Commit fdcebc5a authored by Juan Batiz-Benet's avatar Juan Batiz-Benet


parent 1d3e72a3
package importer
import (
dag ""
var BlockSizeLimit = int64(1048576) // 1 MB
var SizeLimitExceeded = fmt.Errorf("object size limit exceeded")
// todo: incremental construction with an ipfs node. dumping constructed
// objects into the datastore, to avoid buffering all in memory
// size required for block construction
func NewDagFromReader(r io.Reader, size int64) (*dag.Node, error) {
// todo: block-splitting based on rabin fingerprinting
// todo: block-splitting with user-defined function
// todo: block-splitting at all. :P
// totally just trusts the reported size. fix later.
if size > BlockSizeLimit { // 1 MB limit for now.
return nil, SizeLimitExceeded
// we're doing it live!
buf, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if int64(len(buf)) > BlockSizeLimit {
return nil, SizeLimitExceeded // lying punk.
root := &dag.Node{Data: buf}
// no children for now because not block splitting yet
return root, nil
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