Commit f1566e23 authored by Juan Batiz-Benet's avatar Juan Batiz-Benet

reuseport: env var to turn it off

reuseport is a hack. It is necessary for us to do certain kinds of
tcp nat traversal. Ideally, reuseport would be available in go:

But until that issue is fixed, we're stuck with this. In some cases,
reuseport is strictly a detriment: nodes are not NATed. This commit
introduces an ENV var IPFS_REUSEPORT that can be set to false to
avoid using reuseport entirely:

  IPFS_REUSEPORT=false ipfs daemon

This approach addresses our current need. It could become a config
var if necessary. If reuseport continues to give problems, we should
look into improving it.
parent 20dbea5e
......@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ func (d *Dialer) rawConnDial(ctx context.Context, raddr ma.Multiaddr, remote pee
// make a copy of the manet.Dialer, we may need to change its timeout.
madialer := d.Dialer
if laddr != nil && reuseport.Available() {
if laddr != nil && reuseportIsAvailable() {
// we're perhaps going to dial twice. half the timeout, so we can afford to.
// otherwise our context would expire right after the first dial.
madialer.Dialer.Timeout = (madialer.Dialer.Timeout / 2)
......@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ func manetListen(addr ma.Multiaddr) (manet.Listener, error) {
return nil, err
if reuseport.Available() {
if reuseportIsAvailable() {
nl, err := reuseport.Listen(network, naddr)
if err == nil {
// hey, it worked!
package conn
import (
reuseport ""
// envReuseport is the env variable name used to turn off reuse port.
// It default to true.
const envReuseport = "IPFS_REUSEPORT"
// envReuseportVal stores the value of envReuseport. defaults to true.
var envReuseportVal = true
func init() {
v := strings.ToLower(os.Getenv(envReuseport))
if v == "false" || v == "f" || v == "0" {
envReuseportVal = false
log.Infof("REUSEPORT disabled (IPFS_REUSEPORT=%s)", v)
// reuseportIsAvailable returns whether reuseport is available to be used. This
// is here because we want to be able to turn reuseport on and off selectively.
// For now we use an ENV variable, as this handles our pressing need:
// IPFS_REUSEPORT=false ipfs daemon
// If this becomes a sought after feature, we could add this to the config.
// In the end, reuseport is a stop-gap.
func reuseportIsAvailable() bool {
return envReuseportVal && reuseport.Available()
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