Unverified Commit 9f9abf55 authored by dirkmc's avatar dirkmc Committed by GitHub

map response codes to names (#148)

Co-authored-by: default avatarraulk <raul@protocol.ai>
parent faa5c37c
......@@ -16,9 +16,6 @@ type RequestID int32
// Priority a priority for a GraphSync request.
type Priority int32
// ResponseStatusCode is a status returned for a GraphSync Request.
type ResponseStatusCode int32
// ExtensionName is a name for a GraphSync extension
type ExtensionName string
......@@ -45,53 +42,6 @@ const (
// ExtensionDeDupByKey tells the responding peer to only deduplicate block sending
// for requests that have the same key. The data for the extension is a string key
ExtensionDeDupByKey = ExtensionName("graphsync/dedup-by-key")
// GraphSync Response Status Codes
// Informational Response Codes (partial)
// RequestAcknowledged means the request was received and is being worked on.
RequestAcknowledged = ResponseStatusCode(10)
// AdditionalPeers means additional peers were found that may be able
// to satisfy the request and contained in the extra block of the response.
AdditionalPeers = ResponseStatusCode(11)
// NotEnoughGas means fulfilling this request requires payment.
NotEnoughGas = ResponseStatusCode(12)
// OtherProtocol means a different type of response than GraphSync is
// contained in extra.
OtherProtocol = ResponseStatusCode(13)
// PartialResponse may include blocks and metadata about the in progress response
// in extra.
PartialResponse = ResponseStatusCode(14)
// RequestPaused indicates a request is paused and will not send any more data
// until unpaused
RequestPaused = ResponseStatusCode(15)
// Success Response Codes (request terminated)
// RequestCompletedFull means the entire fulfillment of the GraphSync request
// was sent back.
RequestCompletedFull = ResponseStatusCode(20)
// RequestCompletedPartial means the response is completed, and part of the
// GraphSync request was sent back, but not the complete request.
RequestCompletedPartial = ResponseStatusCode(21)
// Error Response Codes (request terminated)
// RequestRejected means the node did not accept the incoming request.
RequestRejected = ResponseStatusCode(30)
// RequestFailedBusy means the node is too busy, try again later. Backoff may
// be contained in extra.
RequestFailedBusy = ResponseStatusCode(31)
// RequestFailedUnknown means the request failed for an unspecified reason. May
// contain data about why in extra.
RequestFailedUnknown = ResponseStatusCode(32)
// RequestFailedLegal means the request failed for legal reasons.
RequestFailedLegal = ResponseStatusCode(33)
// RequestFailedContentNotFound means the respondent does not have the content.
RequestFailedContentNotFound = ResponseStatusCode(34)
// RequestCancelled means the responder was processing the request but decided to top, for whatever reason
RequestCancelled = ResponseStatusCode(35)
// RequestContextCancelledErr is an error message received on the error channel when the request context given by the user is cancelled/times out
package graphsync
import "fmt"
// ResponseStatusCode is a status returned for a GraphSync Request.
type ResponseStatusCode int32
// GraphSync Response Status Codes
const (
// Informational Response Codes (partial)
// RequestAcknowledged means the request was received and is being worked on.
RequestAcknowledged = ResponseStatusCode(10)
// AdditionalPeers means additional peers were found that may be able
// to satisfy the request and contained in the extra block of the response.
AdditionalPeers = ResponseStatusCode(11)
// NotEnoughGas means fulfilling this request requires payment.
NotEnoughGas = ResponseStatusCode(12)
// OtherProtocol means a different type of response than GraphSync is
// contained in extra.
OtherProtocol = ResponseStatusCode(13)
// PartialResponse may include blocks and metadata about the in progress response
// in extra.
PartialResponse = ResponseStatusCode(14)
// RequestPaused indicates a request is paused and will not send any more data
// until unpaused
RequestPaused = ResponseStatusCode(15)
// Success Response Codes (request terminated)
// RequestCompletedFull means the entire fulfillment of the GraphSync request
// was sent back.
RequestCompletedFull = ResponseStatusCode(20)
// RequestCompletedPartial means the response is completed, and part of the
// GraphSync request was sent back, but not the complete request.
RequestCompletedPartial = ResponseStatusCode(21)
// Error Response Codes (request terminated)
// RequestRejected means the node did not accept the incoming request.
RequestRejected = ResponseStatusCode(30)
// RequestFailedBusy means the node is too busy, try again later. Backoff may
// be contained in extra.
RequestFailedBusy = ResponseStatusCode(31)
// RequestFailedUnknown means the request failed for an unspecified reason. May
// contain data about why in extra.
RequestFailedUnknown = ResponseStatusCode(32)
// RequestFailedLegal means the request failed for legal reasons.
RequestFailedLegal = ResponseStatusCode(33)
// RequestFailedContentNotFound means the respondent does not have the content.
RequestFailedContentNotFound = ResponseStatusCode(34)
// RequestCancelled means the responder was processing the request but decided to top, for whatever reason
RequestCancelled = ResponseStatusCode(35)
func (c ResponseStatusCode) String() string {
str, ok := ResponseCodeToName[c]
if ok {
return str
return fmt.Sprintf("UnknownResponseCode %d", c)
var ResponseCodeToName = map[ResponseStatusCode]string{
RequestAcknowledged: "RequestAcknowledged",
AdditionalPeers: "AdditionalPeers",
NotEnoughGas: "NotEnoughGas",
OtherProtocol: "OtherProtocol",
PartialResponse: "PartialResponse",
RequestPaused: "RequestPaused",
RequestCompletedFull: "RequestCompletedFull",
RequestCompletedPartial: "RequestCompletedPartial",
RequestRejected: "RequestRejected",
RequestFailedBusy: "RequestFailedBusy",
RequestFailedUnknown: "RequestFailedUnknown",
RequestFailedLegal: "RequestFailedLegal",
RequestFailedContentNotFound: "RequestFailedContentNotFound",
RequestCancelled: "RequestCancelled",
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