Commit 864b7f9d authored by Jakub Sztandera's avatar Jakub Sztandera Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #17 from ipfs/feat/codecov

Use Codecov instead of Coveralls
parents aee5ee53 4239cf6c
os: sudo: false
- linux
- osx
language: go
language: go
go: go:
- 1.7 - 'tip'
install: true install:
- go get
before_install: - go get
- make deps - gx install --global
script: script:
- go vet - gx test -v -race -coverprofile=coverage.txt -covermode=atomic .
- $GOPATH/bin/goveralls -service="travis-ci"
- bash <(curl -s
cache: cache:
directories: directories:
- $GOPATH/src/gx - $GOPATH/src/gx
notifications: notifications:
email: false email: false
range: "50...100"
comment: off
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