Commit d9961893 authored by Juan Batiz-Benet's avatar Juan Batiz-Benet

net/id_test: refactor tests into own func

parent c2b21e47
......@@ -39,60 +39,61 @@ func TestIDService(t *testing.T) {
n1 := GenNetwork(t, ctx)
n2 := GenNetwork(t, ctx)
testKnowsAddrs := func(n inet.Network, p peer.ID, expected []ma.Multiaddr) {
actual := n.Peerstore().Addresses(p)
if len(actual) != len(expected) {
t.Error("dont have the same addresses")
have := map[string]struct{}{}
for _, addr := range actual {
have[addr.String()] = struct{}{}
for _, addr := range expected {
if _, found := have[addr.String()]; !found {
t.Errorf("%s did not have addr for %s: %s", n.LocalPeer(), p, addr)
testHasProtocolVersions := func(n inet.Network, p peer.ID) {
v, err := n.Peerstore().Get(p, "ProtocolVersion")
if v.(string) != handshake.IpfsVersion.String() {
t.Fatal("protocol mismatch", err)
v, err = n.Peerstore().Get(p, "AgentVersion")
if v.(string) != handshake.ClientVersion {
t.Fatal("agent version mismatch", err)
n1p := n1.LocalPeer()
n2p := n2.LocalPeer()
testKnowsAddrs(n1, n2p, []ma.Multiaddr{}) // nothing
testKnowsAddrs(n2, n1p, []ma.Multiaddr{}) // nothing
testKnowsAddrs(t, n1, n2p, []ma.Multiaddr{}) // nothing
testKnowsAddrs(t, n2, n1p, []ma.Multiaddr{}) // nothing
// have n2 tell n1, so we can dial...
DivulgeAddresses(n2, n1)
testKnowsAddrs(n1, n2p, n2.Peerstore().Addresses(n2p)) // has them
testKnowsAddrs(n2, n1p, []ma.Multiaddr{}) // nothing
testKnowsAddrs(t, n1, n2p, n2.Peerstore().Addresses(n2p)) // has them
testKnowsAddrs(t, n2, n1p, []ma.Multiaddr{}) // nothing
if err := n1.DialPeer(ctx, n2p); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to dial:", err)
// this is shitty. dial should wait for connecting to end
<-time.After(100 * time.Millisecond)
// the IDService should be opened automatically, by the network.
// what we should see now is that both peers know about each others listen addresses.
testKnowsAddrs(n1, n2p, n2.Peerstore().Addresses(n2p)) // has them
testKnowsAddrs(n2, n1p, n1.Peerstore().Addresses(n1p)) // has them
testKnowsAddrs(t, n1, n2p, n2.Peerstore().Addresses(n2p)) // has them
testKnowsAddrs(t, n2, n1p, n1.Peerstore().Addresses(n1p)) // has them
// and the protocol versions.
testHasProtocolVersions(n1, n2p)
testHasProtocolVersions(n2, n1p)
testHasProtocolVersions(t, n1, n2p)
testHasProtocolVersions(t, n2, n1p)
func testKnowsAddrs(t *testing.T, n inet.Network, p peer.ID, expected []ma.Multiaddr) {
actual := n.Peerstore().Addresses(p)
if len(actual) != len(expected) {
t.Error("dont have the same addresses")
have := map[string]struct{}{}
for _, addr := range actual {
have[addr.String()] = struct{}{}
for _, addr := range expected {
if _, found := have[addr.String()]; !found {
t.Errorf("%s did not have addr for %s: %s", n.LocalPeer(), p, addr)
func testHasProtocolVersions(t *testing.T, n inet.Network, p peer.ID) {
v, err := n.Peerstore().Get(p, "ProtocolVersion")
if v.(string) != handshake.IpfsVersion.String() {
t.Fatal("protocol mismatch", err)
v, err = n.Peerstore().Get(p, "AgentVersion")
if v.(string) != handshake.ClientVersion {
t.Fatal("agent version mismatch", err)
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