Commit ee10b410 authored by Juan Batiz-Benet's avatar Juan Batiz-Benet

Merge pull request #1293 from rht/cleanup-cat-error

Add test for cat error message when `ipfs init` hasn't been run
parents 6f155239 f5d5095b
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ type NoRepoError struct {
var _ error = NoRepoError{}
func (err NoRepoError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("no ipfs repo found in '%s'. please run: ipfs init ", err.Path)
return fmt.Sprintf("no ipfs repo found in %s.\nplease run: ipfs init", err.Path)
const (
......@@ -21,9 +21,23 @@ test_expect_success "ipfs init fails" '
test_expect_success "ipfs init output looks good" '
echo "Error: failed to take lock at $IPFS_PATH: permission denied" > init_fail_exp &&
test_cmp init_fail_out init_fail_exp
test_cmp init_fail_exp init_fail_out
# test no repo error message
# this applies to `ipfs add sth`, `ipfs refs <hash>`
test_expect_success "ipfs cat fails" '
export IPFS_PATH="$(pwd)/.ipfs" &&
test_must_fail ipfs cat Qmaa4Rw81a3a1VEx4LxB7HADUAXvZFhCoRdBzsMZyZmqHD 2> cat_fail_out
test_expect_success "ipfs cat no repo message looks good" '
echo "Error: no ipfs repo found in $IPFS_PATH." > cat_fail_exp &&
echo "please run: ipfs init" >> cat_fail_exp &&
test_cmp cat_fail_exp cat_fail_out
# test that init succeeds
test_expect_success "ipfs init succeeds" '
export IPFS_PATH="$(pwd)/.ipfs" &&
BITS="2048" &&
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