main.go 11.9 KB
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package main

import (
	goruntime "runtime"

	badgerds ""
	allselector ""
	ds ""
	dss ""
	blockstore ""
	chunk ""
	offline ""
	files ""
	format ""
	ihelper ""
	cidlink ""

	gs ""
	gsi ""
	gsnet ""

	noise ""
	secio ""
	tls ""


var testcases = map[string]interface{}{
	"stress": run.InitializedTestCaseFn(runStress),

func main() {

type networkParams struct {
	latency   time.Duration
	bandwidth uint64

func (p networkParams) String() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("<lat: %s, bandwidth: %d>", p.latency, p.bandwidth)

func runStress(runenv *runtime.RunEnv, initCtx *run.InitContext) error {
	var (
		size        = runenv.SizeParam("size")
		concurrency = runenv.IntParam("concurrency")

		networkParams = parseNetworkConfig(runenv)
	runenv.RecordMessage("started test instance")
	runenv.RecordMessage("network params: %v", networkParams)

	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 30*time.Minute)
	defer cancel()


	host, peers, _ := makeHost(ctx, runenv, initCtx)
	defer host.Close()

	var (
		// make datastore, blockstore, dag service, graphsync
		bs     = blockstore.NewBlockstore(dss.MutexWrap(createDatastore(runenv.BooleanParam("disk_store"))))
		dagsrv = merkledag.NewDAGService(blockservice.New(bs, offline.Exchange(bs)))
		gsync  = gsi.New(ctx,

	defer initCtx.SyncClient.MustSignalAndWait(ctx, "done", runenv.TestInstanceCount)

	switch runenv.TestGroupID {
	case "providers":
		if runenv.TestGroupInstanceCount > 1 {
			panic("test case only supports one provider")

		runenv.RecordMessage("we are the provider")
		defer runenv.RecordMessage("done provider")

		gsync.RegisterIncomingRequestHook(func(p peer.ID, request gs.RequestData, hookActions gs.IncomingRequestHookActions) {

		return runProvider(ctx, runenv, initCtx, dagsrv, size, networkParams, concurrency)

	case "requestors":
		runenv.RecordMessage("we are the requestor")
		defer runenv.RecordMessage("done requestor")

		p := *peers[0]
		if err := host.Connect(ctx, p); err != nil {
			return err
		runenv.RecordMessage("done dialling provider")
		return runRequestor(ctx, runenv, initCtx, gsync, p, dagsrv, networkParams, concurrency, size)

		panic(fmt.Sprintf("unsupported group ID: %s\n", runenv.TestGroupID))

func parseNetworkConfig(runenv *runtime.RunEnv) []networkParams {
	var (
		bandwidths = runenv.SizeArrayParam("bandwidths")
		latencies  []time.Duration

	lats := runenv.StringArrayParam("latencies")
	for _, l := range lats {
		d, err := time.ParseDuration(l)
		if err != nil {
		latencies = append(latencies, d)

	// prepend bandwidth=0 and latency=0 zero values; the first iteration will
	// be a control iteration. The sidecar interprets zero values as no
	// limitation on that attribute.
	bandwidths = append([]uint64{0}, bandwidths...)
	latencies = append([]time.Duration{0}, latencies...)

	var ret []networkParams
	for _, bandwidth := range bandwidths {
		for _, latency := range latencies {
			ret = append(ret, networkParams{
				latency:   latency,
				bandwidth: bandwidth,
	return ret

func runRequestor(ctx context.Context, runenv *runtime.RunEnv, initCtx *run.InitContext, gsync gs.GraphExchange, p peer.AddrInfo, dagsrv format.DAGService, networkParams []networkParams, concurrency int, size uint64) error {
	var (
		cids []cid.Cid
		// create a selector for the whole UnixFS dag
		sel = allselector.AllSelector

	for round, np := range networkParams {
		var (
			topicCid  = sync.NewTopic(fmt.Sprintf("cid-%d", round), []cid.Cid{})
			stateNext = sync.State(fmt.Sprintf("next-%d", round))
			stateNet  = sync.State(fmt.Sprintf("network-configured-%d", round))

		// wait for all instances to be ready for the next state.
		initCtx.SyncClient.MustSignalAndWait(ctx, stateNext, runenv.TestInstanceCount)

		// clean up previous CIDs to attempt to free memory
		// TODO does this work?
		_ = dagsrv.RemoveMany(ctx, cids)

		runenv.RecordMessage("===== ROUND %d: latency=%s, bandwidth=%d =====", round, np.latency, np.bandwidth)

		sctx, scancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
		cidCh := make(chan []cid.Cid, 1)
		initCtx.SyncClient.MustSubscribe(sctx, topicCid, cidCh)
		cids = <-cidCh

		// run GC to get accurate-ish stats.

		<-initCtx.SyncClient.MustBarrier(ctx, stateNet, 1).C

		errgrp, grpctx := errgroup.WithContext(ctx)
		for _, c := range cids {
			c := c   // capture
			np := np // capture

			errgrp.Go(func() error {
				// make a go-ipld-prime link for the root UnixFS node
				clink := cidlink.Link{Cid: c}

				// execute the traversal.
				runenv.RecordMessage("\t>>> requesting CID %s", c)

				start := time.Now()
				_, errCh := gsync.Request(grpctx, p.ID, clink, sel)
				for err := range errCh {
					return err
				dur := time.Since(start)

				runenv.RecordMessage("\t<<< request complete with no errors")
				runenv.RecordMessage("***** ROUND %d observed duration (lat=%s,bw=%d): %s", round, np.latency, np.bandwidth, dur)

				measurement := fmt.Sprintf("duration.sec,lat=%s,bw=%s,concurrency=%d,size=%s", np.latency, humanize.IBytes(np.bandwidth), concurrency, humanize.Bytes(size))
				measurement = strings.Replace(measurement, " ", "", -1)
				runenv.R().RecordPoint(measurement, float64(dur)/float64(time.Second))

				// verify that we have the CID now.
				if node, err := dagsrv.Get(grpctx, c); err != nil {
					return err
				} else if node == nil {
					return fmt.Errorf("finished graphsync request, but CID not in store")

				return nil

		if err := errgrp.Wait(); err != nil {
			return err

	return nil

func runProvider(ctx context.Context, runenv *runtime.RunEnv, initCtx *run.InitContext, dagsrv format.DAGService, size uint64, networkParams []networkParams, concurrency int) error {
	var (
		cids       []cid.Cid
		bufferedDS = format.NewBufferedDAG(ctx, dagsrv)

	for round, np := range networkParams {
		var (
			topicCid  = sync.NewTopic(fmt.Sprintf("cid-%d", round), []cid.Cid{})
			stateNext = sync.State(fmt.Sprintf("next-%d", round))
			stateNet  = sync.State(fmt.Sprintf("network-configured-%d", round))

		// wait for all instances to be ready for the next state.
		initCtx.SyncClient.MustSignalAndWait(ctx, stateNext, runenv.TestInstanceCount)

		// remove the previous CIDs from the dag service; hopefully this
		// will delete them from the store and free up memory.
		for _, c := range cids {
			_ = dagsrv.Remove(ctx, c)
		cids = cids[:0]

		runenv.RecordMessage("===== ROUND %d: latency=%s, bandwidth=%d =====", round, np.latency, np.bandwidth)

		// generate as many random files as the concurrency level.
		for i := 0; i < concurrency; i++ {
			// file with random data
			file := files.NewReaderFile(io.LimitReader(rand.Reader, int64(size)))

			unixfsChunkSize := uint64(1) << runenv.IntParam("chunk_size")
			unixfsLinksPerLevel := runenv.IntParam("links_per_level")

			params := ihelper.DagBuilderParams{
				Maxlinks:   unixfsLinksPerLevel,
				RawLeaves:  runenv.BooleanParam("raw_leaves"),
				CidBuilder: nil,
				Dagserv:    bufferedDS,

			db, err := params.New(chunk.NewSizeSplitter(file, int64(unixfsChunkSize)))
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("unable to setup dag builder: %w", err)

			node, err := balanced.Layout(db)
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("unable to create unix fs node: %w", err)

			cids = append(cids, node.Cid())

		if err := bufferedDS.Commit(); err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("unable to commit unix fs node: %w", err)

		// run GC to get accurate-ish stats.

		runenv.RecordMessage("\tCIDs are: %v", cids)
		initCtx.SyncClient.MustPublish(ctx, topicCid, cids)

		runenv.RecordMessage("\tconfiguring network for round %d", round)
		initCtx.NetClient.MustConfigureNetwork(ctx, &network.Config{
			Network: "default",
			Enable:  true,
			Default: network.LinkShape{
				Latency:   np.latency,
				Bandwidth: np.bandwidth * 8, // bps
			CallbackState:  stateNet,
			CallbackTarget: 1,
		runenv.RecordMessage("\tnetwork configured for round %d", round)

	return nil

func makeHost(ctx context.Context, runenv *runtime.RunEnv, initCtx *run.InitContext) (host.Host, []*peer.AddrInfo, *metrics.BandwidthCounter) {
	secureChannel := runenv.StringParam("secure_channel")

	var security libp2p.Option
	switch secureChannel {
	case "noise":
		security = libp2p.Security(noise.ID, noise.New)
	case "secio":
		security = libp2p.Security(secio.ID, secio.New)
	case "tls":
		security = libp2p.Security(tls.ID, tls.New)

	// ☎️  Let's construct the libp2p node.
	ip := initCtx.NetClient.MustGetDataNetworkIP()
	listenAddr := fmt.Sprintf("/ip4/%s/tcp/0", ip)
	bwcounter := metrics.NewBandwidthCounter()
	host, err := libp2p.New(ctx,
	if err != nil {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to instantiate libp2p instance: %s", err))

	// Record our listen addrs.
	runenv.RecordMessage("my listen addrs: %v", host.Addrs())

	// Obtain our own address info, and use the sync service to publish it to a
	// 'peersTopic' topic, where others will read from.
	var (
		id = host.ID()
		ai = &peer.AddrInfo{ID: id, Addrs: host.Addrs()}

		// the peers topic where all instances will advertise their AddrInfo.
		peersTopic = sync.NewTopic("peers", new(peer.AddrInfo))

		// initialize a slice to store the AddrInfos of all other peers in the run.
		peers = make([]*peer.AddrInfo, 0, runenv.TestInstanceCount-1)

	// Publish our own.
	initCtx.SyncClient.MustPublish(ctx, peersTopic, ai)

	// Now subscribe to the peers topic and consume all addresses, storing them
	// in the peers slice.
	peersCh := make(chan *peer.AddrInfo)
	sctx, scancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
	defer scancel()

	sub := initCtx.SyncClient.MustSubscribe(sctx, peersTopic, peersCh)

	// Receive the expected number of AddrInfos.
	for len(peers) < cap(peers) {
		select {
		case ai := <-peersCh:
			if ai.ID == id {
				continue // skip over ourselves.
			peers = append(peers, ai)
		case err := <-sub.Done():

	return host, peers, bwcounter

func createDatastore(diskStore bool) ds.Datastore {
	if !diskStore {
		return ds.NewMapDatastore()

	// create temporary directory for badger datastore
	path := filepath.Join(os.TempDir(), "datastore")
	if _, err := os.Stat(path); os.IsNotExist(err) {
		if err := os.MkdirAll(path, 0755); err != nil {
	} else if err != nil {

	// create disk based badger datastore
	defopts := badgerds.DefaultOptions
	defopts.SyncWrites = false
	defopts.Truncate = true
	datastore, err :=  badgerds.NewDatastore(path, &defopts)
	if err != nil {

	return datastore