Commit ecd6f3b0 authored by Peter Borzov's avatar Peter Borzov Committed by Juan Batiz-Benet

Add Updates.Check field to Config

parent 555bc871 # ipfs can generate profiling dump files
......@@ -67,7 +67,8 @@ var log = u.Logger("cmd/ipfs")
func init() {
config, err := config.PathRoot()
if err != nil {
config = ""
u.POut("Failure initializing the default Config Directory: ", err)
CmdIpfs.Flag.String("c", config, "specify config directory")
......@@ -45,12 +45,18 @@ func (bp *BootstrapPeer) String() string {
return bp.Address + "/" + bp.PeerID
// Updates regulates checking and downloading for application's most recent version
type Updates struct {
Check string // "ignore" for do not check, "warn" and "error" for reacting when obsolete
// Config is used to load IPFS config files.
type Config struct {
Identity Identity // local node's peer identity
Datastore Datastore // local node's storage
Addresses Addresses // local node's addresses
Mounts Mounts // local node's mount points
Updates Updates // local node's version management
Bootstrap []*BootstrapPeer // local nodes's bootstrap peers
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