Commit b5f393ff authored by Steven Allen's avatar Steven Allen

link to go-{libp2p,ipld} package tables


License: MIT
Signed-off-by: default avatarSteven Allen <>
parent 1b87e9dd
......@@ -374,6 +374,11 @@ Listing of the main packages used in the IPFS ecosystem. There are also three sp
| [`go-ipfs-util`](// | [![Travis CI](]( | N/A | [![codecov](]( | the kitchen sink |
| [`go-ipfs-addr`](// | [![Travis CI](]( | N/A | [![codecov](]( | utility functions for parsing IPFS multiaddrs |
For brevity, we've omitted go-libp2p and go-ipld packages. These package tables can be found in their respective project's READMEs:
* [go-libp2p](
* [go-ipld](
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