Commit c6daf934 authored by Overbool's avatar Overbool

fix(diff): modify diff logic and comment

License: MIT
Signed-off-by: default avatarOverbool <>
parent 7cda005a
......@@ -95,29 +95,23 @@ func ApplyChange(ctx context.Context, ds ipld.DAGService, nd *dag.ProtoNode, cs
// Diff returns a set of changes that transform node 'a' into node 'b'.
// It supports two nodes forms: ProtoNode and RawNode. Because we treat
// the nodes as IPLD nodes as long as possible and only convert them
// to ProtoNode when necessary: when we need to remove links, and at that point
// (if they have links to remove) we know they are not raw nodes.
// It only traverses links in the following cases:
// 1. two node's links number are greater than 0.
// 2. both of two nodes are ProtoNode.
// Otherwise, it compares the cid and emits a Mod change object.
func Diff(ctx context.Context, ds ipld.DAGService, a, b ipld.Node) ([]*Change, error) {
// Base case where both nodes are leaves, just compare
// their CIDs.
if len(a.Links()) == 0 && len(b.Links()) == 0 {
if a.Cid().Equals(b.Cid()) {
return []*Change{}, nil
return []*Change{
Type: Mod,
Before: a.Cid(),
After: b.Cid(),
}, nil
return getChange(a, b)
var out []*Change
cleanA := a.Copy()
cleanB := b.Copy()
cleanA, okA := a.Copy().(*dag.ProtoNode)
cleanB, okB := b.Copy().(*dag.ProtoNode)
if !okA || !okB {
return getChange(a, b)
// strip out unchanged stuff
for _, lnk := range a.Links() {
......@@ -146,12 +140,8 @@ func Diff(ctx context.Context, ds ipld.DAGService, a, b ipld.Node) ([]*Change, e
out = append(out, subc)
if cleanA, ok := cleanA.(*dag.ProtoNode); ok {
if cleanB, ok := cleanB.(*dag.ProtoNode); ok {
......@@ -207,3 +197,16 @@ func MergeDiffs(a, b []*Change) ([]*Change, []Conflict) {
return out, conflicts
func getChange(a, b ipld.Node) ([]*Change, error) {
if a.Cid().Equals(b.Cid()) {
return []*Change{}, nil
return []*Change{
Type: Mod,
Before: a.Cid(),
After: b.Cid(),
}, nil
......@@ -58,19 +58,19 @@ test_expect_success "diff against self (single file) is empty" '
test_expect_success "diff (raw-leaves) against self (single file) is empty" '
ipfs object diff $SINGLE_FILE_RAW $SINGLE_FILE_RAW > diff_raw_out
ipfs object diff $SINGLE_FILE_RAW $SINGLE_FILE_RAW > diff_raw_out &&
printf "" > diff_raw_exp &&
test_cmp diff_raw_exp diff_raw_out
test_expect_success "diff against self (empty dir) is empty" '
ipfs object diff $EMPTY_DIR $EMPTY_DIR > diff_out
ipfs object diff $EMPTY_DIR $EMPTY_DIR > diff_out &&
printf "" > diff_exp &&
test_cmp diff_exp diff_out
test_expect_success "diff (raw-leaves) against self (empty dir) is empty" '
ipfs object diff $EMPTY_DIR_RAW $EMPTY_DIR_RAW > diff_raw_out
ipfs object diff $EMPTY_DIR_RAW $EMPTY_DIR_RAW > diff_raw_out &&
printf "" > diff_raw_exp &&
test_cmp diff_raw_exp diff_raw_out
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