Commit df70fe4a authored by Tommi Virtanen's avatar Tommi Virtanen

Serve expvars and pprof on the API port

parent b1183099
package main
import (
_ "expvar"
_ "net/http/pprof"
......@@ -76,6 +79,17 @@ the port as you would other services or database (firewall, authenticated proxy,
Run: daemonFunc,
// defaultMux tells mux to serve path using the default muxer. This is
// mostly useful to hook up things that register in the default muxer,
// and don't provide a convenient http.Handler entry point, such as
// expvar and http/pprof.
func defaultMux(path string) func(node *core.IpfsNode, mux *http.ServeMux) (*http.ServeMux, error) {
return func(node *core.IpfsNode, mux *http.ServeMux) (*http.ServeMux, error) {
mux.Handle(path, http.DefaultServeMux)
return mux, nil
func daemonFunc(req cmds.Request, res cmds.Response) {
// let the user know we're going.
fmt.Printf("Initializing daemon...\n")
......@@ -281,6 +295,8 @@ func daemonFunc(req cmds.Request, res cmds.Response) {
if rootRedirect != nil {
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