message.go 8.51 KB
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package message

import (

	ggio ""
	cid ""
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66
	pb ""
	gsselector ""

// GraphSyncRequestID is a unique identifier for a GraphSync request.
type GraphSyncRequestID int32

// GraphSyncPriority a priority for a GraphSync request.
type GraphSyncPriority int32

// GraphSyncResponseStatusCode is a status returned for a GraphSync Request.
type GraphSyncResponseStatusCode int32

const (

	// GraphSync Response Status Codes

	// Informational Response Codes (partial)

	// RequestAcknowledged means the request was received and is being worked on.
	RequestAcknowledged = 10
	// AdditionalPeers means additional peers were found that may be able
	// to satisfy the request and contained in the extra block of the response.
	AdditionalPeers = 11
	// NotEnoughGas means fulfilling this request requires payment.
	NotEnoughGas = 12
	// OtherProtocol means a different type of response than GraphSync is
	// contained in extra.
	OtherProtocol = 13

	// Success Response Codes (request terminated)

	// RequestCompletedFull means the entire fulfillment of the GraphSync request
	// was sent back.
	RequestCompletedFull = 20
	// RequestCompletedPartial means the response is completed, and part of the
	// GraphSync request was sent back, but not the complete request.
	RequestCompletedPartial = 21

	// Error Response Codes (request terminated)

	// RequestRejected means the node did not accept the incoming request.
	RequestRejected = 30
	// RequestFailedBusy means the node is too busy, try again later. Backoff may
	// be contained in extra.
	RequestFailedBusy = 31
	// RequestFailedUnknown means the request failed for an unspecified reason. May
	// contain data about why in extra.
	RequestFailedUnknown = 32
	// RequestFailedLegal means the request failed for legal reasons.
	RequestFailedLegal = 33
	// RequestFailedContentNotFound means the respondent does not have the content.
	RequestFailedContentNotFound = 34

// GraphSyncRequest is an interface for accessing data on request contained in a
// GraphSyncMessage.
type GraphSyncRequest interface {
	Selector() gsselector.Selector
	Root() cid.Cid
68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89
	Priority() GraphSyncPriority
	ID() GraphSyncRequestID
	IsCancel() bool

// GraphSyncResponse is an interface for accessing data on a response sent back
// in a GraphSyncMessage.
type GraphSyncResponse interface {
	RequestID() GraphSyncRequestID
	Status() GraphSyncResponseStatusCode
	Response() gsselector.SelectionResponse

// GraphSyncMessage is interface that can be serialized and deserialized to send
// over the GraphSync network
type GraphSyncMessage interface {
	Requests() []GraphSyncRequest

	Responses() []GraphSyncResponse

	AddRequest(id GraphSyncRequestID,
		selector gsselector.Selector,
		root cid.Cid,
91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111
		priority GraphSyncPriority)

	Cancel(id GraphSyncRequestID)

		requestID GraphSyncRequestID,
		status GraphSyncResponseStatusCode,
		response gsselector.SelectionResponse)


	Loggable() map[string]interface{}

// Exportable is an interface that can serialize to a protobuf
type Exportable interface {
	ToProto() *pb.Message

type graphSyncRequest struct {
	selector gsselector.Selector
	root     cid.Cid
113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154
	priority GraphSyncPriority
	id       GraphSyncRequestID
	isCancel bool

type graphSyncResponse struct {
	requestID GraphSyncRequestID
	status    GraphSyncResponseStatusCode
	response  gsselector.SelectionResponse

type graphSyncMessage struct {
	requests  map[GraphSyncRequestID]*graphSyncRequest
	responses map[GraphSyncRequestID]*graphSyncResponse

// DecodeSelectorFunc is a function that can build a type that satisfies
// the Selector interface from a raw byte array.
type DecodeSelectorFunc func([]byte) gsselector.Selector

// DecodeSelectionResponseFunc is a function that can build a type that satisfies
// the SelectionResponse interface from a raw byte array.
type DecodeSelectionResponseFunc func([]byte) gsselector.SelectionResponse

// New initializes a new blank GraphSyncMessage
func New() GraphSyncMessage {
	return newMsg()

func newMsg() *graphSyncMessage {
	return &graphSyncMessage{
		requests:  make(map[GraphSyncRequestID]*graphSyncRequest),
		responses: make(map[GraphSyncRequestID]*graphSyncResponse),

func newMessageFromProto(pbm pb.Message,
	decodeSelector DecodeSelectorFunc,
	decodeSelectionResponse DecodeSelectionResponseFunc) (GraphSyncMessage, error) {
	gsm := newMsg()
	for _, req := range pbm.Reqlist {
		selector := decodeSelector(req.Selector)
155 156 157 158
		root, err := cid.Cast([]byte(req.Root))
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("incorrectly formatted cid in request queery: %s", err)
159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187
		gsm.addRequest(GraphSyncRequestID(req.Id), selector, root, GraphSyncPriority(req.Priority), req.Cancel)

	for _, res := range pbm.Reslist {
		selectionResponse := decodeSelectionResponse(res.Data)
		gsm.AddResponse(GraphSyncRequestID(res.Id), GraphSyncResponseStatusCode(res.Status), selectionResponse)

	return gsm, nil

func (gsm *graphSyncMessage) Requests() []GraphSyncRequest {
	requests := make([]GraphSyncRequest, 0, len(gsm.requests))
	for _, request := range gsm.requests {
		requests = append(requests, request)
	return requests

func (gsm *graphSyncMessage) Responses() []GraphSyncResponse {
	responses := make([]GraphSyncResponse, 0, len(gsm.responses))
	for _, response := range gsm.responses {
		responses = append(responses, response)
	return responses

func (gsm *graphSyncMessage) Cancel(id GraphSyncRequestID) {
	delete(gsm.requests, id)
	gsm.addRequest(id, nil, cid.Cid{}, 0, true)
189 190 191 192

func (gsm *graphSyncMessage) AddRequest(id GraphSyncRequestID,
	selector gsselector.Selector,
	root cid.Cid,
194 195 196 197 198 199 200
	priority GraphSyncPriority,
) {
	gsm.addRequest(id, selector, root, priority, false)

func (gsm *graphSyncMessage) addRequest(id GraphSyncRequestID,
	selector gsselector.Selector,
	root cid.Cid,
202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231
	priority GraphSyncPriority,
	isCancel bool) {
	gsm.requests[id] = &graphSyncRequest{
		id:       id,
		selector: selector,
		root:     root,
		priority: priority,
		isCancel: isCancel,

func (gsm *graphSyncMessage) AddResponse(requestID GraphSyncRequestID,
	status GraphSyncResponseStatusCode,
	response gsselector.SelectionResponse) {
	gsm.responses[requestID] = &graphSyncResponse{
		requestID: requestID,
		status:    status,
		response:  response,

// FromPBReader can deserialize a protobuf message into a GraphySyncMessage.
func FromPBReader(pbr ggio.Reader,
	decodeSelector DecodeSelectorFunc,
	decodeSelectionResponse DecodeSelectionResponseFunc) (GraphSyncMessage, error) {
	pb := new(pb.Message)
	if err := pbr.ReadMsg(pb); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return newMessageFromProto(*pb, decodeSelector, decodeSelectionResponse)
233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240

func (gsm *graphSyncMessage) ToProto() *pb.Message {
	pbm := new(pb.Message)
	pbm.Reqlist = make([]pb.Message_Request, 0, len(gsm.requests))
	for _, request := range gsm.requests {
		pbm.Reqlist = append(pbm.Reqlist, pb.Message_Request{
			Id:       int32(,
			Root:     request.root.Bytes(),
242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274
			Selector: request.selector.RawData(),
			Priority: int32(request.priority),
			Cancel:   request.isCancel,

	pbm.Reslist = make([]pb.Message_Response, 0, len(gsm.responses))
	for _, response := range gsm.responses {
		pbm.Reslist = append(pbm.Reslist, pb.Message_Response{
			Id:     int32(response.requestID),
			Status: int32(response.status),
			Data:   response.response.RawData(),
	return pbm

func (gsm *graphSyncMessage) Loggable() map[string]interface{} {
	requests := make([]string, 0, len(gsm.requests))
	for _, request := range gsm.requests {
		requests = append(requests, fmt.Sprintf("%d",
	responses := make([]string, 0, len(gsm.responses))
	for _, response := range gsm.responses {
		responses = append(responses, fmt.Sprintf("%d", response.requestID))
	return map[string]interface{}{
		"requests":  requests,
		"responses": responses,

func (gsr *graphSyncRequest) ID() GraphSyncRequestID        { return }
func (gsr *graphSyncRequest) Root() cid.Cid                 { return gsr.root }
276 277 278 279 280 281 282
func (gsr *graphSyncRequest) Selector() gsselector.Selector { return gsr.selector }
func (gsr *graphSyncRequest) Priority() GraphSyncPriority   { return gsr.priority }
func (gsr *graphSyncRequest) IsCancel() bool                { return gsr.isCancel }

func (gsr *graphSyncResponse) RequestID() GraphSyncRequestID          { return gsr.requestID }
func (gsr *graphSyncResponse) Status() GraphSyncResponseStatusCode    { return gsr.status }
func (gsr *graphSyncResponse) Response() gsselector.SelectionResponse { return gsr.response }