asyncloader.go 5.92 KB
Newer Older
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package asyncloader

import (

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	gsmsg ""
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type loaderMessage interface {
	handle(al *AsyncLoader)
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// AsyncLoader manages loading links asynchronously in as new responses
// come in from the network
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type AsyncLoader struct {
	ctx              context.Context
	cancel           context.CancelFunc
	incomingMessages chan loaderMessage
	outgoingMessages chan loaderMessage

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	activeRequests   map[gsmsg.GraphSyncRequestID]bool
	loadAttemptQueue *loadattemptqueue.LoadAttemptQueue
	responseCache    *responsecache.ResponseCache

// New initializes a new link loading manager for asynchronous loads from the given context
// and local store loading and storing function
func New(ctx context.Context, loader ipld.Loader, storer ipld.Storer) *AsyncLoader {
	unverifiedBlockStore := unverifiedblockstore.New(storer)
	responseCache := responsecache.New(unverifiedBlockStore)
	loadAttemptQueue := loadattemptqueue.New(func(requestID gsmsg.GraphSyncRequestID, link ipld.Link) ([]byte, error) {
		// load from response cache
		data, err := responseCache.AttemptLoad(requestID, link)
		if data == nil && err == nil {
			// fall back to local store
			stream, loadErr := loader(link, ipldbridge.LinkContext{})
			if stream != nil && loadErr == nil {
				localData, loadErr := ioutil.ReadAll(stream)
				if loadErr == nil && localData != nil {
					return localData, nil
		return data, err
57 58 59 60 61 62
	ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
	return &AsyncLoader{
		ctx:              ctx,
		cancel:           cancel,
		incomingMessages: make(chan loaderMessage),
		outgoingMessages: make(chan loaderMessage),
63 64 65
		activeRequests:   make(map[gsmsg.GraphSyncRequestID]bool),
		responseCache:    responseCache,
		loadAttemptQueue: loadAttemptQueue,
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// Startup starts processing of messages
func (al *AsyncLoader) Startup() {
	go al.messageQueueWorker()

// Shutdown finishes processing of messages
func (al *AsyncLoader) Shutdown() {

// StartRequest indicates the given request has started and the manager should
// continually attempt to load links for this request as new responses come in
func (al *AsyncLoader) StartRequest(requestID gsmsg.GraphSyncRequestID) {
	select {
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	case <-al.ctx.Done():
	case al.incomingMessages <- &startRequestMessage{requestID}:
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// ProcessResponse injests new responses and completes asynchronous loads as
// neccesary
func (al *AsyncLoader) ProcessResponse(responses map[gsmsg.GraphSyncRequestID]metadata.Metadata,
	blks []blocks.Block) {
	al.responseCache.ProcessResponse(responses, blks)
	select {
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	case <-al.ctx.Done():
	case al.incomingMessages <- &newResponsesAvailableMessage{}:
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// AsyncLoad asynchronously loads the given link for the given request ID. It returns a channel for data and a channel
// for errors -- only one message will be sent over either.
func (al *AsyncLoader) AsyncLoad(requestID gsmsg.GraphSyncRequestID, link ipld.Link) <-chan types.AsyncLoadResult {
	resultChan := make(chan types.AsyncLoadResult, 1)
	lr := loadattemptqueue.NewLoadRequest(requestID, link, resultChan)
	select {
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	case <-al.ctx.Done():
		resultChan <- types.AsyncLoadResult{Data: nil, Err: errors.New("Context closed")}
	case al.incomingMessages <- &loadRequestMessage{requestID, lr}:
	return resultChan
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// CompleteResponsesFor indicates no further responses will come in for the given
// requestID, so if no responses are in the cache or local store, a link load
// should not retry
func (al *AsyncLoader) CompleteResponsesFor(requestID gsmsg.GraphSyncRequestID) {
	select {
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	case <-al.ctx.Done():
	case al.incomingMessages <- &finishRequestMessage{requestID}:
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// CleanupRequest indicates the given request is complete on the client side,
// and no further attempts will be made to load links for this request,
// so any cached response data is invalid can be cleaned
func (al *AsyncLoader) CleanupRequest(requestID gsmsg.GraphSyncRequestID) {

type loadRequestMessage struct {
	requestID   gsmsg.GraphSyncRequestID
	loadRequest loadattemptqueue.LoadRequest

type newResponsesAvailableMessage struct {

type startRequestMessage struct {
	requestID gsmsg.GraphSyncRequestID
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type finishRequestMessage struct {
	requestID gsmsg.GraphSyncRequestID
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func (al *AsyncLoader) run() {
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	for {
		select {
		case <-al.ctx.Done():
152 153
		case message := <-al.outgoingMessages:
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func (al *AsyncLoader) messageQueueWorker() {
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	var messageBuffer []loaderMessage
	nextMessage := func() loaderMessage {
		if len(messageBuffer) == 0 {
			return nil
		return messageBuffer[0]
	outgoingMessages := func() chan<- loaderMessage {
		if len(messageBuffer) == 0 {
			return nil
		return al.outgoingMessages
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	for {
		select {
		case incomingMessage := <-al.incomingMessages:
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			messageBuffer = append(messageBuffer, incomingMessage)
		case outgoingMessages() <- nextMessage():
			messageBuffer = messageBuffer[1:]
		case <-al.ctx.Done():
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func (lrm *loadRequestMessage) handle(al *AsyncLoader) {
	retry := al.activeRequests[lrm.requestID]
	al.loadAttemptQueue.AttemptLoad(lrm.loadRequest, retry)
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func (srm *startRequestMessage) handle(al *AsyncLoader) {
	al.activeRequests[srm.requestID] = true
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func (frm *finishRequestMessage) handle(al *AsyncLoader) {
	delete(al.activeRequests, frm.requestID)
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func (nram *newResponsesAvailableMessage) handle(al *AsyncLoader) {