Commit fbd611f4 authored by Jeromy Johnson's avatar Jeromy Johnson


parent 05b80afc
......@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ This is a simple description of where the codebase stands.
There are multiple subpackages:
- `bitswap` - the block exchange
- `blocks` - retrieve blocks for the core node
- `blocks` - handles dealing with individual blocks and sharding files
- `blockservice` - handles getting and storing blocks
- `cmd/ipfs` - cli ipfs tool - the main **entrypoint** atm
- `config` - load/edit configuration
- `core` - the core node, joins all the pieces
......@@ -29,11 +30,14 @@ There are multiple subpackages:
- mounting `/ipfs` (try `{cat, ls} /ipfs/<path>`)
- multiplexing connections (tcp atm)
- peer addressing
- dht - impl basic kademlia routing
### What's next:
### What's in progress:
- dht - impl basic kademlia routing
- bitswap - impl basic block exchange functionality
### What's next:
- ipns - impl `/ipns` obj publishing + path resolution
- **(at this point should have func similar to bittorrent)**
- block splitting on import - Rabin fingerprints, etc
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