Unverified Commit 785e0b3b authored by Steven Allen's avatar Steven Allen Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #120 from ipfs/release/0.5.0

docs(CHANGELOG): update for 0.5.0
parents 2008113f 9aa425e1
......@@ -2,6 +2,21 @@
# go-graphsync 0.4.3
Update libp2p to 0.12. This libp2p release includes a breaking change to the libp2p stream interfaces.
### Changelog
- github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync:
- feat: use go-libp2p-core 0.7.0 stream interfaces (#116) ([ipfs/go-graphsync#116](https://github.com/ipfs/go-graphsync/pull/116))
| Contributor | Commits | Lines ± | Files Changed |
| Steven Allen | 1 | +195/-24 | 3 |
# go-graphsync 0.4.3
Minor fixes and patches
### Changelog
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