik Ingenito

merge github-issue-guide with the issue template

License: MIT
Signed-off-by: default avatarSteven Allen <>
parent 18fb10b8
<!-- 🔥❓If you have a *QUESTION* about IPFS, please ask on our forum at 🔥❓
The go-ipfs issues are *only* for bug reports and directly actionable feature requests. Please direct all other questions, ideas, or suggestions to our discuss forum. Remember to search the issue tracker for an existing report concerning your issue before posting, and see if you are not sure how to fill in this issue. -->
If you haven't yet searched the issue tracker for an existing report concerning your issue, please do so now.
The go-ipfs issues are *only* for bug reports and directly actionable feature requests. Read if your issue doesn't fit either of those categories.
* If you have a *SUPPORT QUESTION*, please direct it to our forum at
* If you want to discuss a design idea related to ipfs but not directly related to the go implementation, please file an issue at
#### Version information:
<!-- Output From `ipfs version --all`
Please check for a newer version of go-ipfs and update if necessary. Report back if the problem persists. -->
Please check for a newer version of go-ipfs and update if necessary. Report back if the problem persists.
If you can't run `ipfs version --all` or that command fails, include as much information as you can: IPFS version, computer architecture (e.g., Intel x86 64bit), operating system, etc. -->
#### Type:
<!-- Bug, Feature, Enhancement, Etc -->
- "bug": If what you are filing is a bug.
- "feature": If you'd like to suggest a feature.
- "enhancement ": If you'd like to suggest an improvement on to existing feature.
- "test failure": If the tests are failing
- "doc": If it's related to missing/incorrect documentation.
- "meta": If its a meta issue about this project/this repository/issue tracker.
Feel free to choose your own category if none of these fit your needs. However, be careful, that may indicate that your issue doesn't belong in this repo.
#### Description:
<!-- This is where you get to tell us what went wrong or your specific feature request. When doing so, please make sure to include *all* relevant information.
# How to file a GitHub Issue
We use GitHub Issues to log all of our todos and tasks. Here is
[a good guide]( for them if you are
When logging an issue with go-ipfs, it would be useful if you specified the
below information, if possible. This will help us triage the issues faster.
Please title your issues with the type. For instance:
- "bug: Cannot add file with `ipfs add`"
- "question: How do I use `ipfs block <hash>`?"
Putting the command in backticks helps us parse the natural language description,
and is generally suggested.
This is a _living guide_. If you see anything that should be here and isn't, or
have ideas on improvement, please open a "meta" issue.
### Type
- "bug": If what you are filing is a bug.
- "meta": If it is something about how we run go-ipfs, and not code related in itself.
- "question": If you have a question.
- "test failure": If the tests are failing
- "panic": If it is a severe bug.
- "enhancement ": If you have a feature you would like that enhances go-ipfs.
### Platform
For platform and processor, just run `ipfs version --all` and include that output.
Your platform.
- "Linux"
- "Windows"
- "Mac"
- Etc.
### Processor
Your processor architecture.
- "x86"
- "amd64"
- "Arm"
### Area
What your issue refers to. Multiple items are OK.
- "api"
- "bandwidth reduction"
- "bit swap"
- "blockstore"
- "commands"
- "containers + vms"
- "core"
- "daemon + init"
- "dat"
- "discovery"
- "encryption"
- "files"
- "fuse"
- "gateway"
- "gx"
- "interior"
- "pins"
- "libp2p"
- "merkledag"
- "nat"
- "releases"
- "repo"
- "routing"
- "tools"
- "tracking"
- "unix vs dag"
### Priority
- Critical - System crash, application panic.
- High - The main functionality of the application does not work, API breakage,
repo format breakage, etc.
- Medium - A non-essential functionality does not work, performance issues, etc.
- Low - An optional functionality does not work.
- Very Low - Translation or documentation mistake. Something that really does
not matter much but should be noticed for a future release.
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