Commit e71ca7c5 authored by Kejie Zhang's avatar Kejie Zhang

refactor ipns command option name

License: MIT
Signed-off-by: default avatarKejie Zhang <>
parent e4e35047
......@@ -25,6 +25,13 @@ type ResolvedPath struct {
Path path.Path
const (
recursiveOptionName = "recursive"
nocacheOptionName = "nocache"
dhtRecordCountOptionName = "dht-record-count"
dhtTimeoutOptionName = "dht-timeout"
var IpnsCmd = &cmds.Command{
Helptext: cmdkit.HelpText{
Tagline: "Resolve IPNS names.",
......@@ -67,10 +74,10 @@ Resolve the value of a dnslink:
cmdkit.StringArg("name", false, false, "The IPNS name to resolve. Defaults to your node's peerID."),
Options: []cmdkit.Option{
cmdkit.BoolOption("recursive", "r", "Resolve until the result is not an IPNS name."),
cmdkit.BoolOption("nocache", "n", "Do not use cached entries."),
cmdkit.UintOption("dht-record-count", "dhtrc", "Number of records to request for DHT resolution."),
cmdkit.StringOption("dht-timeout", "dhtt", "Max time to collect values during DHT resolution eg \"30s\". Pass 0 for no timeout."),
cmdkit.BoolOption(recursiveOptionName, "r", "Resolve until the result is not an IPNS name."),
cmdkit.BoolOption(nocacheOptionName, "n", "Do not use cached entries."),
cmdkit.UintOption(dhtRecordCountOptionName, "dhtrc", "Number of records to request for DHT resolution."),
cmdkit.StringOption(dhtTimeoutOptionName, "dhtt", "Max time to collect values during DHT resolution eg \"30s\". Pass 0 for no timeout."),
Run: func(req *cmds.Request, res cmds.ResponseEmitter, env cmds.Environment) {
n, err := cmdenv.GetNode(env)
......@@ -119,9 +126,10 @@ Resolve the value of a dnslink:
name = req.Arguments[0]
recursive, _ := req.Options["recursive"].(bool)
rc, rcok := req.Options["dht-record-count"].(int)
dhtt, dhttok := req.Options["dht-timeout"].(string)
recursive, _ := req.Options[recursiveOptionName].(bool)
rc, rcok := req.Options[dhtRecordCountOptionName].(int)
dhtt, dhttok := req.Options[dhtTimeoutOptionName].(string)
var ropts []nsopts.ResolveOpt
if !recursive {
ropts = append(ropts, nsopts.Depth(1))
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