1. 11 Oct, 2021 1 commit
  2. 26 May, 2020 1 commit
    • Steven Allen's avatar
      feat: implement peering service · 978091a6
      Steven Allen authored
      MVP for #6097
      This feature will repeatedly reconnect (with a randomized exponential backoff)
      to peers in a set of "peered" peers.
      In the future, this should be extended to:
      1. Include a CLI for modifying this list at runtime.
      2. Include additional options for peers we want to _protect_ but not connect to.
      3. Allow configuring timeouts, backoff, etc.
      4. Allow groups? Possibly through textile threads.
      5. Allow for runtime-only peering rules.
      6. Different reconnect policies.
      But this MVP should be a significant step forward.