Commit 5d52f027 authored by Steven Allen's avatar Steven Allen

fix inconsistent EnumerateChildrenAsync behavior

This fixes the inconsistent EnumerateChildrenAsync behavior by renaming

1. EnumerateChildrenAsync has been renamed to WalkParallel because (a) it
visited the root so EnumerateChildren was incorrect and (b) it isn't async.
2. EnumerateChildren has been renamed to Walk and now _also_ visits the root for

Anyone needing to skip the root can do so manually (`if c.Equals(root)` ...).
parent e0c97528
......@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ func FetchGraphWithDepthLimit(ctx context.Context, root cid.Cid, depthLim int, s
v, _ := ctx.Value(progressContextKey).(*ProgressTracker)
if v == nil {
return EnumerateChildrenAsyncDepth(ctx, GetLinksDirect(ng), root, 0, visit)
return WalkParallelDepth(ctx, GetLinksDirect(ng), root, 0, visit)
visitProgress := func(c cid.Cid, depth int) bool {
......@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ func FetchGraphWithDepthLimit(ctx context.Context, root cid.Cid, depthLim int, s
return false
return EnumerateChildrenAsyncDepth(ctx, GetLinksDirect(ng), root, 0, visitProgress)
return WalkParallelDepth(ctx, GetLinksDirect(ng), root, 0, visitProgress)
// GetMany gets many nodes from the DAG at once.
......@@ -282,33 +282,31 @@ func GetLinksWithDAG(ng ipld.NodeGetter) GetLinks {
// EnumerateChildren will walk the dag below the given root node and add all
// unseen children to the passed in set.
// TODO: parallelize to avoid disk latency perf hits?
func EnumerateChildren(ctx context.Context, getLinks GetLinks, root cid.Cid, visit func(cid.Cid) bool) error {
// WalkGraph will walk the dag in order (depth first) starting at the given root.
func Walk(ctx context.Context, getLinks GetLinks, root cid.Cid, visit func(cid.Cid) bool) error {
visitDepth := func(c cid.Cid, depth int) bool {
return visit(c)
return EnumerateChildrenDepth(ctx, getLinks, root, 0, visitDepth)
return WalkDepth(ctx, getLinks, root, 0, visitDepth)
// EnumerateChildrenDepth walks the dag below the given root and passes the
// current depth to a given visit function. The visit function can be used to
// limit DAG exploration.
func EnumerateChildrenDepth(ctx context.Context, getLinks GetLinks, root cid.Cid, depth int, visit func(cid.Cid, int) bool) error {
// WalkDepth walks the dag starting at the given root and passes the current
// depth to a given visit function. The visit function can be used to limit DAG
// exploration.
func WalkDepth(ctx context.Context, getLinks GetLinks, root cid.Cid, depth int, visit func(cid.Cid, int) bool) error {
if !visit(root, depth) {
return nil
links, err := getLinks(ctx, root)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, lnk := range links {
c := lnk.Cid
if visit(c, depth+1) {
err = EnumerateChildrenDepth(ctx, getLinks, c, depth+1, visit)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := WalkDepth(ctx, getLinks, lnk.Cid, depth+1, visit); err != nil {
return err
return nil
......@@ -344,23 +342,23 @@ func (p *ProgressTracker) Value() int {
// 'fetchNodes' will start at a time
var FetchGraphConcurrency = 32
// EnumerateChildrenAsync is equivalent to EnumerateChildren *except* that it
// fetches children in parallel.
// WalkParallel is equivalent to Walk *except* that it explores multiple paths
// in parallel.
// NOTE: It *does not* make multiple concurrent calls to the passed `visit` function.
func EnumerateChildrenAsync(ctx context.Context, getLinks GetLinks, c cid.Cid, visit func(cid.Cid) bool) error {
func WalkParallel(ctx context.Context, getLinks GetLinks, c cid.Cid, visit func(cid.Cid) bool) error {
visitDepth := func(c cid.Cid, depth int) bool {
return visit(c)
return EnumerateChildrenAsyncDepth(ctx, getLinks, c, 0, visitDepth)
return WalkParallelDepth(ctx, getLinks, c, 0, visitDepth)
// EnumerateChildrenAsyncDepth is equivalent to EnumerateChildrenDepth *except*
// that it fetches children in parallel (down to a maximum depth in the graph).
// WalkParallelDepth is equivalent to WalkDepth *except* that it fetches
// children in parallel.
// NOTE: It *does not* make multiple concurrent calls to the passed `visit` function.
func EnumerateChildrenAsyncDepth(ctx context.Context, getLinks GetLinks, c cid.Cid, startDepth int, visit func(cid.Cid, int) bool) error {
func WalkParallelDepth(ctx context.Context, getLinks GetLinks, c cid.Cid, startDepth int, visit func(cid.Cid, int) bool) error {
type cidDepth struct {
cid cid.Cid
depth int
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ import (
// makeDepthTestingGraph makes a small DAG with two levels. The level-two
// nodes are both children of the root and of one of the level 1 nodes.
// This is meant to test the EnumerateChildren*Depth functions.
// This is meant to test the Walk*Depth functions.
func makeDepthTestingGraph(t *testing.T, ds ipld.DAGService) ipld.Node {
root := NodeWithData(nil)
l11 := NodeWithData([]byte("leve1_node1"))
......@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ func TestFetchGraph(t *testing.T) {
offlineDS := NewDAGService(bs)
err = EnumerateChildren(context.Background(), offlineDS.GetLinks, root.Cid(), func(_ cid.Cid) bool { return true })
err = Walk(context.Background(), offlineDS.GetLinks, root.Cid(), func(_ cid.Cid) bool { return true })
if err != nil {
......@@ -347,11 +347,11 @@ func TestFetchGraphWithDepthLimit(t *testing.T) {
tests := []testcase{
testcase{1, 3},
testcase{0, 0},
testcase{-1, 5},
testcase{2, 5},
testcase{3, 5},
testcase{1, 4},
testcase{0, 1},
testcase{-1, 6},
testcase{2, 6},
testcase{3, 6},
testF := func(t *testing.T, tc testcase) {
......@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ func TestFetchGraphWithDepthLimit(t *testing.T) {
err = EnumerateChildrenDepth(context.Background(), offlineDS.GetLinks, root.Cid(), 0, visitF)
err = WalkDepth(context.Background(), offlineDS.GetLinks, root.Cid(), 0, visitF)
if err != nil {
......@@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ func TestFetchGraphWithDepthLimit(t *testing.T) {
func TestEnumerateChildren(t *testing.T) {
func TestWalk(t *testing.T) {
bsi := bstest.Mocks(1)
ds := NewDAGService(bsi[0])
......@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ func TestEnumerateChildren(t *testing.T) {
set := cid.NewSet()
err := EnumerateChildren(context.Background(), ds.GetLinks, root.Cid(), set.Visit)
err := Walk(context.Background(), ds.GetLinks, root.Cid(), set.Visit)
if err != nil {
......@@ -736,7 +736,7 @@ func TestEnumerateAsyncFailsNotFound(t *testing.T) {
cset := cid.NewSet()
err = EnumerateChildrenAsync(ctx, GetLinksDirect(ds), parent.Cid(), cset.Visit)
err = WalkParallel(ctx, GetLinksDirect(ds), parent.Cid(), cset.Visit)
if err == nil {
t.Fatal("this should have failed")
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